Originally Posted by nrfitchett4
wow!!! That might be the first realistic thing I've ever seen you post!!!
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
What are u getting to say? My teachings are very well articulated. Its swype that ruins my typos. And the grammer nazis rounding up my typos. Btw.... Sgs hardware is far superior, hands down. Snap dragon 1st gen is just a ms72xx cpu clocked to 1 ghz but with a very low polygon count gpu. Only reason it out performs the ms72xx is cuz they finally got the 3d drivers for its gpu. And it still sox0rs. Try recording a hd video with the Evo, that thing skips real bad from it auto adjusting its contrast. Run any 3d visual benchmark and compare it to a sgs phone. You'll see how low fps it puts out. Htc is known to recycle their old left over hardware and push it as a super great new gen phone. Also, not to mention the hardware problems like real bad light leak around the lcd and terrible uneven kb back lighting that is brighter on some keys and low on others. Thats terrible designs that they push our to the market. And htc never fixes it on the new devices because they know YOU will but it.if everyone stupid buying their phones, thet might actually spend money on better hardware. But you guys still go our and buy them. So here you are again with another bad quality phone.
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