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  #431 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 01:58 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

"In the HSPA+ camp, authors fire out theoretical peak data rates of 42Mbps DL and 23 Mbps UL. The WiMAX forces respond with theoretical peak data rates of 75Mbps DL and 30Mbps UL. LTE joins the fray by unleashing its theoretical peak data rates of 300Mbps DL and 75 Mbps UL. All hell breaks loose, or so it would appear. Were it not for the inclusion of the word “theoretical”, we could all go home to sleep soundly and wake refreshed, safe in the knowledge that might is right. The reality is very different.

Sprint has stated that it intends to deliver services at between 2 and 4 Mbps to its customers with Mobile WiMAX. In the real world, HSPA+ and LTE are likely to give their users single digit Mbps download speeds. Away from the theoretical peak data rates, the reality is that the technologies will be comparable with each other, at least in the experience of the user."

WiMAX vs. LTE vs. HSPA+: who cares who wins? | telecoms.com - telecoms industry news, analysis and opinion
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  #432 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
If your on SERO and want an Android device on sero, you MUST goto SERO-P..

first really only one or 2 things were wrong in the post you were referring to..

second, stick to the facts yourself... we'll get to it below but there is NO 42mbs HSPA+ its a theorhetical 21mbs for now... hoping to be increased to 42.. so get YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT GUY....... and NOONE actually hits that anyways, more like 8mbs - 12/13mbs at best....

third, NOW YOUR FACTS... SPRINT DOES NOT THROTTLE DATA.. I use damn near 100GBs on average... thats right, a HUNDRED FREAKING GIGABYTES... my speeds are always the SAME whether its the first GB or the 130th GB... stop speculating like you know shit already guy.. dont believe me, ask Darren.. He is the only other User ive found that gets even close to me, his Data never gets throttled either..

And of course we're Fanboys you dweeb, so are you, and everyone else... WE ALL picked the carriers we're on for one reason or another... so of course we're going to say we have the best one.... Its like being a fan of your hometown teams, doesnt matter how they perform, you just support them no matter what...

I never understood why theres even a Sprint Nav... like you said, you can go download TeleNav, which is Identical minus some SPrint logos, for free... why would anyone care if they have Sprint Nav or not lol I use GMaps most personally... i dont need GPS, at all.. just give me a word list of directions and im golden..

I hope this helps you realize youve posted damn near the same thing above already, because i quoted it.. but here it goes again..

Fact, your yelling at people for saying what you feel are "lies" or misleading or wrong info" ... YOUR DOING THe SAME..

Fact, theres NO 42 HSPA+.. check it doucher.. its 21 for now.. and thats a Theorhetical limit... which to cell companies it means if less than 5% of the network tried to use it, it MAY hit those speeds.. its more like 8-12/13mb avg depending on signal..



TeleNav is FREE, Sprint Nav apparently charges... its identical with Sprint logos... its not a perk lol.. Sprint TV has always been free for some channels... not matter what plan you have, most of the good channels cost $..

<big sigh of relief>
You're wrong on so many levels it isn't even funny.

1: I'm not a fanboy. Speak for yourself. I don't need you speaking for me. I have an Evo. I have Sprint. I'm not their cheerleader. I tell it like it is.

2: hspa+ is lit up in several places. The official nationwide launch hasn't happened yet, but it is absolutely up and running in some areas.

3: Even in areas that have not been upgraded yet, T-Mobile's 21 meg hspa+ is still faster than Sprint's 10 meg wimax.

4: Sprint absolutely reserves the right to throttle speed on abusers. It hasn't happened to you, great. But that doesn't mean they never will. T-Mobile probably doesn't throttle every single person that ever goes over either.
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  #433 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
"In the HSPA+ camp, authors fire out theoretical peak data rates of 42Mbps DL and 23 Mbps UL. The WiMAX forces respond with theoretical peak data rates of 75Mbps DL and 30Mbps UL. LTE joins the fray by unleashing its theoretical peak data rates of 300Mbps DL and 75 Mbps UL. All hell breaks loose, or so it would appear. Were it not for the inclusion of the word “theoretical”, we could all go home to sleep soundly and wake refreshed, safe in the knowledge that might is right. The reality is very different.

Sprint has stated that it intends to deliver services at between 2 and 4 Mbps to its customers with Mobile WiMAX. In the real world, HSPA+ and LTE are likely to give their users single digit Mbps download speeds. Away from the theoretical peak data rates, the reality is that the technologies will be comparable with each other, at least in the experience of the user."

WiMAX vs. LTE vs. HSPA+: who cares who wins? | telecoms.com - telecoms industry news, analysis and opinion
Wimax may be capable of 75 megs, but that is not what Sprint has deployed. Sprint's wimax has a theoretical max of 10 megs.
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  #434 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 02:12 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
You're wrong on so many levels it isn't even funny.

1: I'm not a fanboy. Speak for yourself. I don't need you speaking for me. I have an Evo. I have Sprint. I'm not their cheerleader. I tell it like it is.

2: hspa+ is lit up in several places. The official nationwide launch hasn't happened yet, but it is absolutely up and running in some areas.

3: Even in areas that have not been upgraded yet, T-Mobile's 21 meg hspa+ is still faster than Sprint's 10 meg wimax.

4: Sprint absolutely reserves the right to throttle speed on abusers. It hasn't happened to you, great. But that doesn't mean they never will. T-Mobile probably doesn't throttle every single person that ever goes over either.
1. good for you
2. your point? MetroPCS has 4G lit up in markets too, doesnt mean its any good.. sprint has 4G in markets as well... so?
3. NOONE has hit 21mb.. NOONE... look at the avg speeds in the (*) on the website.. it will NOT be 21mbs... so get off it already... thats a MAX capable, not a user avg
4. well no shit Nostri-freakin-domas.. they also reserve the right to cancel me for any reason.. and abusing Data services.... hmmmmm 4 years of tethering, without a charge or a throttle in speed... I say it because Sprint doesnt do it.. right reserved or not!
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #435 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
1. good for you
2. your point? MetroPCS has 4G lit up in markets too, doesnt mean its any good.. sprint has 4G in markets as well... so?
3. NOONE has hit 21mb.. NOONE... look at the avg speeds in the (*) on the website.. it will NOT be 21mbs... so get off it already... thats a MAX capable, not a user avg
4. well no shit Nostri-freakin-domas.. they also reserve the right to cancel me for any reason.. and abusing Data services.... hmmmmm 4 years of tethering, without a charge or a throttle in speed... I say it because Sprint doesnt do it.. right reserved or not!
1: Do you have anything to contribute or are you just in a hysterical rant?

2: I know metro has 4G. I wasn't responding to a post about metro. Someone posted that it was a fact that Sprint's wimax was faster than T-Mobile's hspa+. So I set the record straight.

3: I know nobody gets the theoretical max. I never claimed anyone does. But a theoretical max of 21 or 42 megs is still better than a theoretical max of 10 megs.
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  #436 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 02:48 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

Did I mention that I love this thread?
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  #437 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 02:53 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
Wimax may be capable of 75 megs, but that is not what Sprint has deployed. Sprint's wimax has a theoretical max of 10 megs.
NO! that means the theoretical max is 75mbs my friend...

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
1: Do you have anything to contribute or are you just in a hysterical rant?

2: I know metro has 4G. I wasn't responding to a post about metro. Someone posted that it was a fact that Sprint's wimax was faster than T-Mobile's hspa+. So I set the record straight.

3: I know nobody gets the theoretical max. I never claimed anyone does. But a theoretical max of 21 or 42 megs is still better than a theoretical max of 10 megs.
1. Lets see, i contributed the Real Facts.. that Sprint doesnt throttle data.. that Tmo has cheaper/better value rate plans over Sprint AS OF TODAY..

2. All goes on area, signal coverage, so many variants... that answer can change at any given time, on any given day, with any given 4G/LTE/HSPA capable device..... so to be fair, theres no "clear" winner yet until everyone is really almost done rolling it out

3.wimax is 75 didnt you read?? wimax2 is over 300+mbs... now what?


im going to contribute a new fact: look at your quoted post above.. you say just because the Max is 75, Sprint hasnt deployed that level yet.. well TMO hasnt deployed its yet to reach their 21 or 42mbs speeds either.... so all your doing is showing the Real Flaw in Speed Arguments for both carriers.. good job.... now you cant try to revert back to that.. lets move on to whatevers next.. but speed can no longer be valid in anyones argument since NO CARRIERS network has been deployed yet to reach its Potential MAX..

and Id like to rebuttle with, what the **** have you offered to this convo?? 21 and 42mbs dont even exist, so you didnt bring that up... IM THE ONE who posted up TMO rates and showed it was truely cheaper or the same price as SPrint... IM THE ONE who corrected Sprint throttling Data... so again I ask, what the **** have you offered???

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  #438 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
NO! that means the theoretical max is 75mbs my friend...

1. Lets see, i contributed the Real Facts.. that Sprint doesnt throttle data.. that Tmo has cheaper/better value rate plans over Sprint AS OF TODAY..

2. All goes on area, signal coverage, so many variants... that answer can change at any given time, on any given day, with any given 4G/LTE/HSPA capable device..... so to be fair, theres no "clear" winner yet until everyone is really almost done rolling it out

3.wimax is 75 didnt you read?? wimax2 is over 300+mbs... now what?


im going to contribute a new fact: look at your quoted post above.. you say just because the Max is 75, Sprint hasnt deployed that level yet.. well TMO hasnt deployed its yet to reach their 21 or 42mbs speeds either.... so all your doing is showing the Real Flaw in Speed Arguments for both carriers.. good job.... now you cant try to revert back to that.. lets move on to whatevers next.. but speed can no longer be valid in anyones argument since NO CARRIERS network has been deployed yet to reach its Potential MAX..

and Id like to rebuttle with, what the **** have you offered to this convo?? 21 and 42mbs dont even exist, so you didnt bring that up... IM THE ONE who posted up TMO rates and showed it was truely cheaper or the same price as SPrint... IM THE ONE who corrected Sprint throttling Data... so again I ask, what the **** have you offered???

All wimax is not 75 meg theoretical max. The wimax Sprint rolled out is 10 meg theoretical max. They can upgrade to 75 megs, but that is not what they have right now. Much like hspa+ has a theoretical max of 672 megs, but that is not what T-Mobile has deployed. T-Mobile has 21 meg hspa+ rolled out nationwide right now, and is in the process of upgrading that to 42 megs, and said it will be upgraded to 84 megs next year. Sprint has 10 meg wimax rolled out right now. So it is blatantly false when someone says it's a fact that Sprint's wimax is faster than T-Mobile's hspa+. Maybe in your particular area, but certainly not network wide. And with T-Mobile having 4G in twice as many cities as Sprint, covering twice as many people, it's safe to say most people would find T-Mobile faster.

Also, read back a few pages. I posted T-Mobile's rates right next to Sprint's, individual, 2 line family, and 4 line family plans. Long before your little rant. So no, you aren't "the one" who posted it.
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  #439 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 03:40 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

I'd say anyone on the fence between t-mo and sprint should go with sprint and keep your money in our country, rather than support an international conglomerate lik duetch telekom(the owners of t mobile).
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

Last edited by austin420; 01-31-2011 at 10:36 PM.
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  #440 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
No new smartphones are compatible with the old SERO plans. So unless you are using old Windows Mobile or something like that, then you'll need to upgrade.

BTW, any new smartphone also has free GPS. I don't know why everyone always touts Sprint as including free GPS. Every smartphone sold in the last couple years has free GPS. Certainly every smartphone that requires a Sprint everything plan or an upgraded SERO plan.
Yes every phone has gps but not all phones have free navigation software. Att, t mobile, and verizon all charge $10 a month for most all their knives phones. On android you can use google navigation and on all the old winmo phone you can use bing navigation for free, other than that they will charge you. Thats what everyone means when they say free gps.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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