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  #7271 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by Torx View Post
hey mike, how come you cant release what you have so far?

i think we can put up with a few bugs, maybe some of us here will be able to fix it ourselves while you take the time out for job seeking.

just a thought.
I got the feeling from his post originally reporting the bug that it was a bit of a show stopper so it could not be released.
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  #7272 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

It's funny how it always comes back to the "they don't owe us anything yada yada yada"

Um, once you start accepting donations and/or you create a ROM that people use on their phones daily, you kinda DO owe the community. Free or otherwise.

Not bashing Mike in any way but it's true.
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  #7273 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by Ghostrider View Post
I have to re-affirm my thanks to Mike and further support of this rom/theme combination, i tried even going back to Telus stock, the better of the 6.5 roms and back to 4.8 I even looked at the new touch screen Blackberry's (Yeeeucck) but i have now configured the lifestyle screens to give me quick access to all the apps i need and as time goes on i can reconfigure it more.
The one caveat i have is that i use WeatherPanel for my weather and i have to flip to the today screen to get access instead of a link from the lifestyle screen but it is otherwise all i need and damn fast.
With Second Today, not mToday, you can program the soft keys to toggle back and forth a truly wunnerful thang!

A few minutes to thoroughly answer someone's question in detail can save hundreds of hours of searching and reading thousands of pages in these forums. A little patience goes a long ways and doesn't leave a bad taste in peoples mouths.
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  #7274 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 02:13 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
It's funny how it always comes back to the "they don't owe us anything yada yada yada"

Um, once you start accepting donations and/or you create a ROM that people use on their phones daily, you kinda DO owe the community. Free or otherwise.

Not bashing Mike in any way but it's true.
I, and I'm sure others, will beg to differ. And I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
As long as there are other options and it's been made very clear that any donations made are not for the sale of a future product, no chef owes anyone anything.
No one is forcing you to use MightyROM. People asked Mike to create a link so that they could show him financial appreciation for the work that he had already done.
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  #7275 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
It's funny how it always comes back to the "they don't owe us anything yada yada yada"

Um, once you start accepting donations and/or you create a ROM that people use on their phones daily, you kinda DO owe the community. Free or otherwise.

Not bashing Mike in any way but it's true.
They don't owe you nothing! just a bunch of ungrateful! people. Sad...really....
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  #7276 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 04:37 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

I am not going to start naming names, nor will I get into another argument on this forum about this topic, however I do have one final thing to say.

This forum works so well because of the unity that we have here. Whenever a fellow "geek" needs a hand with anything they ask for help, and most of us are eager to jump in and give a hand because we have all been stumped at some point or another. Mike has asked us for help by asking us to be patient, and some of us have turned their back on him. Had he been anyone else we, as a tight community, would have circled the wagons and given him the help he asked for, even if it involved taking up some of our personal time in the process. That is why we are here, to help the other guy no matter who it is, or what they need. I am ashamed that a community that has been so selfless in the past has suddenly grown several selfish branches concerned only with their "fix". This forum has never been about I, this forum has always been about WE!!!!
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  #7277 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by pirish View Post
I am not going to start naming names, nor will I get into another argument on this forum about this topic, however I do have one final thing to say.

This forum works so well because of the unity that we have here. Whenever a fellow "geek" needs a hand with anything they ask for help, and most of us are eager to jump in and give a hand because we have all been stumped at some point or another. Mike has asked us for help by asking us to be patient, and some of us have turned their back on him. Had he been anyone else we, as a tight community, would have circled the wagons and given him the help he asked for, even if it involved taking up some of our personal time in the process. That is why we are here, to help the other guy no matter who it is, or what they need. I am ashamed that a community that has been so selfless in the past has suddenly grown several selfish branches concerned only with their "fix". This forum has never been about I, this forum has always been about WE!!!!
Well said my man. Mighty 4.8 has only been around ONE month. I think we can all give Mike the respect he deserves and hold off a bit.

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  #7278 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

This thread has turned into nothing but people bi*ching and complaining and other people defending him like he is the retard kid at school. It used to be a useful thread.

Ill try again,
Originally Posted by Curb71 View Post
Remember when your phone was ringing and you didnt want to answer it so you flipped it upside down and went back to bed? well, that doesnt silent it anymore. Anyone know the registry edit or seen a cab to restore this on MR4.8?
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  #7279 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 07:10 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Well put pirish

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
It's funny how it always comes back to the "they don't owe us anything yada yada yada"

Um, once you start accepting donations and/or you create a ROM that people use on their phones daily, you kinda DO owe the community. Free or otherwise.

Not bashing Mike in any way but it's true.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Mike never accepted donations until 4.8? I don't think he "owes" the community anything for all the work he's already done. Besides donations, why does he owe us anything for a free rom? I don't get what you're saying here.
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  #7280 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

One thing I'll never understand is why people even CARE if somebody on a forum tells them "you owe me this" or "you are a ****".

Who cares, its just some jerk exercising his/her freedom of speech. Why does anybody need to get upset over that?

At any rate I'm a bit hypocritical myself for adding another useless post to a once useful thread. But I figure by this point the damage has been done.

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