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  #2411 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by ruskiyab View Post
Just the one that said you intentionally left it out... Does it work on the GSM rom?
EnergyROM Chef

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  #2412 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:12 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

ya know? this getting absolutely dumb. There was a time that people searched on this forum. there was a time that people worked to figure out their problems. Now it seems that a lot of people just want someone else to do all the work for them and then when something goes wrong you want to crucify the chef. enoughs enough. You didnt pay for the rom so you arent out anything. If being out your time is your problem then you shouldnt be playing with roms to begin with.

I even saw one person complaining that it was nrgz fault that he was late to work. While I hope you were kidding, but if you werent then yer dumb. Do you honestly expect people to believe that you can afford a touch pro, but not a watch? do you not have a microwave with a clock? what about the stereo in yer car, that has a clock, or the bus, I mean its down right silly. 28 posts almost right in a row about people not knowing how to search for the fix to the vibrating keyboard. If yer too stupid to use your computer properly, then pack it up and send it back for the return of your money.

My touch Pro works perfectly, sure, I had to make a couple of tweaks on my own but thats because of preference. Nrgz, I think your ROMS are by far, top notch. I have never been happier. They are smooth, fast, last long on the battery, and even pocketwit works again. I dont have clock issues, or freezes, or black screens. I am a firm believer that a computer is only as smart as its user. I downloaded the same ROM that the rest of you did, and Most of us have no problems. So I believe its user error, not chef error.

In closing before I step off of my soapbox, I shall say, if you want a rom that has 0 flaws, then I guess you need to stick with a stock ROM for a while. mayb then you will realize that those are even worse. which means , if you look at it, NRGZ is doing a better job that the companies you bought your phone from. if your kids acted like people do in here, you would send them to their room. All though i have a feeling that most of the whiners in here ARE kids, whos mommies and daddies spoiled them.
If you can't figure it out, chances are, you already broke it!
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  #2413 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Mortscript is already in. Sounds like you'an avid Juicy ROM fan. How about just using his ROM and call it a day ?
Sorry if u feel i offended u (woke up on the wrong side of bed?) but im not a Juicy ROM fan. I was making a proffesional suggestion that might benefit u and ur ROMs.

Juicy ROMS do work well... but IMHO, they are ugly. Plain Jane. Ur ROMs work just as well, and manage to look great. if u managed to clear out some of the very few issues with the rhodium build (which is NOT ur fault), then u would get alot less complaints and have an overall better rom. And isnt that what we all want?
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  #2414 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:29 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

I found a fix for the HTC Album 3.0 zooming while in landscape, the module name was not entered in the registry. I'll post it later
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  #2415 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by jmy72 View Post
ya know? this getting absolutely dumb. There was a time that people searched on this forum. there was a time that people worked to figure out their problems. Now it seems that a lot of people just want someone else to do all the work for them and then when something goes wrong you want to crucify the chef. enoughs enough. You didnt pay for the rom so you arent out anything. If being out your time is your problem then you shouldnt be playing with roms to begin with.

I even saw one person complaining that it was nrgz fault that he was late to work. While I hope you were kidding, but if you werent then yer dumb. Do you honestly expect people to believe that you can afford a touch pro, but not a watch? do you not have a microwave with a clock? what about the stereo in yer car, that has a clock, or the bus, I mean its down right silly. 28 posts almost right in a row about people not knowing how to search for the fix to the vibrating keyboard. If yer too stupid to use your computer properly, then pack it up and send it back for the return of your money.

My touch Pro works perfectly, sure, I had to make a couple of tweaks on my own but thats because of preference. Nrgz, I think your ROMS are by far, top notch. I have never been happier. They are smooth, fast, last long on the battery, and even pocketwit works again. I dont have clock issues, or freezes, or black screens. I am a firm believer that a computer is only as smart as its user. I downloaded the same ROM that the rest of you did, and Most of us have no problems. So I believe its user error, not chef error.

In closing before I step off of my soapbox, I shall say, if you want a rom that has 0 flaws, then I guess you need to stick with a stock ROM for a while. mayb then you will realize that those are even worse. which means , if you look at it, NRGZ is doing a better job that the companies you bought your phone from. if your kids acted like people do in here, you would send them to their room. All though i have a feeling that most of the whiners in here ARE kids, whos mommies and daddies spoiled them.
There is only one thing I can say to this.... +1

Perfectly said!
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  #2416 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:33 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by rezn View Post
Sounds like your LCD could be going out. I am on my 4th TP and have had 2 screen failures. Flash back to stock and watch this happen again, you will know your LCD has failed for sure. I have been running this ROM since the release and have not noticed any issues. The stylus not being recognized (no known fix)and sometimes the Tachi dialaer wont dial out on occasion (soft-reset fixes this) are the only known issues. The other issues that users are reporting are user generated and NOT the ROM.
perhaps, but it is brand new. My issue matches the one comstar was having. I'm going to try that registry fix and go from there.
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  #2417 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:33 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Can you Help me?
Mobile Shell 3.5 & WM 6.5
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  #2418 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:39 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Thanks Rezn,my compliments to the chef ...diamond for desert....?
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  #2419 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 04:39 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by flipzmode View Post
There is only one thing I can say to this.... +1

Perfectly said!
Except for the stock ROM not having any issues. The stock ROMs are not perfect.
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  #2420 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 05:09 PM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by typex View Post

Can you Help me?

Ya I am here also to look for the vib cab, lol.
I know how 2 look 4 it a few pages back thou.
But I have checked 1st page & the fix cab isn't posted there yet, so we may keep seeing a "can U help me?" question
EDIT: found it

Last edited by Maxx134; 07-02-2009 at 06:16 PM. Reason: cab info
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