05-01-2010, 03:30 PM
acs tester
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Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]
Originally Posted by geekdaddy
I'm running the latest build (Post 5029) and I'm definitely seeing some memory leakage. My RAM usage is high on every ROM I use -- likely due to my corp exchange + security policies but I don't know for sure. I've been running several apps since last night. After closing all my open apps, my usage is 79% with 40.67MB free.
I had over 94MB free on a fresh install. Cookie's home tab took some memory and then I think my facebook updates, twitter updates, and weather updates took add'l RAM. Corp exchange + encryption typically consumer nearly 10MB. I don't think any of my other programs/mods are consuming RAM (without running them). At this point, I have 63% usage and 70MB free after soft reset -- not a lot.
However, I "leaked" nearly 30MB of RAM in less than 24 hours my soft-reset (no apps running) to my memory status earlier today (no apps running).
i bet its cookies, uninstall it for a day and check.