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  #471 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 09:46 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

i am making an official beta request that you add manila to this awesomness! Make it beta only with everything just like it is with the newest 2.5 and it will be love.
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  #472 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 11:03 AM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

question from a newb to flashing roms. this seems to have everything I want, sprint stuff, mobile shell, no manila. how come memory is only at 40-50mb's? does it cache memory to speed things up?
Just curious since my stock sprint with cleanup.cab and mobile shell always has 80-90mb free when nothing but mobile shell is running.
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  #473 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 12:17 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
question from a newb to flashing roms. this seems to have everything I want, sprint stuff, mobile shell, no manila. how come memory is only at 40-50mb's? does it cache memory to speed things up?
Just curious since my stock sprint with cleanup.cab and mobile shell always has 80-90mb free when nothing but mobile shell is running.
Having mobileshell cooked in definatley improves performance from my tests. What your seeing memory consumption wise is not from it being cooked in though its because of the theme and all the widgets i have loaded. Thats why I build a titanium only rom for people to load ms via a cab if they do not care for my ms customization. Even with only 50 mb of ram i never have slowdown or any ill effects from it. If you need the ram it takes a couple of seconds tojust close it to get back that 50mb of ram being used by the shell. Then reopening it takes about ten sec.
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  #474 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 12:28 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Formula84, I am very interested in giving this a run..for the past 2 mos been loading 2.1 roms and now am using some 2.5 stuff..I am in no way very experienced with this just a great follower of directions..with that said what in a step format is the best way to get this one up and running...i.e. I have just now finished downloading the sashimi file (first page) but not sure what to do with it? (do I download the rom and then load this file--after unzipping it>) I am not so familiar with sashimi but have surmised that you have pre-loaded this (awesome)..the only thing I have used is xda_uc and by that just dropped cabs in to it and let is go..i have no clue about all the xtml stuff etc etc.. but have found the cab stuff very easy..Just looking for some clarity so I can get this up and running quickly and effectively... Heavy, heavy busines user but love the goodies too (facebook, nfl, nav, nascar etc etc) as at our company our phones are not locked out...
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  #475 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 12:52 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Originally Posted by tjmontan View Post
Formula84, I am very interested in giving this a run..for the past 2 mos been loading 2.1 roms and now am using some 2.5 stuff..I am in no way very experienced with this just a great follower of directions..with that said what in a step format is the best way to get this one up and running...i.e. I have just now finished downloading the sashimi file (first page) but not sure what to do with it? (do I download the rom and then load this file--after unzipping it>) I am not so familiar with sashimi but have surmised that you have pre-loaded this (awesome)..the only thing I have used is xda_uc and by that just dropped cabs in to it and let is go..i have no clue about all the xtml stuff etc etc.. but have found the cab stuff very easy..Just looking for some clarity so I can get this up and running quickly and effectively... Heavy, heavy busines user but love the goodies too (facebook, nfl, nav, nascar etc etc) as at our company our phones are not locked out...
For Sashimi it simple, use 7ZIP to extract the Sashimi folder to you desktop somewhere, plug you phone in and copy the sashimi folder to the root of your storage card, make sure you have it only 1 folder deep, example I browse to my storage card and open the sashimi folder I should see other folders not another sashimi folder. Thats it for now.

Ok so What i would first recommend is that you flash a stock rom first just to be safe. After flashing the stock rom, pull the battery for 30+ sec. Put the battery back in but don't power up, hold the Vol Down + Power until you get the tri color screen, plug you phone to your pc, use 7zip and extract the rom of your choice. Flash the rom, and let it take the wheel.

On first boot Sashimi autoloader will launch and you can let it run through Auto mode if you'd like or you can choose manual and manually install each cab you want. I have put the core apps that I use in the Auto folder, but many others that you can pick and choose from in the manual folders as well. I did my best to organize each cab's category and created subfolders of the cab folder for better organization.

You could also prior to flashing look through the sashimi folder structure i have setup and if you find things in manual that you know you like you could simply move them to the same folder in the auto directory this way at flash you can have it setup all the cabs you know you want with minimal interaction. There will be a few cabs that you will have to answer questions to so you do need to pay attention during the process.

Hope this helps you out and others as well with sashimi as I said i would write up instructions but never did.
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  #476 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Alright this is why my phone is perfect now. The icon screen is a little busy but it has everything i need. I love being able to customize everything to be just how i want. screw manilla...

lol i thought that weather widget on the last screen had the wrong time. It's sweet that it is the last update time!! but it is off by an hour. I noticed too on my appointments that the time is off by an hour. but alarms and appointments do show up at the correct (actual) time... hrmm weird.
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Last edited by solarflarex; 02-27-2010 at 02:51 PM.
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  #477 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Going to give this a run Formula...will post back results...thx!
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  #478 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

I am really diggin this ROM. I am using the beta for sprint. From what I have tried so far it seems Mighty Mike made a point in a post that the new manilla was for a much faster phone and it seems to really show as all the latest manilla roms have been nice but way to slow with reaction compared to stock. I think I am hooked on MS3.5 and Titanium only from here on. There seems to be some issues with some of the shortcut widgets but I will test some more after a hard reset via clear mem. I tried to run the config for pocket shield and it said there was a problem and to reload it. That's all I can think of for bugs so far. Again, very nice rom...now I will have to buy MS3.
Think you can drive? Try a local autox for some weekend fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJgRx2xMhVc
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  #479 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Originally Posted by Formula84 View Post
Having mobileshell cooked in definatley improves performance from my tests. What your seeing memory consumption wise is not from it being cooked in though its because of the theme and all the widgets i have loaded. Thats why I build a titanium only rom for people to load ms via a cab if they do not care for my ms customization. Even with only 50 mb of ram i never have slowdown or any ill effects from it. If you need the ram it takes a couple of seconds tojust close it to get back that 50mb of ram being used by the shell. Then reopening it takes about ten sec.
how do you close mobile shell? i am able to switch between that and tf3d but have never been able to close it.
thanks for the quick response. i am probably gonna try this if i can't figure out one of the custom kitchens.
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  #480 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 05:13 PM
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Re: {ROM}{23540/6.5.5}{2/25}Formula's SPB MobileSense & Titanium Only{23541 S&V Test}

Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
Going to give this a run Formula...will post back results...thx!
This will be awesome as between you and Darren I have learned a ton about my phone and all the different ROM's..I am getting ready to give this a shot as well and will be interested to see the different things you post about it..
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2 > CDMA TP2 Development

spb mobile shell, spb ms

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