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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 05:32 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by sp4rtan5 View Post
What's wrong with you all? The galaxy s lineup is the fastest and most popular phone in history. Its hummingbird gpu is amazing. Android 2.1 and 2.2 run incredibly smoott and fast. Its super omaled screen is incredible! So stunning that ever person that I showed it to, amazingly give me a surprised and shocked look. They fall head over heels for it. And out the box, it works 100%. Noir, u said out the box it dont work. I suggest to pull your cranium out ur arse. I cant go back to regular lcd screens, they look very badly washed out. W7 is no exeption. Its a htc phone, so expect lcd fail-o-rama. Btw, no copy /paste. Might as well get a iphone4. At least with that you have a gpu that comes close to the epics humming bird.

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Originally Posted by gTen View Post
On Android we have Voodoo color fix for those that find colors an issue...we also have mods to lower minimum brightness as 0% is like 30% on lcd to save battery..

That said I personally think M$ messed up making the 1st gen snapdragon the minimum..they should have went 2nd gen...this is really going to cause issues for gamers as games have to comply to "minimum" specs..thus games would never be gimped in the long run until M$ raises minimum specs...
and what fancy games do you have to play on your fancy screen with your fancy processor???
Android is way behind on gaming, which is sad considering the 2 year head start...

  #192 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 06:16 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
and what fancy games do you have to play on your fancy screen with your fancy processor???
Android is way behind on gaming, which is sad considering the 2 year head start...
Yes overall they are..mostly because they haven't exactly focused on it..that said the Unreal Engine 3 has been ported to Android in these last few months...and with the Playstation phone coming out next year I would expect much more games for 2011...

That said the Dungeon Defender game which isn't even that graphic intensive..(in comparison to say Infinity Blade) is pretty much almost unplayable...The 1st snapdragon GPU is pretty pathetic...I mean even the iphone 3gs outperforms it (which is also a little sad on Apple's part as they used same GPU on 3gs and 4)..

See M$ promised xbox integration as one of the major feature..but by making the 1st gen snapdragon the minimum they are limiting gaming by A LOT...and since all games will have to comply with the "minimum" standard even if better specced phones are released they will be "limited" by that minimum..so M$ will either have to dump the phones released now within less then 6 month or be completely overwhelmed by the competition..cause in a month or 2 phones like the G2 are about to be considered "medium tiered phone" and phones like the EVO would fall under "low tiered" or "bottom medium tiered"..this is not a good start for WP7...this is why so many people were disappointed when the phone specs were announced..everyone thought M$ would dish out dual cores ahead of the rest and try to set a standard for better hardware...instead they released phones behind the curve...quite sad :/
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 07:17 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Yes overall they are..mostly because they haven't exactly focused on it..that said the Unreal Engine 3 has been ported to Android in these last few months...and with the Playstation phone coming out next year I would expect much more games for 2011...

That said the Dungeon Defender game which isn't even that graphic intensive..(in comparison to say Infinity Blade) is pretty much almost unplayable...The 1st snapdragon GPU is pretty pathetic...I mean even the iphone 3gs outperforms it (which is also a little sad on Apple's part as they used same GPU on 3gs and 4)..

See M$ promised xbox integration as one of the major feature..but by making the 1st gen snapdragon the minimum they are limiting gaming by A LOT...and since all games will have to comply with the "minimum" standard even if better specced phones are released they will be "limited" by that minimum..so M$ will either have to dump the phones released now within less then 6 month or be completely overwhelmed by the competition..cause in a month or 2 phones like the G2 are about to be considered "medium tiered phone" and phones like the EVO would fall under "low tiered" or "bottom medium tiered"..this is not a good start for WP7...this is why so many people were disappointed when the phone specs were announced..everyone thought M$ would dish out dual cores ahead of the rest and try to set a standard for better hardware...instead they released phones behind the curve...quite sad :/
And what games am I lacking that the snapdragon with hardware accelerated gpu am I lacking? Graphics right now are better than winmo and android and on par with the iphone.
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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 08:59 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
Eh Tu, worldwide, eh Tu? (You too in French, I think )
Lol, yeh my bro got one and I was impressed enough that I hit up wirefly and picked one up for $150. I'm looking forward to exploring Android since I know little about it. I knocked it until I tried it, but I have high hopes for WP7 also, and right now Sprint 's not offering anything that's tantalizing from MS.
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 10:29 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

I'm messing with ya, congrats bro but watch out, you and ex are now related by phone !
  #196 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 10:36 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
I'm messing with ya, congrats bro but watch out, you and ex are now related by phone !
Yeah, G-ten reminded me...
  #197 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by WorldWide View Post
My Epic is on the way. I feel I have to give another OS a shot just to get out the WM box. WP7 is definitely in my future after it matures a little. I love Sprint Premier. This time next year it should be a nice WP7 device waiting for me.
What has the world come too? Lol. Worldwife, u are finally using your brans! Good job.

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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 11:46 AM
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Originally Posted by WorldWide View Post
Lol, yeh my bro got one and I was impressed enough that I hit up wirefly and picked one up for $150. I'm looking forward to exploring Android since I know little about it. I knocked it until I tried it, but I have high hopes for WP7 also, and right now Sprint 's not offering anything that's tantalizing from MS.
You gonna be very happy. Epic is what I was hoping for for many years of owning only htc phones woth false hours of maybe one day htc gonna give us the 3d drivers. Worlwife, u gonna have a ppc that actually is faster than the iphone4. The power is mind blowing. Everything is fast! And hd video recording its smooth. No hiccups on the hd recording unlike the evo 2 year old snapdragon (snapsnail). And the screen..... Omg. Gtfo! Awesome! At night its beautiful, since blacks are pitch black due to its omaled screen. Ull be happy. Trust me llama.

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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 03:19 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
And what games am I lacking that the snapdragon with hardware accelerated gpu am I lacking? Graphics right now are better than winmo and android and on par with the iphone.
The GPU inside the iphone is better then the GPU inside WP7 phones, the GPU inside The latest offerings from Android are also better then WP7...your saying is better then Android and on par with an iphone?

fine i'll give you 2 games and I want you to tell me which games have better graphics that are on WP7..

Android - Dungeon Defenders
iPhone - Infinity Blade
  #200 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2011, 03:37 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Arguing over *SLIGHTLY* better graphics is rather stupid if you ask me. These phones all have very close graphics. The ecosystem or the ability to create a difference in how one plays games is the key differator. No question that something like the PS3 has better graphics then all other game systems. That inevitably doesn't change the fact that the playing experience on the Wii and the online experience on the Xbox check the PS3 by far. Even with PS apps beginning to appear the whole concept behind gamer points really has people playing games for fun and bragging rights... hence why you see Google and Apple both trying to create a compelling gaming ecosystem to compete.

Also be advised that minimum specs are minimum specs not specs written in stone. New phones will probably be released at CES 2011 and I'd expect a minimum spec update for WP7 in the near future.
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