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  #13721 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

So I already UTFSE, and cant seem to find an answer. When I hit the talk button and then scroll down, after about the 5th name, they all become un readable and the text is corrupted. I thought I saw something on here about it but dont know. BTW this ROM ROCKS!
  #13722 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 03:31 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Okay, I love this ROM, But I have a question and I was hoping someone could help me out. I am running the Mighty ROM 5, and everything is working perfectly, except for one thing. I have no Picture Mail anymore. I am on US Cellular so I can't use the Sprint Picmail.cab. Does anyone have an Idea how to get the Picture Mail back working on this ROM without having to revert back to the stock US Cellular ROM. I Really really love this rom but I need Picture mail also.
If you can't figure it out, chances are, you already broke it!
  #13723 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 03:36 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

is there any cab file that i could install to get the stock tab for the touch pro?
  #13724 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 03:58 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by Ambassador Serge View Post
is there any cab file that i could install to get the stock tab for the touch pro?
that is a feture in a tf3d2 rom - these are tf3d. unless your asking for a titanium plugin..?

Originally Posted by andyrm66 View Post
So I already UTFSE, and cant seem to find an answer. When I hit the talk button and then scroll down, after about the 5th name, they all become un readable and the text is corrupted. I thought I saw something on here about it but dont know. BTW this ROM ROCKS!
this is because of 6.5 and the htc dialer. just a couple of pages back somone posted a fix for this. otherwise disable the htc dialer and use stock.

EDIT - looked for you - post #13681

Originally Posted by ElAguila View Post
What version of .NetCF does the 5/24 rom have installed? The reason I am asking that I installed an application(I think the app might be buggy) and I got an error saying that I need to install .NetCF 3.5. I thought ok, I have that so I went to install it. When starting the install it says there is a newer .NetCF version installed already.
the 5/24 version has .net 3.5 compact already in it. don't know about the 5/28 version though...
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MordyT is right.

Last edited by MordyT; 05-31-2009 at 04:10 PM.
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  #13725 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 04:25 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Thanks for the info. I can report to the developers that the app I tried is buggy. I posted in the manila tweaks forum a question about running the hd tf3d port with this rom but I haven't heard back yet. I am debating installing it to see how it does with this rom.
  #13726 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 04:26 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Mighty i have a question. Assuming you are running your 5.24 release and with your own specific cabs installed other then whats included, what is your average battery life after X amount of calls, texts, internet, etc?
  #13727 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 04:47 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by jmy72 View Post
Okay, I love this ROM, But I have a question and I was hoping someone could help me out. I am running the Mighty ROM 5, and everything is working perfectly, except for one thing. I have no Picture Mail anymore. I am on US Cellular so I can't use the Sprint Picmail.cab. Does anyone have an Idea how to get the Picture Mail back working on this ROM without having to revert back to the stock US Cellular ROM. I Really really love this rom but I need Picture mail also.
USCC Arcsoft cab in first post here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=404345
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  #13728 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 09:32 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Well I appreciate the effort. I downloaded that file, and reset however, it just brought up the error, over and over that the send failed and if I wanted to resend. and I also could not receive pic mail also. Its okay. I Still love the ROM, but I have gone back to the stock, until we can figure out a way to stabilize ROMS for U.S. Cellular. Once I get my broadband Internet, I will be downloading some kitchens and base files and trying to build som U.S. Cellular ROMS. It appears that most of the ROMS right now are centered more for sprint and Telus. But I do appreciate the help.
Originally Posted by razorloves View Post
  #13729 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 09:40 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Last night I left my pro charging like always and this morning when I woke up the lights on the d pad that usually turn round and around was just lit. Not moving at all and when i hit the power button nothing. I had to do a soft reset twice before it would restart. when it came on I got all the texts people had sent me. No phone calls came in also. Has anybody had this problem. been on the new rom for 2 days with just this prob but it has only happend this once.
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  #13730 (permalink)  
Old 05-31-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 05.28.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21725 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by har226 View Post
Last night I left my pro charging like always and this morning when I woke up the lights on the d pad that usually turn round and around was just lit. Not moving at all and when i hit the power button nothing. I had to do a soft reset twice before it would restart. when it came on I got all the texts people had sent me. No phone calls came in also. Has anybody had this problem. been on the new rom for 2 days with just this prob but it has only happend this once.
I have had random overnight lockups ever since I got the phone, on nearly every ROM. I get very few, however, since I turned off the "Today Timeout" in the Today settings.
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