Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
had a few issues with freezes tho.but overall fast!! but how about an update (any sys you think is good!!!) on the vanilla rom please vin? i use spb and a nice small and stable rom will be perfecto!!!! not that your other roms are not perfect...just you know us flash junkies!!!! oce a flasher always a flasher lol!!!!!! ![]()
if i helped you press THANKS
![]() If i didnt help you say "WTF dude!!! & press THANKS anyways!!!!!!" ![]() phone pyramid imate kjam to asus P527 to HTC Touch Pro 2 Last edited by krazydude; 01-23-2011 at 02:42 PM. |
Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
People are always asking for updates, all of the other roms are update because there is something wrong with it!!!
Vin's roms need no fixing, their perfect, hence no update... Still the best, thanks Vin........ |
Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
What an awesome attitude!! =]=] Thank you for your efforts here and at PPCk!
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
We all hAve rom favorites,
and maybey roms we wish were just as good AS Vinn's to flash to. Or roms we wish we could customize in a kitchen. I have a few favorites and many here know I have been on other threads. I choose to embrace a rom thats better, rather than dismiss it. There will be lovers and haters in every thread. But I feel now the need to defend myself, while exposing bias. To Shahriar5252: First you disarm, by complimenting, Quote:
BUT yet you posted your complaints in THIS thread only. Quote:
ResProxy IS NOT disabled in latest Vinn's rom, infact OPPOSITE IS TRUE.. it is still enabled LIKE MANY OTHER CUTOM ROMS... AND, you are still implicating your own issues.(freezing). If I were to assume this is an innocent mistake, which I don't, I would say to remove your storage card while device sets up on a hard reset. That whay you won't accidentally install apps, or a cab like "SSKTP2DynamicResourceProxy.cab" from the SDcard, so it won't install, because some roms have auto-installers. Quote:
In fact they are most usefull and it is curious why you would point them out. The maker of "nuebattery" alone, is far, far, away more knowledgeable then you could believe, and you are just promoting slander on him and his excellent app... Quote:
Fact is, you already did and continue indirectly complaining about his rom!, You even said you went back to stock, as if that is better! My guess is that you are intelligent enough to realize your mistake of complaining, by the responses you got, but you won't admit it. Maybey that's the reason of your "clarification" posts And my criticism actually was fair, although slightly sarcastic, because I even thou I noticed your unfair critisism, I still gave you advice, as opposed to YOU, calling me names. Quote:
Instead will I see it as you being offended that I actually exposed your bias, as you are in denial of it. Quote:
If you look as Sprint site on the TP2 reviews, you will see hundereds of similar complaining posts like yours... These are the type of posts that novice users make. So I have a logical reason why I assumed you must have been a novice. Yet by your admission that you are not, neither are you asking for help. which only brings suspicion that your posts are "hater" posts. But i want to believe the good in people: I believe you are a regular user who is fustrated by not having the TP2 work correctly. After trying most other roms, with dissapointing results, You were counting on the great reputation of Vinn's rom to "save the day", It was "epic-fail" and you will not admit that it's your own fault why so many roms had problems with you! So you vented here, the last rom.. the last hope before giving up and flashing stock. Then you refuse to accept it could be something you did, and try to lay the blame on other apps for your freezing & memory issues. So, at the end of the day, I forgive you, even if you don't forgive me. And by the way, I am also fed up with M$ WinMobile, and also just waiting for new phones to appear.
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
PM anyone? Seems these arguments may be better in their own private PM session.
Last edited by RED_RAIN; 01-23-2011 at 11:54 PM. Reason: clarification |
Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
Originally Posted by Touched Pro 2
You hate microsoft so much that you not only bought a touch pro, but you went ahead and bought a tp2 also. That'll show those monopolists! Quote:
So you didn't do any research on the phone and just bought it on impulse and didn't like it. Well, you made a mistake. Other people like the phone and the roms, so it was highly inappropriate to post your d isgust with the evil monopolists in this thread. You probably aren't aware of this, but linux based OSes have a larger part of market share than microsoft. Just letting you know before you buy an EVO and find out later about that. You complain about all the apps on the custom roms. Guess what? There is bloat on the stock roms too. You don't like arkswitch? Turn it off. That's what I do. Replace it with an app that doesn't consume so much ram. Do something. Neither Vin, nor your carrier or Microsoft should have to hold your hand when you operate your phone. Quote:
Well, I'm pretty sure there is an option to quit Arkswitch. I got rid of Google maps too, but I was trying. I can go to the task manager and close any programs that I'm not using. When I do that, I can reclaim the ram that was being used on the unused programs. There are many roms out there. Some have many "apps", some do not. In the end, if you pick a custom rom that has programs you don't want, it's your fault. Most of the guys have changelogs between builds saying what is in and what is out, and if they don't...just ask. Don't whine because YOU picked a rom with more apps than you need. I have used a few roms and a few different rom builds from Vin. I have only had dialer problems once. I couldn't get the dialer to come up at all and I had no signal. It could have been a bad flash...probably user error of some sort. Guess what happened? I reflashed and no more dialer problems. You having problems with lag from apps that are just on your phone, but not running? Reflash. I don't see how apps that are just on your phone and not running can slow your phone down, but I don't know everything about roms. Quote:
I task29 before flashes because I read about flashing well before I attempted a flash or before I posted about how I couldn't get the rom working on my phone. If you want to tell me something I don't know about, do that. Vin has worked hard on these roms. I'm not jock riding. It's just a fact. If everyone could do it, they would. If it was so easy to correct problems and put your signature style and making themes and all of that, people would be coming out with different builds everyday. It takes time to get things right...and I can't really complain. I mean, he's taking that time and releasing these roms to us for free. Yet you're complaining about it? If you don't like a custom rom, go to another one...or go to stock. Don't complain about a gift. Quote:
You were complaining. If you couldn't get the dialer to work or you couldn't get texts because you were running too many programs, say that. Telling the history of mobile devices, telling about your headaches, and telling how you don't like custom roms is complaining. Don't believe me? Look it up. Please don't disrespect Vin, hijack his thread, and blog about the history of mobile phones. Nobody wants to be bothered with it. You want an "eye-toy", go get one. Don't come here and tell us to "divorce" anything. If you never used another custom rom, no one would have known or cared. You decided to share your "expert opinion" with us. Thanks....really. That's the problem with people nowadays. They're all spoiled and self-important and instead of doing things for themselves, they whine about it like anybody cares. Please don't let the door hit you in the butt. Quote:
I was not trying to impress you. I was telling you that Vin's thread was not the place to complain about custom roms or microsoft. You complain...then you say it's not complaining. With all of that knowledge, one would think that you would know what the word "complain" means....also the word "hypocrite". You posted that long winded tirade about custom roms,and then you try to make up for the post by telling Vin that you would try his Evo rom. It seems that you are the one trying to save face. You should take my advice...stop posting about the iphone in a tp2 forum. No one cares. If they did, they would have an iphone. They wouldn't need your reviews either. I mean, you don't even know how to operate your phone. Last edited by Touched Pro 2; 01-24-2011 at 12:04 AM. |
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
Man,I'll try read everything carefully
![]() I used to remove resproxy from HTC Vogue ROM when baked HTC Mega packs.It saved 15%=15Mb of RAM (Vogue had 100Mb of total RAM). Similar treak worked on TP2 Shipped WM 6.1.-Sense 2.1 On WM 6.5-Sense 2.5 it caused camera errors and many other weird thing.I dont know why. I've seen few posts with flashdance advice.I think those days is over. I'm 1 of those who dont beleave in flashdance fixes.Its digital device.Also if the phone part of device is screwd (with flashing from one carrier to another,or messing in cdma workshop and such),flashing ANY ROM (custom or Shipped) not going to fix anything.Even reversal logistics support has limited powers ![]() Bad download is possible and I keep them in RAR to make sure,its delivered properly.1 minor archive error and RAR will be non-extractable
Last edited by vin255764; 01-24-2011 at 12:15 AM. |
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
Shhhhhhh dont wreck my entertainment... had a loong weekend and just finally sitting back with some popcorn and a large.. orange.. drink.. please drive through and do NOT put your hands or other limbs outside of the moving vehicle, some of the animals do indeed bite, thank you and have a nice day ![]() DD Last edited by detroit_doug; 01-24-2011 at 03:05 AM. |
Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
I used cab called "WMLongLife", Used for battery saving control over your "radio", I had overlooked that it left the radio set on 1x, Then I flashed another rom, and it stayed on 1x! I kept reseting and flashing till I realized what I did. I just had to re-install the app while on the other rom, to get the EV back! Anyway I decided to try the pluto rom so I am on it for now. Feels like another device ![]() |
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