Originally Posted by nrfitchett4
question from a newb to flashing roms. this seems to have everything I want, sprint stuff, mobile shell, no manila. how come memory is only at 40-50mb's? does it cache memory to speed things up?
Just curious since my stock sprint with cleanup.cab and mobile shell always has 80-90mb free when nothing but mobile shell is running.
Having mobileshell cooked in definatley improves performance from my tests. What your seeing memory consumption wise is not from it being cooked in though its because of the theme and all the widgets i have loaded. Thats why I build a titanium only rom for people to load ms via a cab if they do not care for my ms customization. Even with only 50 mb of ram i never have slowdown or any ill effects from it. If you need the ram it takes a couple of seconds tojust close it to get back that 50mb of ram being used by the shell. Then reopening it takes about ten sec.