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  #31331 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 02:11 AM
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TAKE2 review

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
OKay... MR1 stacked ROM > http://www.energyroms.com/energyroms....07%20TAKE2.7z

have at it!!
I will flash Take2 in the next couple of hours.
I will test only the dialer...since i have no bluetooth accessories, and report here.

You are really fast trying to solve our problems
Thank you very much

Flashed and tested the dialer in Take2.
It is the old CDMA Rhodium dialer that was cooked until 30-40 days ago.

- works perfect in landscape (for people that use dialer in landscape)
- all CDMA functions works

- no pictures shown in dialer list when a call is made/received/missed
- the list graphics seems "older"
- SIP icon (keyboard icon) overlapped both in portrait and in landscape

I propose a poll, to see what users prefer.

As everybody know i prefer Leo dialer, cooked in the rom in the last 30-40 days.
Now that i have tested, i will revert to a 30march rom.
HTC Rhodium CDMA (Sprint)
EnergyROM Sense 2.5.2021 29020 15may2011 CHT2.0 GTX
Leo Dialer for wm6.5.X

Last edited by Monfro; 04-08-2011 at 02:56 AM.
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  #31332 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 03:55 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Mar 30| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

OK.. here's a ROM with the Sprint MR1 BT stack and dialer. Please test and post feedback...

EnergyROM Chef

If you liked what I cooked up for you and want to leave me a tip with Paypal > USD / EUR
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  #31333 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 08:39 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Mar 30| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
For me... it hangs up fine with both the Nokia headset and the Blueant headset you sent me. I'm really at a loss with this

I can't test with a data connection because I don't have a phone with an active plan...
There's the rub. It *ONLY* happens for me when there's an active 1x or 3G connection prior to making or taking an incoming call. I can BT hangup all day on the first attempt when the unit is in the data suspend mode (#777) or data is totally disconnected. If others can reconfirm this, I'm willing to priority mail you my active Sprint test unit... or if you know anyone local in LV with an active unit for you to confirm this with.

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Okay.. one more try. Virgin sprint MR1 BT stack AND dialer. If that don't work.. I give up
Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
OK.. here's a ROM with the Sprint MR1 BT stack and dialer. Please test and post feedback...

I will not be able to try the test ROM until sometime this evening... I'll post feedback then. Thanks again for building these for us.

Originally Posted by Monfro View Post
I propose a poll, to see what users prefer.

As everybody know i prefer Leo dialer, cooked in the rom in the last 30-40 days.
Now that i have tested, i will revert to a 30march rom.
I do not think it is a matter of preferring. The CDMA dialers provide functionality beyond a missing item like contact pictures. eg, being able to get the MSL, real working landscape modes, etc. To me the side effects of using a GSM dialer right now outweigh any other potential issues others have or have not run into yet. Besides, rolling out the Leo dialer or any other GSM dialer is just a matter of installing a 3rd party cab. Now having to build a cab to install the stock CDMA dialer back is slightly ironic. But that's just my opinion...

I'll continue to use the Feb.27 ROMs (last ROM with the most recent stock CDMA dialer) while the dialer and BT stuff is hammered out.
* Using: Energy.RHODCDMA|Leo.[6.5.3].Sense2.5+CHT185 (July.4.2011) | AmeriCanAndroid HD2 | MOAR GS3
+ Helping with: [XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto (Updated: Jan.17.2011)
+ Energy ROM Script/XDA_UC Contributions: Auto Carrier Provisioning | Start Menu Layout
* Rhodium NRG Energy CDMA ROM Wiki - please read before posting a new question...
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  #31334 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 09:20 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Mar 30| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
OK.. here's a ROM with the Sprint MR1 BT stack and dialer. Please test and post feedback...

Ok... I lied. I could not wait and tried this one out.

Verdict? We might have a winner. Tried it with the 3 BT headsets and performed my standard testing. BT hangup worked each and every time. Now I'm not jumping for joy just yet until we get confirmation from other users because maybe I just got lucky.

Personally I think the Sprint dialer has some custom actions in the dialer DLLs that better handle putting the unit into a data suspend mode prior to engaging the CDMA radio so that BT functions fully work.

I can never say thank you enough to NRGZ for taking the time to help us with this stuff. I could have ripped out the BT stack and Sprint dialer from MR1 myself to try but having NRGZ do it properly can sometimes make a difference.

Last edited by powinmo; 04-08-2011 at 09:24 AM.
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  #31335 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 10:12 AM
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Re: TAKE2 review

Originally Posted by Monfro View Post
As everybody know i prefer Leo dialer, cooked in the rom in the last 30-40 days.
Now that i have tested, i will revert to a 30march rom.
Do GSM phone canvas's still make it so you cannot dial 911 on CDMA phones? I know they did for the CDMA Diamond's and Touch Pro's (at least without changing some things...I think nsffan got it working somehow for a TP at one time). I think having ## codes and the ability to dial 911 as fairly important features .
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  #31336 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 10:28 AM
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Re: TAKE2 review

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
Do GSM phone canvas's still make it so you cannot dial 911 on CDMA phones? I know they did for the CDMA Diamond's and Touch Pro's (at least without changing some things...I think nsffan got it working somehow for a TP at one time). I think having ## codes and the ability to dial 911 as fairly important features .
Quick.. someone go get almost killed and have to call 911 to test it out...

When they asnwer... just say "First.. I'm so glad I was able to test out this feature on the EnergyROM!! Wooo! Second.... some psycho kiler is after me. send help... now.. "
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  #31337 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 10:47 AM
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Re: TAKE2 review

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Quick.. someone go get almost killed and have to call 911 to test it out...

When they asnwer... just say "First.. I'm so glad I was able to test out this feature on the EnergyROM!! Wooo! Second.... some psycho kiler is after me. send help... now.. "
lol, epic 911 call.
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  #31338 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 11:40 AM
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Re: TAKE2 review

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Quick.. someone go get almost killed and have to call 911 to test it out...

When they asnwer... just say "First.. I'm so glad I was able to test out this feature on the EnergyROM!! Wooo! Second.... some psycho kiler is after me. send help... now.. "
lol, ok.

So, do more recent stock GSM phone canvas's (ie from HD2) work fine to dial 911 on CDMA phones or do you change some settings to make it work? Your post is cute, but I'd also like to learn something. It isn't something that's easy to test out...
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  #31339 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 12:44 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Mar 30| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

I don't know and I'm not about to find out either Never had to call 911 in my life and hope I don't either...
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  #31340 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 01:31 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Mar 30| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
lol, ok.

So, do more recent stock GSM phone canvas's (ie from HD2) work fine to dial 911 on CDMA phones or do you change some settings to make it work? Your post is cute, but I'd also like to learn something. It isn't something that's easy to test out...
Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
I don't know and I'm not about to find out either Never had to call 911 in my life and hope I don't either...
When I was trying out a leading VoIP alternative for my house landline a while back, I was curious how 911 would be handled. I was told to call your local police departments non emergency number, and ask them if they would allow you to place a test 911 call. I think basically you would coordinate a time to do so and provide the inbound # you would be calling from so they can verify what shows up on their caller id system, etc. Not sure if every locale would allow this and is likely dependent how well staff'd their response center is.

But mwalt's inquiry is a fairly legit question, with potential real life consequences for those of us in the USA that have access to 911 in the event one really needs it...
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