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Old 07-07-2010, 11:12 AM
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Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

I came across this article and found it interesting. There are some valid points but maybe the author has failed to realize that there are some loyal Windows Phone users.

Yes, I have transitioned to Android and personally, I'm glad I did. But what are your thoughts on this article and the fate of Windows Phone 7???

No, this thread is not meant to be a pi$$ing match for which platform is better!

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Old 07-07-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by fusion View Post
I came across this article and found it interesting. There are some valid points but maybe the author has failed to realize that there are some loyal Windows Phone users.
A interesting read. Maybe it's true, Microsoft is a little too late, as MS will show a new phone platform, Apple and google/android has had time to build their base. It will take a long time for MS to build up their WP7 only app library, when both the others already have a HUGE head start.

It's a known fact, some of Microsoft's loyal phone users are slowly moving to other phone platforms because WM has been OK for the last few years, not awsome by any means (6.5 is a step in the right direction but, in no way awsome compared to other platforms).

Now that WP7 is abanding all past users (no app compat with WP7) and totaly changing the platform, it is a big risk. They might get it all, or lose even their most loyal. It's something to be seen.

I've been with Microsoft from PocketPC 1.0 and every version inbetween. I am also a known MS fanboy. WP7 is their last shot with me, if it is not WOW, I will be moving platforms myself.

Maybe they are a little too late.....
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Old 07-07-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

This is Microsoft we are talking about. They have are doing what they need to do at this point in time.
We are a dying breed... I mean those of us who have been with MS since Win CE and gone through thick and thin with them. Most of us are still with them. I now have 4 fanboys of my own. One 20 one 16 and two Little guys. They are the target audience for MS. Microsoft already has me. I'm not changing platforms. And if you did... No big loss. MS is putting out a product that can be used the way people want to use their phones.... You don't think they've studied the market and done their research?
Yeah... It's an uphill battle... But Microsoft is entering with some big guns and they're coming out swinging.
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Old 07-07-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

i think its to early to call it doomed but i will say the odds are HEAVILY stacked against them. with the marketing juggernaught that is apple and with android getting 160k activations a month, microsoft will have to bring their a game. they will have a customer in me, i will get a wp7 at launch to see what its like but they truly have an uphill battle but its way too early imo to say their doomed before its evn released.
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Old 07-07-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by AZTECA View Post
You don't think they've studied the market and done their research?
hopefully its not the same reasearch team that worked on the kin phones lol
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Old 07-07-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Yeah, I wasn't really calling it doomed myself but more or less just relaying what the article itself asks. I definitely agree they have a HUGE uphill battle ahead of them. I have been a Windows Phone user for years now but I also have experience with linux and I truly can see open source having endless possibilities moving forward. I was always "satisfied" with my WP, especially the TP2. But with my Evo, I am extremely impressed. I guess only time will truly tell what happens to MS in the mobile phone market, starting with the release of WP7.
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Old 07-07-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
hopefully its not the same reasearch team that worked on the kin phones lol
Don't worry the people that worked on the kin will not work on the initial WP7 release..only the people that helped Kin fail worked on it lol (Read the article on engadget)

But yes, I see this is not going to be well for M$, they are taking a long time to do the release and when they finally come out with one in fall/christmas they will most likely be facing against the CDMA iphone.

I personally think that M$ made it worse for themselves by breaking the tie with verizon who is going to push an LTE phone by end of this year as they promise...even if a 4g phone comes out with WP7, unless they can convince sprint to let legacy plans use it or drop the $10 fee or etc...because as trens show..sprint sucks at marketing devices through...and since it looks like sprint will be doing the release phone they better be ready to put in some serious money...

And lastly..if M$ does not put in youtube and puts their LIVE video only like on the kin it will be a /facepalm

And for their sakes they really need to stop calling it Windows Phone....Windows = PC if you ask any person..well almsot any to most others Windows = a hole in the wall that you can look out and see outside sometimes made of glass (crazy I know)
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Old 07-07-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

I still think they should have branded it the X-Phone with its ties to X-Box Live instead of Windows, with which it has nothing in common with.
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
And for their sakes they really need to stop calling it Windows Phone....Windows = PC if you ask any person..well almsot any to most others Windows = a hole in the wall that you can look out and see outside sometimes made of glass (crazy I know)
Windows != PC... Windows = Microsoft = reputation.

Ppl said the same thing when MS launched the XBOX. "Microsoft means computers. not video games..." And now look wherethe XBOX is at... MS SUCCESSFULLY (emphasis intended) made their brand a household name for not only PC, but for video games. And they came into that market WAY late in the game... What makes anyone think that they can't do that in the phone arena?
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Old 07-07-2010, 10:47 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
Windows != PC... Windows = Microsoft = reputation.

Ppl said the same thing when MS launched the XBOX. "Microsoft means computers. not video games..." And now look wherethe XBOX is at... MS SUCCESSFULLY (emphasis intended) made their brand a household name for not only PC, but for video games. And they came into that market WAY late in the game... What makes anyone think that they can't do that in the phone arena?
Ok 2 things...

1) Microsoft is the name of a company..a company can do many things..Windows on the other hand is a product.. imagine M$ came in next day and called Microsoft Office the XBOX and the XBOX Microsoft office..wouldn't you be confused? you dont have to convince me..ask anyone what Windows is..they will tell you its a computer....I mean M$ even makes commercials saying Windows = PC...

2) The reason why M$ got through the market was 2 things, 1) they paid developers money to make the games..aka bribe...that won't work here because Google is already doing the bribing (its actually one of the reasons Google broke through with Android) and also a lot of game publishers were frustrated with Sony and they lost a bunch of exclusives...
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