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  #12331 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

Ok here is a tech question that has nothing to do with my battery use or memory issues...lol........ I have searched the thread and read in others about this.....and apparantly I am one of the few peeps who use/care about these shortcuts because I can find very little info......I am a sufferer of OCD and refuse to give them up.....lol....

NRG does not enable the HTC shortcuts for the Start menu, no biggie easy reg edit and they are enabled. ( I use a couple of them in quicklinks so the only way to do so is for them to be enabled in the Start menu) However they show up with the generic "HTC_Twitter, HTC_People, HTC_Calender, HTC_Music" titles with no generic htc icons just the blue & white icon. This is the only custom ROM I have used so far that is set this way....so I am learning....... If I change the icons via reStart and then use one of them in the Quicklinks on hometab.....the generic HTC icon (grey square, green bird..like in other ROMs) shows up and not the one I set for it...... no biggie to me. Custom icon in Start menu, generic in Quicklinks...oh well.....

Anyone know where in the reg I go to change the tiles of the shortcuts in the start menu??

OR how many PLEASES/THANK YOUS or whatever it would take to get NRG to cook the ability to enable the HTC shortcuts with badass custom EnergyROM specific icons and names fixed when enabled?

It's not a huge deal since with the new Cookie and Editor I can just remove the titles from the home tab, they just look odd in the start menu which I am using very little of now thanks to Cookie. (BTW had to install new CHTEditor1.6 seems the 1.5.4 is still cooked in with the new Cookie and won't work....didn't read everything to see if this has been posted....figure it has)
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  #12332 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

once you have them in your start menu can't you change the name with file explorer in: windows/start menu/programs ? as far as the icons go look HERE you can change the path of the image used for the shortcut. I don't know if this helps you or not...

Edit: I'm sorry, that thread is for the folders not the shortcuts, but maybe give some insight...

Last edited by shaolinsoldier79; 03-06-2010 at 05:35 PM.
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  #12333 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:36 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by shaolinsoldier79 View Post
once you have them in your start menu can't you change the name with file explorer in: windows/start menu/programs ? as far as the icons go look HERE you can change the path of the image used for the shortcut. I don't know if this helps you or not...
Thanks. Nah as soon as I change the names after a SR I get another set of generic links with HTC_xxx names and blue/white system icons. It's like the reg doesn't recognize them as the same once I change the name and respawns another generic set. if I delete them they come back. If I rename the set with icons changed back to HTC_xxx and then delte the others and SR I have one set with custom icons....So I have to use the reg to change the names......I think........

Kinda weird.... BUT THANKS for the link! I am just getting into realy messing up......I mean playing around with reg edits and completely setting up sashimi and sdconfig to knock out every thing possible.

Last edited by Whotahn; 03-06-2010 at 06:10 PM.
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  #12334 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

is it possible for someone to make a cab for the arcsoft that Energy is using. It is I didn't see it on the paperclip.
thanks in advance.
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  #12335 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:58 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23541/21892 |Feb 26| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Originally Posted by Dead_Cow View Post
Finally figured this out. It's 10 or 11 digit dialing. If I dial 11 digits (1 + area code + number) I get that error. If I dial just area code + number, I can call out, since my contacts are linked to work, I have 1 in front of every number (my TAPI stack at work requires it).
Running ActiveSync to corporate Exchange server and the 3/5 MaxManilla ROM. A similar thing happened to me today. I selected a coworker from my company contacts and my phone made three very loud beeps and the dialer closed. I tried changing from Global to CDMA Only and got the same three beeps. I started getting really nervous that my phone wouldn't work again. I noticed that the number was in this format "+##########" so I keyed the number in and it displayed in the regular format "1 (###) ###-####" and it dialed fine. I wonder if the dialer adds a one in front of the "+" and that causes the problem?
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  #12336 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by Riptide9 View Post
Uh, yea... lets see... oh yea... here is a link to a post of mine I have posted a dozen times or so in this forum alone. With cabs attached and links to other threads working on this issue.

Thanks Riptide!
After reading as much of this thread as I could humanly stand before my first Energy ROM flash, I immediately bookmarked your post and have used that battery fix from the beginning. I have not had the major battery issues that everyone is concerned about. I have however changed some of NRG's settings after each flash. The max backlight was one of them. Thanks (click)

And a big thanks to NRG for cooking the best ROMs! Thanks (click) Donate (click)

Last edited by bsarlo; 03-06-2010 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Grammar
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  #12337 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 06:12 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

That nuebattery appeared to drain my battery even more.

It could be JUST me that experience (probably is, I haven't seen anyone else say this)
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  #12338 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 06:20 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23541/21892 |Feb 26| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Originally Posted by bsarlo View Post
Running ActiveSync to corporate Exchange server and the 3/5 MaxManilla ROM. A similar thing happened to me today. I selected a coworker from my company contacts and my phone made three very loud beeps and the dialer closed. I tried changing from Global to CDMA Only and got the same three beeps. I started getting really nervous that my phone wouldn't work again. I noticed that the number was in this format "+##########" so I keyed the number in and it displayed in the regular format "1 (###) ###-####" and it dialed fine. I wonder if the dialer adds a one in front of the "+" and that causes the problem?
I have the same problem. You are correct, you have to remove the "+" otherwise the call doesn't go through on CDMA.
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  #12339 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 06:29 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by Riptide9 View Post
Thanks ENRGZ!! Doing Great... To everyone complaining about battery life and memory issues... WTF! Do you want NRGZ to come to your house and set you phone up for you. How about taking a few moments to do some investigation like so many others have done and remember that NRGZ sets this up the way he wants it with backlight at max etc.(1st post) Have you checked your discharge rate and made adjustment accordingly? Fresh flash discharge rate is around 500ma, I have mine working at average of less than 100ma. And my memory is usually 60mb free consistantly. This rom isn't even meant for our phone but with some minor adjustments it will run fast, stable, with little to no issues. Sorry to rant but 1200+ pages and still the same questions 20 times aday (we even have a game to keep us amused at the stupid questions constantly asked. LOL ) Most issues are probably caused at the instant fix cabs people are so quick to install by the dozens instead of trying to understand why something isn't right and what should be done to fix it. ENRGZ! Keep doing what you are doing! Improving this great rom you have worked so hard on for us. There is nothing broken that needs your attention that we shouldn't be working on ourselves. Thanks
I agree with this...its not that anyone minds questions...it is the same redundant questions over and over....just please read some for yourself people....that is all anyone is asking...

Originally Posted by Dead_Cow View Post
Maybe these people are new and don't know how to adjust the setting properly, Of all the things you quoted, I see one asking NRG to adjust the battery usage.

Not for nothing, but there was a day when you didn't know how to do all this too, and I'm sure you innocently asked a question that had been answered 30 times too.

So, what's a new user supposed to do? Not ask? Read through a 1200 page "support" thread? It's usually easier to ask your question, then monitor from the page you asked on. Seriously, you need to lighten up. People are here for help.
No but it is easier to just use Google or the search this thread tool....or you can even search multiple threads.....the thread and forum tools are here for a reason....

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Another good rule of thumb.
If you don't wanna read the whole thread when flashing, and who does.
Try at least reading from the posts that date back to the day of release, of the latest rom and read from there forward. That should help prevent duplicate questions after every release.
Another greeat suggestion!
Originally Posted by Boominsvx View Post
Well wait a second, there's a few stipulations to those statements. The main one being that he was giving us a rom not necessarily made for the phone. As I recall, he just got his hands on a Sprint TP2... most undoubtably a mirror image of the one sitting 1 foot in front of me. This being the case, don't you believe that people are thinking maybe this will be a better rom in the future (hard to do, I know) for the TP2 now that it's actually being built for one? I think we're more looking for info on how HE thinks his rom functions these days for daily use. I'm pretty sure an update will already be in the mix as with any chef aquiring a new toy.

Secondly, if there are so many ways to improve battery life and memory usage, why don't you just post a list of cab names... not even links, just the names, and be a hero instead of posting "it can be done" statements to make everyone spend a day reading 1500 pages to find 3 things that work, and 30 that don't?

"What be your secret kimosabe?"

Edit: Wow, you stop to eat one taco...
These answers are throughout the forum... there are threads dedicated to just battery issues...as I stated before when it comes to battery...what may work for one....may not work for another....and not ONCE have I seen anyone in this thread post what there actual battery numbers are...what I see is people flashing and then saying battery life sucks...no data to back it up...

Originally Posted by websurf View Post
Guys, let stop bitching and start kissing hahahahahaha

Also, I did not see anyone mention anything about DONATION in here. All you are complaining, bitching about the ROM. ENGZ doing his best to make you guys happy. Lets take a moment to think about him a little at least. He spend alot of time and update the rom every week if not days. If you don't happy with the ROM then get lost.
I agree....

Originally Posted by bsarlo View Post
Thanks Riptide!
After reading as much of this thread as I could humanly stand before my first Energy ROM flash, I immediately bookmarked your post and have used that battery fix from the beginning. I have not had the major battery issues that everyone is concerned about. I have however changed some of NRG's settings after each flash. The max backlight was one of them. Thanks (click)

And a big thanks to NRG for cooking the best ROMs! Thanks (click) Donate (click)
Classic example of reading before posting....nice!

As I said though use the thread tools and don't just come in saying battery life sucks...show some data.....Battery Monitor is a great app.....I and others have no problem helping but honestly this thread is the worst for the same redundant questions....my 2 cents...
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  #12340 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 06:33 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 5| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil

is it me or is the font on everthing seem smaller than other version any way to make it bigger and anyway to get the city and state caller ID back its missing on the 3-5 and dailer it was really sweet on the 2-26 version thanks
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