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  #201 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 04:10 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by jessiethe3rd View Post
Arguing over *SLIGHTLY* better graphics is rather stupid if you ask me. These phones all have very close graphics. The ecosystem or the ability to create a difference in how one plays games is the key differator. No question that something like the PS3 has better graphics then all other game systems. That inevitably doesn't change the fact that the playing experience on the Wii and the online experience on the Xbox check the PS3 by far. Even with PS apps beginning to appear the whole concept behind gamer points really has people playing games for fun and bragging rights... hence why you see Google and Apple both trying to create a compelling gaming ecosystem to compete.
um..what?!??! its not "slightly" better..its HUGE difference...

The 2nd gen snapdragon is 2x more powerful GPU
The Hummingbird is paired with a 3-4x more powerful GPU

The 1st generation snapdragon is just outdated hardware..it was made in 2008...not to mention Qualcomm had issues when making it so I wouldn't bee surprised if its 4 years old...

Also be advised that minimum specs are minimum specs not specs written in stone. New phones will probably be released at CES 2011 and I'd expect a minimum spec update for WP7 in the near future.
See there is a problem with that..M$ has been claiming how Android is "fragmented" and made a point that WP7 is not going to be...so now they are in a bind not to update the "minimum" for at least 1 year..maybe even 2 years...they completely messed themselves up..I mean they set a 1ghz minimum...but no minimum on GPU...this is what ultimately is going to hold WP7 back in gaming...
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  #202 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 12:44 AM
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U see, the issue with everyone in here is the fanboism in all of us. Theres always a "my hammer is bigger than my ur hammer" or "my bran can process more bran power than ur bran". Its human nature to compete. But to say epic is slightly better than Evo, is delusional. The facts are what they are. Epic is a more powerfull than Evo and not by slight margins, but rather 3 to 4 times powerfull. I had a Evo, so I know first hand.

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  #203 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 03:29 AM
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Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The GPU inside the iphone is better then the GPU inside WP7 phones, the GPU inside The latest offerings from Android are also better then WP7...your saying is better then Android and on par with an iphone?

fine i'll give you 2 games and I want you to tell me which games have better graphics that are on WP7..

Android - Dungeon Defenders

iPhone - Infinity Blade

gpu speed isn't everything. Wp7 is hardware accelerated for this you which is something that Android leaves for the hardware manufacturers to figure out. I guess you haven't played the harvest.

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  #204 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 03:34 AM
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Just looked at dungeon defenders. That is the first Android game that doesn't look like a ps1 game. That only took what, 2 years to finally release a real game?

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  #205 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 03:38 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
gpu speed isn't everything. Wp7 is hardware accelerated for this you which is something that Android leaves for the hardware manufacturers to figure out. I guess you haven't played the harvest.

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Um..there are standard APIs..its not an issue...that said I'm not arguing GPU speed isn't everything..but 1st gen snapdragon is just not enough...mostly for a platform they plan to associate with the xbox...

I am looking at harvest now..that seems more on par with Dungeon Hunter at best...its no where close to the Unreal Engine 3 games...
  #206 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 03:44 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
Just looked at dungeon defenders. That is the first Android game that doesn't look like a ps1 game. That only took what, 2 years to finally release a real game?

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The big win here is the Unreal Engine 3...which was announced in September...with it to the mix we will get more games like Infinity Blade and Dungeon Defenders...and since both iphone and Android have this engine it will mean many games will be shared on both platforms...

And you say 2 years..but it took 2 years to get to hardware that can actually play that..cause EVO can't play that game well...which is using the same snapdragon chip as in wp7 phones..what a coincidence?

Last edited by gTen; 01-03-2011 at 03:51 AM.
  #207 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 03:52 AM
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Originally Posted by sp4rtan5 View Post
U see, the issue with everyone in here is the fanboism in all of us. Theres always a "my hammer is bigger than my ur hammer" or "my bran can process more bran power than ur bran". Its human nature to compete. But to say epic is slightly better than Evo, is delusional. The facts are what they are. Epic is a more powerfull than Evo and not by slight margins, but rather 3 to 4 times powerfull. I had a Evo, so I know first hand.

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wow!!! That might be the first realistic thing I've ever seen you post!!!

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  #208 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The big win here is the Unreal Engine 3...which was announced in September...with it to the mix we will get more games like Infinity Blade and Dungeon Defenders...and since both iphone and Android have this engine it will mean many games will be shared on both platforms...

And you say 2 years..but it took 2 years to get to hardware that can actually play that..cause EVO can't play that game well...which is using the same snapdragon chip as in wp7 phones..what a coincidence?

yet, a wp7 device could probably handle it no problem. One of the big issues with winmo, is that it was not originally a mobile OS. Its a resource hog, while wp7 is not. Android isn't has bad, but uses more resources than wp7.
Curious how many Android devices can actually handle these new games. Half of them can't handle angry birds...

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  #209 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 04:03 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
yet, a wp7 device could probably handle it no problem. One of the big issues with winmo, is that it was not originally a mobile OS. Its a resource hog, while wp7 is not. Android isn't has bad, but uses more resources than wp7.
Curious how many Android devices can actually handle these new games. Half of them can't handle angry birds...

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First of all..wp7 is based on the CE kernel just like winmo..except a newer version...which one takes up more resources WP7 or Android? id guess WP7..simply because Android can run on lower hardware..while WP7 can probably run on lower hardware as well so I dont think we can judge one way or the other...

Now as for Angry birds..the problem is most that cant run it are using crappy phones..and by crappy phones I mean Touch Pro level phones running Android...not to mention some have low resolution screens which causes it to resize thus waisting more processing on those weak phones..

Personally I don't care much for the low tiered phones..

And I put EVO in the low tiered as well.. mostly for gaming...

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By the way M$ wont let Epic Games have NAtive access..so no Unreal Engine games...though if I were to guess M$ knows these games wont work as the crappy snapdragons cant handle it..
  #210 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 06:02 AM
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Of course that must be it. Ms won't let unreal engine develop games because of the processor, now you really are being a fanboi. Funny how you think only the galaxy s phones are "high end" even though the mt4g and g2 dont have lag I found on the vibrant. What about the nexus s or the new droid with 1.2ghz processor?
Not only are you an Android fanboi, but a galaxy s fanboi as well...

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