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Old 04-23-2009, 06:29 PM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by fibrizo View Post
I love this new rom, I had 4.16 installed and I just flashed... but I have to flash back to 4.16 because of 2 killer issues for me. I was wondering if there is a fix. I use 2 medical programs on my phone Epocrates and UptoDate. I can install both of them, but epocrates will not update. I don't quite understand why but the autoupdate program (which downloads and updates the databases for the first time) cannot seem to make a data connection. I can connect with internet explorer and the autoupdater will sit there and do nothing. If I do not connect with another app, I can see it does not even activate a connection. I don't know if you could trouble shoot this, the app can be downloaded at and if you go to you can get a free account to try. It works fine on mighty 4.16.

The other app UpToDate I think has issues with the new IE... I haven't found a single rom that it runs on with the new IE. It will run, but display nothing at th end of your search. I think the program must do some rendering or loading with IE and now it's changed how it handles pages and such. If you could solve this issue it would be great.
Otherwise, would it be remotely possible to cook me a rom with everything the way it is but put the old IE from 4.16? (I've tried the Ie toggle etc to try to trick it back to the old format, but it still does not work.

Sorry for those big requests, but I love version 5... but now I sadly have to go back to 4.16 for the time being. (I'm hoping that a little tinkering will allow epocrates to work again and maybe a custom rom could be made so I could run UptoDate. Please send me a PM if you are willing to discuss/trouble shoot.
I had the same problem and had to re-flash back to 4.16 . You may have to go into internet explorer or opera and view the page as mobile and not as a desktop. On IE window Menu-->tools-->options (i think as I no longer have the program). I also thought 5.0 was a bit slower than 4.16