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Old 08-02-2010, 09:24 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
Well I have a slightly different take.
To me the Twitter message meant that those with the pre-release would not see (or be able to install) the OTA update as their devices "think" they already got it. We (rooters) wouldn't want that OTA or any other that HTC could be working on. There's nothing for us rooters to "wait for".
It not being a full ROM is no biggie IMO. I agree that we'll see some new stuff soon.
Not saying your wrong, just discussing....

I meant work period since I was FCing all over the place when trying to run the camera. The only way for it to work with the kernel is 3MP. But now that the real deal is out this could all be moot.

I'll wait. Day or so... I just hate data wiping.. Everything else seems to be working good except for the camera...
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