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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2009, 08:10 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

You guys miss the whole point, when you call, go to tech support, they can resolve CS issues, and you either get someone in OK, or TX. When you REALLY want something done, ask to speak to Retention (the ones who try to keep you when you want to cancel). Im a pro at getting what i want from them. I got the Instinct 12/23/08 with full discount, then the TP with full discount in March, and thats not the half of it

I have a horror story, but its from last year, the details are kinda fuzzy, and it was on my at the time g/f's account (now my wife on my plan).
Its funny, at least 35 threads a day are people who tried to flash and messed up, or wonder why in the middle of the night their phone up and did a hard reset by 'itself'.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 10:54 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

i finally got all of my problems fixed and my bill cleaned up, it took about a month of calling but finally!!!! sometimes you get bad CS sometimes you get good CS. i agree with an earlier post, it is like a marriage, you have ups and downs but you stick it out.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by Talon Pro View Post
You guys miss the whole point, when you call, go to tech support, they can resolve CS issues, and you either get someone in OK, or TX. When you REALLY want something done, ask to speak to Retention (the ones who try to keep you when you want to cancel). Im a pro at getting what i want from them. I got the Instinct 12/23/08 with full discount, then the TP with full discount in March, and thats not the half of it

I have a horror story, but its from last year, the details are kinda fuzzy, and it was on my at the time g/f's account (now my wife on my plan).

the thing with me isn't that I cant get the problems resolved its that I have to keep doing it. All will be fine for a few months and then something will change and Ill call and then I have to cal for like 2-4 months after that because it wont get fixed. And God forbid I buy something online from sprint they just keep adding it on my bill every month too. If sprint didn't have such good cell service I wouldn't be with them.


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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 06:51 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

i have a nextel account that's set to expire on 5-3-09 and have a moto i880. 2 months ago i wanted to upgrade to bb 8350i and couldn't get any discounts. when i call to find out, i was told that according to their system, i'm not elegible until 6-10! they also said there was nothing they could do about it. yesterday i called *2 and told them that so i wouldn't forget to cancel that line at the end of the contract date(5-8-09) and the guy said ok. this morning i didn't have phone service! after calling and explaining what happened, the lady gets me service again. i then ask her if the service will be terminated in may as i originally wanted and she got upset! she said 'why did we just get your service back if you were gonna cancel anyway!' and i said i only had 1 more month before the contract expires and i still use the number for work and finally got off the phone with her. my wife gets an email from sprint thanking us for our 'purchase'. we check online and they signed us up for a new contract!! expires 4-7-11 but no upgrades! i called again and got this corrected but now i can't view any of my info on the web.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 07:23 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

never had this kind of problem. I request a replacement phone get it in 24 hours send the old one back. They charge it to my bill and when they get the new one they subtract it. Usually happens in a week give or take
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 08:32 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

tell them to compare contract history vs phone swaps....if you had a swap any time during your contract it tends to mess with upgrade eligability...easy fix with the right person

Originally Posted by mr8820 View Post
i have a nextel account that's set to expire on 5-3-09 and have a moto i880. 2 months ago i wanted to upgrade to bb 8350i and couldn't get any discounts. when i call to find out, i was told that according to their system, i'm not elegible until 6-10! they also said there was nothing they could do about it. yesterday i called *2 and told them that so i wouldn't forget to cancel that line at the end of the contract date(5-8-09) and the guy said ok. this morning i didn't have phone service! after calling and explaining what happened, the lady gets me service again. i then ask her if the service will be terminated in may as i originally wanted and she got upset! she said 'why did we just get your service back if you were gonna cancel anyway!' and i said i only had 1 more month before the contract expires and i still use the number for work and finally got off the phone with her. my wife gets an email from sprint thanking us for our 'purchase'. we check online and they signed us up for a new contract!! expires 4-7-11 but no upgrades! i called again and got this corrected but now i can't view any of my info on the web.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 09:32 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by falzon03 View Post
tell them to compare contract history vs phone swaps....if you had a swap any time during your contract it tends to mess with upgrade eligability...easy fix with the right person
i've spoken to 5 different people in 2 days and no one knows anything. i told 'em i can always let this contract expire and get a different contract and still get all the discounts and basically was told 'that's what you're going to have to do'.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

I just went through a week of billing problems. It started a month ago when I checked the plan optimizer and found one that would "save you $20." I got the bill and it was not a savings, but an additional amount. From $192 to $208. Five phone calls later and today it was finally taken care of. From $192 to around $170.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:54 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Hey,,...... have youa ll noticed that Sprint is charging a 30 dollar late fee now? I have been with Sprint for 3 years and suddenly if I make a late payment I get charged 30 dollar late fee. Anyone else notice this or is it a mistake or are they ripping me off? Ive been late in the past and I wa snever chraged this fee before. Is this another ETA get out of contract leverage?
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 11:59 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

30 dollars are a bit much for a day late huh?

Last edited by Exil3d; 04-09-2009 at 12:02 AM.
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