Ok here is a tech question that has nothing to do with my battery use or memory issues...lol........ I have searched the thread and read in others about this.....and apparantly I am one of the few peeps who use/care about these shortcuts because I can find very little info......I am a sufferer of OCD and refuse to give them up.....lol....
NRG does not enable the HTC shortcuts for the Start menu, no biggie easy reg edit and they are enabled. ( I use a couple of them in quicklinks so the only way to do so is for them to be enabled in the Start menu) However they show up with the generic "HTC_Twitter, HTC_People, HTC_Calender, HTC_Music" titles with no generic htc icons just the blue & white icon. This is the only custom ROM I have used so far that is set this way....so I am learning....... If I change the icons via reStart and then use one of them in the Quicklinks on hometab.....the generic HTC icon (grey square, green bird..like in other ROMs) shows up and not the one I set for it......
no biggie to me. Custom icon in Start menu, generic in Quicklinks...oh well.....
Anyone know where in the reg I go to change the tiles of the shortcuts in the start menu??
OR how many PLEASES/THANK YOUS or whatever it would take to get NRG to cook the ability to enable the HTC shortcuts with badass custom EnergyROM specific icons and names fixed when enabled?
It's not a huge deal since with the new Cookie and Editor I can just remove the titles from the home tab, they just look odd in the start menu which I am using very little of now thanks to Cookie. (BTW had to install new CHTEditor1.6 seems the 1.5.4 is still cooked in with the new Cookie and won't work....didn't read everything to see if this has been posted....figure it has)