Man,I'll try read everything carefully

I used to remove resproxy from HTC Vogue ROM when baked HTC Mega packs.It saved 15%=15Mb of RAM (Vogue had 100Mb of total RAM).
Similar treak worked on TP2 Shipped WM 6.1.-Sense 2.1
On WM 6.5-Sense 2.5 it caused camera errors and many other weird thing.I dont know why.
I've seen few posts with flashdance advice.I think those days is over.
I'm 1 of those who dont beleave in flashdance fixes.Its digital device.Also if the phone part of device is screwd (with flashing from one carrier to another,or messing in cdma workshop and such),flashing ANY ROM (custom or Shipped) not going to fix anything.Even reversal logistics support has limited powers
Bad download is possible and I keep them in RAR to make sure,its delivered properly.1 minor archive error and RAR will be non-extractable