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  #631 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:36 PM
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VC 1.6 is working fine for me after installing it on my Sprint PPC-6700 with Helmi's WM6 ROM.
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  #632 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:38 PM
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MSVC is NOT included in this ROM.
If you have a copy of it, it works perfectly in all respects once installed.

I think that what the person was saying was that modifying an existing ROM that is normally not charged for by anyone is less likely to cause trouble than distributing it with a program that does cost money and requires a license to purchase/sell (such as VoiceCommand). Some versions of WM6 might come with MSVC; this is not one of them. What everyone who is using MSVC on WM6 is saying is that it integrates perfectly. A few people seem to have had some issues, but just about everyone has resolved them by performing a hard reset after flashing or reflashing the ROM and interrupting the provider customizations.

It's working great for me.
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  #633 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:48 PM
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So I won't even have to apply that pesky "button 5" reg edit? Nice. I spent many hours yelling at my VC on WM5 until I found that little bugger.

For me VC is a life saver simply because I spend so much time in the car for work. Also the adobe reader "should" allow me to submit work documents without stopping and popping open the laptop.

As for updating to WM6... I just acquired this phone a few weeks ago, so I'm not totally ed with the PPC version of WM5, but I must say the temptation to go ahead and flash to 6 is growing by the minute. A few more of those "Everything works great/fast/flawlessly" posts and I'll be convinced!
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  #634 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:51 PM
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Ooops. I did have to apply the button 5 reg edit. But it looks like some people didn't. Don't know why there is variation, but there is.
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  #635 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 07:11 PM
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Would all of the registry hacks that worked in WM5 still work in wm6 ? I wanted to increase the Glyphcache, sound levels, etc etc. So far the device is really stable. No need to reboot at all. I've installed all my programs and so far so good. All except for MS voice command 1.6 it just won't announce the caller but otherwise is great. I cannot believe it works this well on a first release !
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  #636 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by vaguelyamused View Post
This update works tremendously well on my Sprint Phone. I am experiencing the text messaging issue where the sender's name doesn't come up and I get their phone number at the end of the message. Interestingly it only happens on messages from other phones. If I send myself a message from the Sprint PCS website or AOL IM then then sender populates normally.

Someone mentioned erasing the extened ROM would correct this. I did have a couple questions to that end.

1) What's the best way to accomplish this?
2) Is there a specific file to delete or the whole thing?
3) Does the Sprint version of the WM6 ROM have everything I need to get my phone up on Sprint (are there any Sprint files I need to replace in the Extended ROM in order for my phone to attach to the network normally)

Did you soft reset the phone after first installing the rom? If you let the "customizations will
install in 3 seconds" thing run, that will end up giving you these problems. You need to soft reset before the customizations run.
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  #637 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 07:22 PM
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Just a couple notes. Using Alltel, for the record, so there's something to compare the other carriers to.

Text messages display properly for me, with no problem replying.

A soft reset DOES erase my stored text messages (no big deal, I usually delete them daily anyway).

As I mentioned in the bug thread, no problem connecting to a WEP-encrypted WiFi network (no way for me to try WPA-PSK).
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  #638 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 07:26 PM
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Oh, one more thing. I see references to MSVC 1.6 above. Just to clarify, are ANY MSVC components included in this ROM? I'm a little unclear if

(1) there are none whatsoever, and a full MSVC install is needed, or
(2) it's a similar situation to the 1.0.x kitchen, where I would just need to copy the *.exe to \Windows.

I do have a licensed copy of MSVC 1.6, but was curious if I need to go through the full install or just copy the exe.

Sorry if this has been answered already, but I couldn't find it.
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  #639 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by darufryda5 View Post
i love the new update..i just have one issue..

when i send a text message i get a notification telling me that the text was sent...which is fine..i like that notification..

but about a second or two later i get a text message..telling me that my text message was sent...is there anyway to disable this text message being sent??? it never happened before using wm5.

Go into text message, click om MENU, then MMS Configuration, then UNCHECK "Allow delivery report"

Enjoy, it was annoying the crap out of me too !!!
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  #640 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
Would all of the registry hacks that worked in WM5 still work in wm6 ? !
Install works great here too. I also would like to know if the registry hacks and tweaks of WM5 work. There are several volume & BT volume tweaks that are very helpful.

I did find that the "VIBRATEPHONEKEYS.cab" is not compatible. It was a handy one-hand operation progam.

Is there any way to modify or expand "Launcher" items?
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