05-18-2010, 06:52 PM
War is the answer!
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
Originally Posted by gullzway
I actually got into a Debate with the Sprint Rep over this data pricing.
Her: "I can go ahead and get that Touch Pro2 upgrade started with the new data plan"
Me:"Woh,woh,woh why would I want to pay $15 more for the same thing I have now? "
Her: "Well the Touch Pro 2 requires the new Pro $30 data plan."
Me:"Since When?"
Her:" I'm not sure."
Me: "No Thanks."
Her: "Actually you'd be better off on the New 450 Everything Plan, After your 22% discount it would be $55/month.
Me:"Again, I'm paying $43/month how would I be better off paying $12 more/month?"
Her: "I see, you do have a pretty good plan, I guess there is nothing I can do for you."
Me:"I guess not!"
Hangs up with a look of Disbelief!
I hate Sprint conversations like that. Describes it perfectly.