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  #10511 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:03 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

I only had issues with the windows alerts/notification sounds. but i converted my ringtone to a wav file, and converted the text and email windows alerts i use (Alarm 1 and Alert Glass1) to a wav file, sent it over to the application data\sounds folder, and selected them in Sounds and notifications. everything seems to be working ok so far.
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  #10512 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:04 PM
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Talking Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by CHUBBZ View Post
I didn't work on that yet will try to figure it out tonight.
Thanks for the cpr AM/PM adjustment fix....{lol}
Yet To Be Technology....!
  #10513 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by peener View Post
I only had issues with the windows alerts/notification sounds. but i converted my ringtone to a wav file, and converted the text and email windows alerts i use (Alarm 1 and Alert Glass1) to a wav file, sent it over to the application data\sounds folder, and selected them in Sounds and notifications. everything seems to be working ok so far.

Cool. Can you let us know how it goes and report back if the corruption thing comes back.

Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v

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  #10514 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:22 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
I'm just happy its not something I'm doing or installing. I hard reset again thisafternoon for another fresh start. So far so good.

Mighty Mike,

Sorry to hear of your job loss. I really hope you find something else soon.


Wow sounds like your going through hoops to figure it out.. Thank you. I know I spent all afternoon and evening hard resetting and trying to figure out if it was something I was installing.
I really dont understand, everyone is getting this corruption...
I haven't got that with copper or this rom,
and i'm using this rom since it came out this,
i use the default alarm-dawn for my wake up alarm...
for my ringtone, i have several small mp3 clips of 17 to 20 second files,
for example = my house phone and wife's cell = same mp3 file..
i created these mp3 files, yrs ago..
i used it on my htc tmobile dash and motorola phones...
which i've used this on this phone since january...

I don't know if that helps... but also i haven't listened or tried to use any of the other ring tones and alarm tones..
also i haven't installed to many apps or nothing..
my only problem is that is is ringtone is kinda low, also on my bluetooth, its just low...
but I can deal with it.

installed programs...
showaco titanium weather and startmenu 4 - 6 row..
at contacts = for favorite contacts,
dci battery
divx player
ms voicecommand
pshutxp from arelas
sprint arcsoft mms
spb screenshot, and spb backup
resco explorer and registry
tf3d uncompressed transparent clock,
advanced conf. tool 3.3
mighty sprint theme w. calendar and call history
mun background4allpagesv.02

hmmmmm. hope that helps...

also... i learned from copper what not to installed when it locked up once or twice..
stop using twosen taskbars... i learned it makes it sluggish... and locks up..

ms voice command works, = gives u an error message just soft reset, it works..
titanium weather works, = gives u an error message just soft reset , it works.
startmenu 4 6.cab = works...

internet, picture messages, texts, all ## , alarms ringtones, music, everything works,
if it doesn't, its probably something u installed, becarefull of what u install,
stop saying so much the rom doesn't work,,, Mighty made sure it all works for everyday use...

and of course, Lilrico......
OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs

Sprint Touch Pro and TPro 2 Flashed to MetroPCS = Guide for MetroPCS

Dont forget to hit Thanks, if I helped.

Last edited by mdiaz33685; 04-23-2009 at 10:32 PM.
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  #10515 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:29 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by fibrizo View Post
I love this new rom, I had 4.16 installed and I just flashed... but I have to flash back to 4.16 because of 2 killer issues for me. I was wondering if there is a fix. I use 2 medical programs on my phone Epocrates and UptoDate. I can install both of them, but epocrates will not update. I don't quite understand why but the autoupdate program (which downloads and updates the databases for the first time) cannot seem to make a data connection. I can connect with internet explorer and the autoupdater will sit there and do nothing. If I do not connect with another app, I can see it does not even activate a connection. I don't know if you could trouble shoot this, the app can be downloaded at get.epocrates.com and if you go to www.epocrates.com you can get a free account to try. It works fine on mighty 4.16.

The other app UpToDate I think has issues with the new IE... I haven't found a single rom that it runs on with the new IE. It will run, but display nothing at th end of your search. I think the program must do some rendering or loading with IE and now it's changed how it handles pages and such. If you could solve this issue it would be great.
Otherwise, would it be remotely possible to cook me a rom with everything the way it is but put the old IE from 4.16? (I've tried the Ie toggle etc to try to trick it back to the old format, but it still does not work.

Sorry for those big requests, but I love version 5... but now I sadly have to go back to 4.16 for the time being. (I'm hoping that a little tinkering will allow epocrates to work again and maybe a custom rom could be made so I could run UptoDate. Please send me a PM if you are willing to discuss/trouble shoot.
I had the same problem and had to re-flash back to 4.16 . You may have to go into internet explorer or opera and view the page as mobile and not as a desktop. On IE window Menu-->tools-->options (i think as I no longer have the program). I also thought 5.0 was a bit slower than 4.16
  #10516 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:29 PM
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Talking Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

The new Wide screen WM7 Panel look can be darken {Black Focus} by installing the bronzeres.dll to the Windows folder, the dll file is below.... The new look Wide screen WM7 panel look it's the hottest new look for the 2100 ROM'S, enjoy....
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File Type: zip bronzeres_black_focus.zip (513.6 KB, 32 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Technology1; 04-23-2009 at 06:34 PM.
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  #10517 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

after a soft reset, my phone ringtone was ok, my text alert was still ok, but my email alert didnt go off. i went into the sounds and notifications setting, pressed play on my email alert, and it sounded. i sent myself another email, and it came through. i guess if i want to hear my email alert, ill have to remember to go into the sound and notifications and play the alert first in order for it to come through after.

this is still using wav files as my alerts that i put in my application data\sounds folder.
  #10518 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by tpeazy View Post
Is there an easy way to change the softkeys? FOr instance, on the clock view, which is my main view, I would like to have sms instead of set. Is this possible? I checked into cHOME editor but it looks like I need to know some string that I have no clue about.

Google "KeySwop". Freeware that does this for you quite nicely. I have not tested it with WinMo 6.5 but can confirm it works on MightyROM 4.16
  #10519 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:31 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

im rowing the same boat as mdiaz minus the voice command. 0 ring tone issues as of now, i did have the default ringers trying to overlap my regulars, but it ironed itself out.
  #10520 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

As for me I NEVER had the ring corruption issue until today RIGHT after I installed the WM7 Titanium Project cab listed earlier in this thread. so I removed the cab and reset and issue was gone. I have since installed the cab again and reset and have yet to get the issue.

WM7 Titanium FIX: On another note I have fixed the Notification Expanded Menu and have repositioned the clock and date slightly thus fixing the overlap issue. Attached are the .cpr files.

EDIT: Forgot to attach files. Install by disabling Titanium, unzipping the files to windows directory, and restarting Titanium. This will fix both portrait and landscape modes. Also have my transparency for the expanded background to .1 so you may want to change it back if needed...can find info on how to here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...05&postcount=2
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Last edited by ACoolGuy; 04-23-2009 at 06:47 PM.
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