Originally Posted by nrfitchett4
yet, a wp7 device could probably handle it no problem. One of the big issues with winmo, is that it was not originally a mobile OS. Its a resource hog, while wp7 is not. Android isn't has bad, but uses more resources than wp7.
Curious how many Android devices can actually handle these new games. Half of them can't handle angry birds...
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
First of all..wp7 is based on the CE kernel just like winmo..except a newer version...which one takes up more resources WP7 or Android? id guess WP7..simply because Android can run on lower hardware..while WP7 can probably run on lower hardware as well so I dont think we can judge one way or the other...
Now as for Angry birds..the problem is most that cant run it are using crappy phones..and by crappy phones I mean Touch Pro level phones running Android...not to mention some have low resolution screens which causes it to resize thus waisting more processing on those weak phones..
Personally I don't care much for the low tiered phones..
And I put EVO in the low tiered as well.. mostly for gaming...
Mid range Phones
mytouch 4g
Droid X
Droid 2
High end phones
Galaxy S
Bleeding Edge phones of the future
LG Star
By the way M$ wont let Epic Games have NAtive access..so no Unreal Engine games...though if I were to guess M$ knows these games wont work as the crappy snapdragons cant handle it..