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  #751 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2008, 07:08 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Originally Posted by cocochannel View Post
this link is not working
Here, I uploaded to fileden.com so you don't have to register at madaco to get it http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/3/...7/VistaRUU.zip You shouldn't need this though for using the kitchen. I don't use it anymore. And yes Rob's website has a few premade WM6.1 but they're only for Apache with bootloader v1.02 and below because of RUU.
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  #752 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2008, 08:23 PM
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Smile Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

If I install the Verizon version on a sprint phone does it switch the carriers? From sprint to verizon then? SO i could use the phone on verizon network?
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  #753 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2008, 10:05 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Originally Posted by 07cosld View Post
If I install the Verizon version on a sprint phone does it switch the carriers? From sprint to verizon then? SO i could use the phone on verizon network?

Unfortunatly no. The ESN and other PRL and stuff has to be changed. There's been a lot of talk about this such as here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20090 some people have been able to do it.
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  #754 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2008, 10:23 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
for error 150, you will need to follow the bootloader reversion process (you can revert to whatever versoin you want). You might try flashing stock Bell Mobility or Verizon AKU 3.3 if you want to stay 1.04/2.04/2.05 for some reason.
I am already at 1.04 for the bootloader from the AKU 3.3 update from Verizon, and I am getting the 150 error. Any other ideas?

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  #755 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2008, 11:56 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Originally Posted by TMB_XV6700 View Post
With your bootloader, you need to use the "x.04+" RUU option in the kitchen - select it in one of the boxes at the top of the Build_OS window.
The version of Rob's rom that you are using does not include the proper new-bootloader RUU for your phone - in fact, I don't think there is one. If you really wanted this rom you would just have to flash it using the correct RUU folder in the kitchen.
A bit of clarification (for BuildOS version "0.90 Beta" as of tonight's update): the "RUU" option on the top menu bar is NOT where that is set - instead it is what is labeled as "Rev" (between greyed-out "Device: Apache", and "OS: WM6.1"). Even more confusingly, when the mouse hovers over it, it shows "OS type".

It's no wonder I was so frustrated with this on my older, but nicer XV6700 just acquired on eBay, that upgraded just fine to Verizon's AKU 3.3, but sat there like a lump with the Helmi_c/BuildOS flashing attempt, while my beat-up, 6700 updated just fine, but no audio (jack broke off mobo) makes it useless as a phone. The difference was in the "Bootloader" version - the nice phone has v1.04, and the beat-up one has v2.02, and apparently BuildOS's default works with 2.02, and not 1.04 - I had no clue how to deal with that until I read your post, and took a chance that the v1.04 "Rev/OS type" really meant the BootLoader version - YESSSSS!!!!!


Last edited by rokky; 08-19-2008 at 12:11 AM.
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  #756 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2008, 12:20 AM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Chill out. I'll help you as I've helped a few people with that bootloader out. First off if you're using Vista with v1.04 or v2.05 you need to select your REV version in the WM6.1 kitchen like always. And disable USB connections in Windows Mobile Device Center. I just flashed another v1.04 today. I selected REV v1.04 and disable my USB in WMDC. It works great and I did a v2.05 the same way. I didn't have to disable USB connections when using v1.00, which ggruusa claims doesn't work with Vista. If you're using v1.04 or higher with WM6 Kitchen then you need X.04+ RUU
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  #757 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2008, 08:44 AM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Originally Posted by rokky View Post
A bit of clarification (for BuildOS version "0.90 Beta" as of tonight's update): the "RUU" option on the top menu bar is NOT where that is set - instead it is what is labeled as "Rev" (between greyed-out "Device: Apache", and "OS: WM6.1"). Even more confusingly, when the mouse hovers over it, it shows "OS type".

It's no wonder I was so frustrated with this on my older, but nicer XV6700 just acquired on eBay, that upgraded just fine to Verizon's AKU 3.3, but sat there like a lump with the Helmi_c/BuildOS flashing attempt, while my beat-up, 6700 updated just fine, but no audio (jack broke off mobo) makes it useless as a phone. The difference was in the "Bootloader" version - the nice phone has v1.04, and the beat-up one has v2.02, and apparently BuildOS's default works with 2.02, and not 1.04 - I had no clue how to deal with that until I read your post, and took a chance that the v1.04 "Rev/OS type" really meant the BootLoader version - YESSSSS!!!!!

...and if you'd read the tips file that should have shown during install and is available from the Help menu, you'd have known REV=Bootloader version.

I'll fix the tooltip - never noticed that error. Thanks.
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  #758 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2008, 06:02 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
...and if you'd read the tips file that should have shown during install and is available from the Help menu, you'd have known REV=Bootloader version.

I'll fix the tooltip - never noticed that error. Thanks.
Ah, NOW I see that "Tips" section of the help - I figured the rather narrowly focused separate doc for RUU was the extent of the documentation, so did not think to look elsewhere. I suppose you are referring to item #3 in the Known Issues:

"3. As stated above, if have an Apache 2.04/2.05 bootloader (put the phone in bootloader mode and the version number appears at the bottom of the screen) then you may experience problems attempting to put anything except very lightweight ROMs on your phone using this kitchen. There are instructions in the Apache forum at PPCGeeks.com (and help in the chatroom if you need it) to get your phone back to 2.02 bootloader. If you are running a 1.0x bootloader then you should be able to use this kitchen fine."

I doubt I would have connected that with "Rev/OS type" (correcting that should be quite helpful - thanks), and so would not have even known to ask about it. I just got lucky with the mental light flashing on when seeing "v1.04" like what is on my BL screen (for a while there, I thought my 6700 would not get back into BootLoader mode - takes a lot of "finesse" with 2 buttons, and the stylus to make it happen, but I think I have that down pat now .

Sorry, but this stuff is so new to me, and there is SO much piecemeal and jargon-filled info coming at me, that I just cannot always absorb or recognize what is pertinent. I just hope that by "pointing out the obvious" (obvious to you old pro's that it might help some other dazed newbies like me.

Maybe I could contribute the basis of a "Glossary for Newbies" to pull together some of this info I have been having so much "fun" assembling into a frame of reference that I need in order to make sense of technology like this (been doing that for 35 years as a programmer/admin - just the way I operate).

I had no concept beforehand of the significance of the bootloader version for the BuildOS process (which, BTW, is a very impressive piece of compiler design/execution). It worked just fine with my 2.02 "trial" unit with no change in that respect, so I did not notice anything about it that would pertain to my 1.04 unit.

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  #759 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2008, 09:39 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

This Worked Great Thankyou!!!

Last edited by Jeepmudr1651; 08-24-2008 at 10:53 PM.
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  #760 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2008, 08:45 PM
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Re: Apache WM6 Clean, No Junk Version

Can someone post the link of the latest version from Rob? Thanks
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