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  #32071 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 10:23 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by Ninja87 View Post
yes, I bought a new phone but do not use the Sprint network but an Italian provider.
however, I noticed that the problem occurs even without sim card and even after disabling the cache.
Originally Posted by newmant View Post
Hello Ninja87
not to be an a-hole but are you sure your phone is CDMA? the quick research I did on Wind seemed to say they run on the GSM network.

in other news - MotoGP in Magello this weekend -
I think we might need to step back here. If Ninja87 does have a Sprint CMDA phone, his problem is not rom based but network based. In other words he HAS the right rom for the phone, he just has the wrong network

Unless I am mistaken, if he attempts to load a GSN rom on a CMDA phone, he really will brick the thing.

I know these things are global, but there is a difference between the GSN and CMDA models and I don't want to see Ninja87 totally lose his investment.

Last edited by swlaraut; 07-01-2011 at 10:26 PM.
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  #32072 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 11:45 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
lol... yet the biggest mystery if indeed you are correct t-bob.. is how he got it to work for a day in the first place! like...yea you can use a SIM card for GSM but was he flashing a CDMA ROM?? lol...
You're right, I think that some pieces of the puzzle are still missing.
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  #32073 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 05:07 AM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by t-bob View Post
You're right, I think that some pieces of the puzzle are still missing.
I think the first thing to try to confirm is if the cellular provider he uses "Wind" works with CDMA or just GSM or both.

from NRGZ page 1 (This ROM will NOT work for GSM devices! (Tmobile, AT&T, and the rest of the world pretty much).
maybe you can get lucky and flash a GSM phone with a CDMA ROM and not brick it, get some sort of working system but then locks up?

1st please confirm to us that your provider "Wind" uses CDMA.

2nd did you purchase the phone from "Wind" or a different company.

3rd do you have a SD card? if so what size and manufacture? and is this a new card or a used card.

4th "Good evening everyone, I purchased a Sprint HTC Touch Pro2 (CDMA), I noticed that I try installing any ROMs (including the original) after one or two days is ruined and I have to format, I also tried to redo the formatting the task29, change the radio module and [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]install[/COLOR][/COLOR] any program, but I could not solve my problem. "
what do you mean by ruined? stops working altogether, just locks up, still runs but won't make or receive calls?

and I guess the last thing for now would be what state of working or non-working condition is the phone in at the present time? does it power up? if so how far does it get - black screen, home screen?

I think having this info will help everyone here to understand the problem your facing a little better and may allow them to give you the answers you need.
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  #32074 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 05:26 AM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by newmant View Post
I think the first thing to try to confirm is if the cellular provider he uses "Wind" works with CDMA or just GSM or both.

from NRGZ page 1 (This ROM will NOT work for GSM devices! (Tmobile, AT&T, and the rest of the world pretty much).
maybe you can get lucky and flash a GSM phone with a CDMA ROM and not brick it, get some sort of working system but then locks up?

1st please confirm to us that your provider "Wind" uses CDMA.

2nd did you purchase the phone from "Wind" or a different company.

3rd do you have a SD card? if so what size and manufacture? and is this a new card or a used card.

4th "Good evening everyone, I purchased a Sprint HTC Touch Pro2 (CDMA), I noticed that I try installing any ROMs (including the original) after one or two days is ruined and I have to format, I also tried to redo the formatting the task29, change the radio module and [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]install[/COLOR][/COLOR] any program, but I could not solve my problem. "
what do you mean by ruined? stops working altogether, just locks up, still runs but won't make or receive calls?

and I guess the last thing for now would be what state of working or non-working condition is the phone in at the present time? does it power up? if so how far does it get - black screen, home screen?

I think having this info will help everyone here to understand the problem your facing a little better and may allow them to give you the answers you need.
le chiamate rieco riceverle e farle quindi credo che la ROM cdma funzioni anche con la rete Wind GSM, però ho notato che dopo qualche tempo non funziona più arkswitch e il contenuto della cartella tool è vuoto, in più controllando sotto la cartella \Windows\ vedo che alcune cartelle sono rinominate con dei caratteri strani.
Ho una scheda SD da 8GB ma ho notato che lo stesso problema si presenta anche senza
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  #32075 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 05:26 AM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by newmant View Post
I think the first thing to try to confirm is if the cellular provider he uses "Wind" works with CDMA or just GSM or both.

from NRGZ page 1 (This ROM will NOT work for GSM devices! (Tmobile, AT&T, and the rest of the world pretty much).
maybe you can get lucky and flash a GSM phone with a CDMA ROM and not brick it, get some sort of working system but then locks up?

1st please confirm to us that your provider "Wind" uses CDMA.

2nd did you purchase the phone from "Wind" or a different company.

3rd do you have a SD card? if so what size and manufacture? and is this a new card or a used card.

4th "Good evening everyone, I purchased a Sprint HTC Touch Pro2 (CDMA), I noticed that I try installing any ROMs (including the original) after one or two days is ruined and I have to format, I also tried to redo the formatting the task29, change the radio module and [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]install[/COLOR][/COLOR] any program, but I could not solve my problem. "
what do you mean by ruined? stops working altogether, just locks up, still runs but won't make or receive calls?

and I guess the last thing for now would be what state of working or non-working condition is the phone in at the present time? does it power up? if so how far does it get - black screen, home screen?

I think having this info will help everyone here to understand the problem your facing a little better and may allow them to give you the answers you need.
Rech receive calls and make them so I think that the ROM will work with the CDMA network GSM Wind, but I noticed that after some time no longer works arkswitch and the contents of the folder tool is empty, no longer watching your \ Windows \ I that some folders are renamed with strange characters.
I have an 8GB SD card but I noticed that the same problem occurs even without
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  #32076 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 12:15 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Hate to be a bugger, but does someone have the "Old" 6.5.5 Energy ROM stored somewhere.

Looking for 235xx?? from Feb 2010 (I believe) (23569 if possible)

Would love to have this archived

Last edited by mariano3113; 07-02-2011 at 12:30 PM.
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  #32077 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 03:42 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

I have 23148 Sencity Nov. 19th, 23150 Sencity Dec. 05
and 23699 Sencity Nov 25th.
Otherwise I have some 28244 falvors as well.
TP2 CDMA HSPL Unlocker is here
Don't Forget to Say 'Thanks'.

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NRGz 29022 Sense 2.5 CHT1.8.5 Jul 4th
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  #32078 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 07:16 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by mariano3113 View Post
Hate to be a bugger, but does someone have the "Old" 6.5.5 Energy ROM stored somewhere.

Looking for 235xx?? from Feb 2010 (I believe) (23569 if possible)

Would love to have this archived
I have Energy.RHODCDMA.23569.Sense2.5.Cookie.DinikGlass.J ul.08.
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  #32079 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 07:45 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |July 2| 21916|29022 * Sense 2021 + flavors

The thread title says there's a 29022 flavor, but I don't see any links here or on NRGZ's site either, it's all the older ones from June 1.

I'm using the Energy.RHODCDMA.29020.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Jun.01.7 z and am looking for a the latest one. Anybody got a link?
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  #32080 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2011, 07:59 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |July 2| 21916|29022 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by ScottSNX View Post
The thread title says there's a 29022 flavor, but I don't see any links here or on NRGZ's site either, it's all the older ones from June 1.

I'm using the Energy.RHODCDMA.29020.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Jun.01.7 z and am looking for a the latest one. Anybody got a link?
He's still uploading. If you go Flavors : : Home of EnergyRoms by NRGZ28 , you can see all the ROM's he makes. I'd imagine it'll take a little bit to update several of them to his 29022 build.
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