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  #931 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:20 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

ROM will not download via link for me as posted above, but I also cannot get the Rom download started in rom manger. i just get he notification of the Rom name and then (1 of 1) after it.

Any suggestions, halp!
HTC TouchPro2

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  #932 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:22 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I followed the steps & had Firmware Version ( WTH? lol. I'm going to reflash the wimax update & try again.
I'm running OMJ v1.3 with .6 radio. My wimax also says
I think I'll stay put until this mess gets sorted out. Thanks for your hard work!
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  #933 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:22 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

Well... 4G just randomly stopped working for me today. So, I restored my 1.5 backup, which still kept the NEW radio and everything was fine again. 4G, WiFi, and 3G and texts/calls all work fine.

To whomever was saying that the new radio needs the new system files is apparently not correct, not sure if that was here or over at xda, but I am running the new radio on 1.5 and everything is working fine.

Not sure what to make of this whole thing. 4G was working for me last night on 1.6 with the wimax update and new radio and I hadn't changed anything when it just died out.
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  #934 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

If Im just upgrading the OMJ rom from 1.5 to 1.6R, do I still need to do the factory reset/data wipe, and cache clearing?
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  #935 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:29 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy View Post
My thoughts exactly. I'm running the very first one as well.
Originally Posted by colorado_al View Post
I think I'm waiting this one out. Still running OMJ 1.3 with no issues. Once the 4G and insufficient memory issues are solved, I'll update.
Thanks OMJ!
Originally Posted by HTC_nut View Post
If Im just upgrading the OMJ rom from 1.5 to 1.6R, do I still need to do the factory reset/data wipe, and cache clearing?
yes, you would need to wipe your data and your dalvik cache...no need to wipe the cache
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  #936 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:39 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

I have OMJ ROM 1.6 with the radio that came with that rom and it works great. 1.6 also is very smooth and reliable, thanks dev!

I havnt tried 1.6r yet trying to wait for things to be worked out for the most part. I also havnt done the recent OTA from 6/28 still waiting for things to get ironed out. With 1.6 wifi is working you can also get N Working if you flash the N kernal. 4g seems to be working because I connected to it even though I got a weak signal but the signal here at the house is always weak even before I flashed to the rom. The only thing not working with 1.6 is wifi tether but I believe you just have to uninstall and reinstall the latest version.

I know this has all been posted before but I wanted to clear things up in just one post because this is all pretty hard to follow. So for now this post will at least hopefully help a few people

Also can the developer please update the first post with the current rom and the the status of what appears to be working and not working or something along those lines? I like the fact that you update with a date and let us no what changes where made but id also like a caption that can be updated within the dated update that lets us no what issues are happening so we know what we are getting into. It does appear that 1.6r is working great as long as you follow the proper steps but there is alot of buzz flying around with people having issues and its keeping me from going to 1.6r lol.

Thanks again, Thomas
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  #937 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:50 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

I just had a quick question about the wireless tether.. i got it to connect to my moms computer when i stopped at her house today but as soon as i pulled her belkin wireless adapter i lost internet and her computer couldnt even see the device.. am i doing something wrong? thanks in advance.
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  #938 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:55 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

I reflashed the wimax update from Calkulin, and got the same result as before, Firmware Version ( Neotelos_com updated his version of the wimax update. I flashed it & now I am getting the Firmware Version ( You have the 1.47.651.1 wimax .

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
when I get a change I'll respond to some of the questions....but it sounds like there is still issues w/ 4g on the 1.47.651.1 ROM (v1.6). Like I said b4 I am running fine but I'm not in a 4g area.....if you need 4g or just want to wait for this mess to clear up.....stick to v1.5, I will re-add it back to post #1.

here's a little tid bit I found...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=714846

I followed the steps & had Firmware Version ( WTH? lol. I'm going to reflash the wimax update & try again.

Originally Posted by Neotelos_com;
I'm going to start off by assuming you have adb and root access.
adb is from the Android SDK, and there are many guides on how to use it.

Go into "adb shell" and type "su", your phone's screen will ask for root permission, just accept.

Now type "wimax_mtd", this will bring up alot of info, scroll up to the top.

You will see alot of info, so here's a breakdown...

If you see "Dev MAC = 00:16:08:00", there is no fix yet. The unrevoked team is working on it.

If you see:
  • Firmware Version ( You have the 1.47.651.1 wimax
  • Firmware Version ( You have the 1.32.651.6 wimax
  • Firmware Version ( You may have toasts old wimax or another older release

If anyone else can help me grab a list of versions, that would be great.

Here's info on getting DamageControl working
, it has been verified by some helping me out.
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  #939 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 06:56 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

After installing this rom....i cant connect to a pc
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  #940 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 07:02 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM v1.6 | Eclair | *Updated | 6/30/10*

Originally Posted by ChadMichels View Post
ROM will not download via link for me as posted above, but I also cannot get the Rom download started in rom manger. i just get he notification of the Rom name and then (1 of 1) after it.

Any suggestions, halp!
It should be downloading, give it time. It does not give a status bar. The ROM will just magically appear

Originally Posted by awesomeindeed View Post
Well... 4G just randomly stopped working for me today. So, I restored my 1.5 backup, which still kept the NEW radio and everything was fine again. 4G, WiFi, and 3G and texts/calls all work fine.

To whomever was saying that the new radio needs the new system files is apparently not correct, not sure if that was here or over at xda, but I am running the new radio on 1.5 and everything is working fine.

Not sure what to make of this whole thing. 4G was working for me last night on 1.6 with the wimax update and new radio and I hadn't changed anything when it just died out.
Just to clarify-like I said a few posts back-Nand doesnt touch the radio, so if you restore a ROM you'll always keep the radio.
Calk said that we needed the OTA to use the radio, he knows his stuff so watch for weirdness. Hope it's all gouda for you.

Originally Posted by twilk View Post
I have OMJ ROM 1.6 with the radio that came with that rom and it works great. 1.6 also is very smooth and reliable, thanks dev!

I havnt tried 1.6r yet trying to wait for things to be worked out for the most part. I also havnt done the recent OTA from 6/28 still waiting for things to get ironed out. With 1.6 wifi is working you can also get N Working if you flash the N kernal. 4g seems to be working because I connected to it even though I got a weak signal but the signal here at the house is always weak even before I flashed to the rom. The only thing not working with 1.6 is wifi tether but I believe you just have to uninstall and reinstall the latest version.

I know this has all been posted before but I wanted to clear things up in just one post because this is all pretty hard to follow. So for now this post will at least hopefully help a few people

Also can the developer please update the first post with the current rom and the the status of what appears to be working and not working or something along those lines? I like the fact that you update with a date and let us no what changes where made but id also like a caption that can be updated within the dated update that lets us no what issues are happening so we know what we are getting into. It does appear that 1.6r is working great as long as you follow the proper steps but there is alot of buzz flying around with people having issues and its keeping me from going to 1.6r lol.

Thanks again, Thomas
Again, usually no radio "comes" with a ROM they are separate even if the chef "includes" it in one zip file. Chefs typically leave them out as their function can vary by location.
You say you "haven't done the OTA" DONT! If you want to keep root anyway. If you are on 1.6 then you ARE running the OTA as OMJ created 1.6 with the new system files. If you run an OTA from Sprint/HTC you'll lose root.

Boom.Done.Game over.

The only diff between 1.6 and 1.6r is the radio.
The radio is available as it's own zip.

@ALL-The OTA root or not breaks Android Wallpapers as an option on the Home screen. Grab them here if you want them:
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