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  #5141 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 12:40 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by just_maurice View Post
problem is in touchflo. receiving mms in titanium works fine. to be honest im kind of enjoying using titanium at the moment.

im using cabs from steve's post on page 503 is i remember correctly. nothing else is install prior to mms cab installation. only thing in remove programs list is mr x rom sprint.
dont se a cab on 503 and if you dont wanna post what your using for mms i guess your on your own, mms will work on both manila and titanium but never herd of one not the other, something is wrong.
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  #5142 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 02:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by CYoung234 View Post
Darren is right - 82% is very high. After an entire day, my phone does not go above ~68% or so. That is without running RAMSweeper at all. I get down to maybe 70Mb free RAM. The usual average with my CABs and 2 email accounts (Exchange and GMail) is 59% / 77Mb free.
I'm running the latest build (Post 5029) and I'm definitely seeing some memory leakage. My RAM usage is high on every ROM I use -- likely due to my corp exchange + security policies but I don't know for sure. I've been running several apps since last night. After closing all my open apps, my usage is 79% with 40.67MB free.

I had over 94MB free on a fresh install. Cookie's home tab took some memory and then I think my facebook updates, twitter updates, and weather updates took add'l RAM. Corp exchange + encryption typically consumer nearly 10MB. I don't think any of my other programs/mods are consuming RAM (without running them). At this point, I have 63% usage and 70MB free after soft reset -- not a lot.

However, I "leaked" nearly 30MB of RAM in less than 24 hours my soft-reset (no apps running) to my memory status earlier today (no apps running).
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  #5143 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by geekdaddy View Post
I'm running the latest build (Post 5029) and I'm definitely seeing some memory leakage. My RAM usage is high on every ROM I use -- likely due to my corp exchange + security policies but I don't know for sure. I've been running several apps since last night. After closing all my open apps, my usage is 79% with 40.67MB free.

I had over 94MB free on a fresh install. Cookie's home tab took some memory and then I think my facebook updates, twitter updates, and weather updates took add'l RAM. Corp exchange + encryption typically consumer nearly 10MB. I don't think any of my other programs/mods are consuming RAM (without running them). At this point, I have 63% usage and 70MB free after soft reset -- not a lot.

However, I "leaked" nearly 30MB of RAM in less than 24 hours my soft-reset (no apps running) to my memory status earlier today (no apps running).
i bet its cookies, uninstall it for a day and check.
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  #5144 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 03:38 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
i bet its cookies, uninstall it for a day and check.
+1 on cookie culprit.....
"I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.”
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  #5145 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 04:31 PM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro2 (Sprint): Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
Originally Posted by geekdaddy View Post
I'm running the latest build (Post 5029) and I'm definitely seeing some memory leakage. My RAM usage is high on every ROM I use -- likely due to my corp exchange + security policies but I don't know for sure. I've been running several apps since last night. After closing all my open apps, my usage is 79% with 40.67MB free.

I had over 94MB free on a fresh install. Cookie's home tab took some memory and then I think my facebook updates, twitter updates, and weather updates took add'l RAM. Corp exchange + encryption typically consumer nearly 10MB. I don't think any of my other programs/mods are consuming RAM (without running them). At this point, I have 63% usage and 70MB free after soft reset -- not a lot.

However, I "leaked" nearly 30MB of RAM in less than 24 hours my soft-reset (no apps running) to my memory status earlier today (no apps running).
i bet its cookies, uninstall it for a day and check.
I've been having the same issue. I'll check it out myself as well.
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  #5146 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 07:58 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

I have run this ROM for that last two weeks and I must say I am impressed. This is an awesome ROM. I am usually trigger "flash" happy and I could not get myself to switch. Nice Job X!

I'm letting my ROM do the talking...."Xpress-your-cell" DUSK ROM.
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  #5147 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by tpeazy View Post
I have run this ROM for that last two weeks and I must say I am impressed. This is an awesome ROM. I am usually trigger "flash" happy and I could not get myself to switch. Nice Job X!

I know exactly what you mean TP. I was the same way until I ran across Mr X ROM. Mighty Mike dropped 3 new ROMs yesterday, and although I am curious, I can't work up enough urge to go to the trouble to flash and check 'em out. For the past two months, the only thing that brings back that old familiar urge to flash is a new Mr X! Until the next new one comes along, I am content to just enjoy the fact that everything works, and works well on my TP2.
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  #5148 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2010, 11:25 PM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by GaryMcQ View Post
I know exactly what you mean TP. I was the same way until I ran across Mr X ROM. Mighty Mike dropped 3 new ROMs yesterday, and although I am curious, I can't work up enough urge to go to the trouble to flash and check 'em out. For the past two months, the only thing that brings back that old familiar urge to flash is a new Mr X! Until the next new one comes along, I am content to just enjoy the fact that everything works, and works well on my TP2.
I flashed Mighty FF & Mighty SE... Both great ROMs... but after one half day was already back with Mr.X! I did like Mighty Special Edition though, but, it's just too colorful for my style... Kinda Girlie IMO, but still one of the most stable and visually appealing ROMs out there. I like the dark style Juggs & CMYLXGO incorporates into MR.X ROM.
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  #5149 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2010, 08:10 AM
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
dont se a cab on 503 and if you dont wanna post what your using for mms i guess your on your own, mms will work on both manila and titanium but never herd of one not the other, something is wrong.
sorry wrong page. page 507
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  #5150 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2010, 09:06 AM
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Could it be . . . ?

After spending countless hours reading in the PPC Geeks forum, mainly in the Mr X and Mighty Rom threads, nagging questions keeps hounding me. It takes me back to my younger days when I was a devout fan of Super Hero comic books. Every super hero (and most villains for that matter) had a secret identity. One they could use in every day life among "common" people. The other, usually dressed in a brightly colored costume, where they freely display and use a super power of some kind.
Now I pose this question. Has anyone ever seen Mr X and Mighty Mike in the same room together at the same time? OR does one conveniently and discretely disappear just before the other shows up? Is it a coincidence that the two best ROM chefs out there have very similar work, yet with it's own subtle differences?
How about that they BOTH have links on the Mighty Rom web site? Or that so many cabs out there have BOTH names attached to them (provisioning, tethering, etc)? BOTH have used the same sys version 21889 for the last several builds.
Has anyone else noticed this, and if so seen other similarities that I have failed to mention? Maybe they are business partners. Maybe they are good friends. Maybe they are friendly rivals. BUT, then again, maybe they are truly one in the same!
The only problem with this line of thinking is that neither is a meek and mild mannered personality, and BOTH are super heroes in their own right.
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