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  #4141 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 01:48 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

I've noticed that the HTCWeatherMasterRhodium2.2 no longer works with the current release. Has anyone else found a solution for this? I'd like to be abe to add my city into the weather database.

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  #4142 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 01:50 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by lloway21 View Post
My data connection will not stay on, it keeps sliding itself back over to off. Help ???
data not staying on for most of us is a good thing, as it wont eat up battery as much.

Just because data is off doesnt mean it wont turn on when you need it.
Just ckick weather tab and update to see if your data is working.

In programs tab / advance config / menu / more settings / connections / disconnect after box...
Check it and set how many minutes you would like it to stay on.
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  #4143 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 01:55 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by Phenom1211 View Post
So staring blankly at my screen, deciding what to do next, I had kind of a crazy idea for a busy icon. CMYLXGO, take your forum avatar just as it is and have the multicolored strip/bar/whatever you'd like to call it spin in a circle inside the silver outline. Not sure if thats entirely possible/what the limitations are on how in detail u can go for the busy icon, but just an absent-minded image that popped in my head. Maybe also give the ends of the strip tails (end up looking like a double bladed scythe If that makes any sense).

ps If this sounds completely retarded to anyone, feel free to say so...I'm not the greatest at the artsy stuff most time. It looked kinda cool in my head, not sure how well that'd translate to real life xD
Yea that would be sweet, CMYLXGO has a sweet avatar
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  #4144 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:06 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
Yea that would be sweet, CMYLXGO has a sweet avatar
Funny story about my avatar...My very first busy icon used the image that I have set as my avatar...however, NRGZ28 HATED the Circle with a passion so I scrapped it. So...I set it as my avatar to screw with him
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  #4145 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:09 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

CMYLXGO's EnergyROM 3.0.x Startup Animation

-= Copy cab to phone and install =-

Edit: 3.0.2 has a different Startup Sound

Last edited by cmylxgo; 07-23-2009 at 03:42 AM.
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  #4146 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:21 AM
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Smile Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Hi.. I'm testing ROMs and trying to find one that fits my needs. Your work is amazing: extremely fast response, MMS works with a little fix I found around (and seems to fit any ROM so far)... seems like a keeper so far.

Now comes the 'but' part: I found that the new animation (W7-like) has a weird sound... like continuous micro-skips, it doesn't affect the way the ROM works but just a note there.

Now the actual problem: YouTube... well for some reason the youtube folder has moved itself inside the windows folder. It would work (muted tho) if I delete the folder, soft reset and use it. But as soon as I close the application and reopen it, youtube would go into the 'Cannot play video' error.

I found a workaround by downloading the app from m.youtube.com/app which works 'properly' i.e. it does not give the error but still muted.

I have tried multiple fixes around here and all of them fail after closing youtube with the error mentioned above, the only one that seems to hold is the workaround I found but still no sound (and yes I checked the volume... in fact the soft keyboard makes the key sounds while inside the app, but the video itself would be mute).

Any ideas how to solve this??

EDIT: Nevermind... the youtube app from m.youtube.com/app works flawlessly.

heh now to spend sometime with this ROM!

Thanks and nice work.
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Last edited by fenixjn; 07-23-2009 at 02:39 AM.
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  #4147 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:23 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by cmylxgo View Post
Funny story about my avatar...My very first busy icon used the image that I have set as my avatar...however, NRGZ28 HATED the Circle with a passion so I scrapped it. So...I set it as my avatar to screw with him
Haha, nicely done. Kind of a shame though, I suppose you don't have the design saved somewhere anymore, do ya?

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  #4148 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:32 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by Priest View Post
I've noticed that the HTCWeatherMasterRhodium2.2 no longer works with the current release. Has anyone else found a solution for this? I'd like to be abe to add my city into the weather database.

This works fine for me. I just updated it with my local city that wasnt on the list before and it shows up fine. Don't know what's going on for you. Does it give error, or just not show up?

Originally Posted by fenixjn View Post
Now comes the 'but' part: I found that the new animation (W7-like) has a weird sound... like continuous micro-skips, it doesn't affect the way the ROM works but just a note there.
he already posted a cab that fixes this with a new sound and animation
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  #4149 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:36 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by cmylxgo View Post
OK...yer SOL till tomorrow. My images are on my office pc and for some reason I can not RDP or map to it.

You can either wait till tomorrow or post shellres.192.dll from \windows cause I have over written mine several times testing the new busy icon and I do not want to reflash right now.

np here u go buddy...
Attached Files
File Type: zip shellres.192.zip (380.7 KB, 9 views) Click for barcode!
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  #4150 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:45 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by fenixjn View Post
Hi.. I'm testing ROMs and trying to find one that fits my needs. Your work is amazing: extremely fast response, MMS works with a little fix I found around (and seems to fit any ROM so far)... seems like a keeper so far.

Now comes the 'but' part: I found that the new animation (W7-like) has a weird sound... like continuous micro-skips, it doesn't affect the way the ROM works but just a note there.

Now the actual problem: YouTube... well for some reason the youtube folder has moved itself inside the windows folder. It would work (muted tho) if I delete the folder, soft reset and use it. But as soon as I close the application and reopen it, youtube would go into the 'Cannot play video' error.

I found a workaround by downloading the app from m.youtube.com/app which works 'properly' i.e. it does not give the error but still muted.

I have tried multiple fixes around here and all of them fail after closing youtube with the error mentioned above, the only one that seems to hold is the workaround I found but still no sound (and yes I checked the volume... in fact the soft keyboard makes the key sounds while inside the app, but the video itself would be mute).

Any ideas how to solve this??

EDIT: Nevermind... the youtube app from m.youtube.com/app works flawlessly.

heh now to spend sometime with this ROM!

Thanks and nice work.
I posted a fix a few post up for the Startup Animation Sound problem.
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