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  #2271 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 08:58 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

[QUOTE=iknowsquat;1894552]Just fyi Bro, I had to do a full wipe then flash the kernel to get the camera to work.[QUOTE]

That freaking sucks.. I hate data wiping... I'm sure my Evo will love the wiping but I don't...
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  #2272 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by richarc93 View Post
Did you flash the netarchy kernel to get wifi tether working? Netarchy's kernel is the one that over clocks the evo and also a few other enhancements, wifi tether being one of those. Downside is the camera downgrade and in my case force close.. Let us if your camera is 8mp after the netarchy kernel flash?..
Thats my bad im thinking people is ussing regular.room i apologize about this mistake

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Life is a Burrito !!!!!

My EVO is full rooted with OMJ rom!!!!
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  #2273 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

I've seen a link posted here & there. What is being presently downloaded is an update...not a full rom. It is to update folks with 2.1 (not us that have a 2.2 rom). That's what HTC meant in their tweet:
If you applied the unofficial EVO update, we are working to get you back on the official track. We will get back to you in the coming days
I'm certain OMJ and the rest of the talented devs will piece it all together long before HTC send something out "to get us back on the official (and probably unroot you, too) track".

So patience to those using this ROM or any other. I seriously doubt much has changed from .1 or .3 to the new .6. But we shall see in a day...or two (at the longest).
Get off my lawn!!!

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  #2274 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:10 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
It's up to you, how important is tether?
Took a FULL wipe for me to get the camera to work so you may be in a similar situ. I'd reflash first since it's the most harmless. If that doesnt work try wiping cache and dalvik (not factory reset) then reflash the kernel.
As a last resort do a full wipe-factory reset/cache/dalvik, flash the ROM, reflash the kernel.
No guarantees of course but that's what I had to do for the camera issue I was having.
When you say your camera to work? Do you mean full 8mp work or still 3mp cap?...

If you got full 8mp then I'm gonna wipe and re wipe just to make sure and reinstall the kernel again.. Let me know.. Im curious..
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  #2275 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:20 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by Vegasden View Post
I've seen a link posted here & there. What is being presently downloaded is an update...not a full rom. It is to update folks with 2.1 (not us that have a 2.2 rom). That's what HTC meant in their tweet:

I'm certain OMJ and the rest of the talented devs will piece it all together long before HTC send something out "to get us back on the official (and probably unroot you, too) track".

So patience to those using this ROM or any other. I seriously doubt much has changed from .1 or .3 to the new .6. But we shall see in a day...or two (at the longest).
Well I have a slightly different take.
To me the Twitter message meant that those with the pre-release would not see (or be able to install) the OTA update as their devices "think" they already got it. We (rooters) wouldn't want that OTA or any other that HTC could be working on. There's nothing for us rooters to "wait for".
It not being a full ROM is no biggie IMO. I agree that we'll see some new stuff soon.
Not saying your wrong, just discussing....

Originally Posted by richarc93 View Post
When you say your camera to work? Do you mean full 8mp work or still 3mp cap?...

If you got full 8mp then I'm gonna wipe and re wipe just to make sure and reinstall the kernel again.. Let me know.. Im curious..
I meant work period since I was FCing all over the place when trying to run the camera. The only way for it to work with the kernel is 3MP. But now that the real deal is out this could all be moot.
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  #2276 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by juancaperez2000 View Post
Thats my bad im thinking people is ussing regular.room i apologize about this mistake

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
No problem dude.. We are all "TEST PILOTS" here.. Every now and then we "crash and burn"... Ask iknowsquat... He's like maverick... Dude will run anything and everything on his evo... Then he gives us the good, bad and uglies about the tests..

Keep on testing...
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  #2277 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:24 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
Well I have a slightly different take.
To me the Twitter message meant that those with the pre-release would not see (or be able to install) the OTA update as their devices "think" they already got it. We (rooters) wouldn't want that OTA or any other that HTC could be working on. There's nothing for us rooters to "wait for".
It not being a full ROM is no biggie IMO. I agree that we'll see some new stuff soon.
Not saying your wrong, just discussing....

I meant work period since I was FCing all over the place when trying to run the camera. The only way for it to work with the kernel is 3MP. But now that the real deal is out this could all be moot.

I'll wait. Day or so... I just hate data wiping.. Everything else seems to be working good except for the camera...
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  #2278 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:30 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by Vegasden View Post
I've seen a link posted here & there. What is being presently downloaded is an update...not a full rom. It is to update folks with 2.1 (not us that have a 2.2 rom). That's what HTC meant in their tweet:

I'm certain OMJ and the rest of the talented devs will piece it all together long before HTC send something out "to get us back on the official (and probably unroot you, too) track".

So patience to those using this ROM or any other. I seriously doubt much has changed from .1 or .3 to the new .6. But we shall see in a day...or two (at the longest).
yeah the link to the official ROM has already been posted, I've downloaded & it's very similar to .3

looks like same radio & wimax.....the non-rooters that flashed the pre-release should be able to run this new update manually just like the .3
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  #2279 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

OMJ, you going to have an update for us soon? loving your rom by the way
Samsung Galaxy S3
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  #2280 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by ycats View Post
OMJ, you going to have an update for us soon? loving your rom by the way
depends on what u consider "soon"....I'll definitely have a update, in the near future
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