it too was sick of the dialer so on a whim i installed Jimmy98 and viola! it works just fine also PocketCM 1.13 works awesome as well finger flickin contacts and dialin up a storm also Pocket CM has an ok threaded sms portion seems to work pretty good
PIN Entry at startup
Did anyone figure out how to fix the PIN/password entry during the phone startup? After entering my pin and pressing unlock nothing happens...
DEATHWORM..I was having the exact same problem of text notification. For me it was a BUG in which my phone was sending multiple messages of the same text to the person. I had to call SPRINT and have them flag my account cause the 1st month it happened i had a overage of $40.. I reflashed my device to the AKU 3.5 and it has only happened a couple times. Ask the person your sending the message to if their receiving duplicates from you?
Good luck. |
Yes. ![]()
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. |
Where can I get PocketCM 1.3? I see other versions out there but not 1.3...
Thanks Johnny SeaRay
SeaRay Man
Laconia, New Hampshire Verizon xv6800 - Radio: 3.39.10 No2Chem 5067 - Page Pool 8.85 Major Programs: PocketInformant Beta 8+, eWallet Beta, Pocket Quicken 2.5, Spb Mobile Shell 2.1.0/3363, WkTASK |
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