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  #3891 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 05:12 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by datapusher View Post
Here's a quick question for ya.

If you use active sync and outlook, is there any reason to backup the pim and restore it?
probably not. i get my PIM data as soon as I sync the first time but some folks may not be using it.. My daughter doesnt so I have to run a PIMbackup prog before I flash her phone.
The Unified ROM Project: One ROM to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
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  #3892 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 05:15 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Thanks, that's what i figured.
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  #3893 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 05:48 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

I'm getting "error [294] invalid Vender ID" I've tried just about everything, rebooting (xp), hard reset(xv6800), read probably 100 pages of posts and can't get it figured out. I'm trying to run the new sprint RUU to a stock 6800? thanks for your help
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  #3894 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 06:04 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by hudman View Post
I'm getting "error [294] invalid Vender ID" I've tried just about everything, rebooting (xp), hard reset(xv6800), read probably 100 pages of posts and can't get it figured out. I'm trying to run the new sprint RUU to a stock 6800? thanks for your help
sounds like your phone isn't unlocked. you need to run the Titan Unlocker first.
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  #3895 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 06:19 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by meatlocker View Post
I have been having this problem for a few roms now, and it is driving me crazy. Mine won't answer at all. I have messed with everything that I can think of in the EPST, but nothing works. I know the button works, because I can pull up the dialer by pressing it. On an incoming call, the only thing that the button does is mute the ringer. Same with the soft key.
So are most folks not experiencing this problem or just living with it?
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  #3896 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 06:21 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Crap I'm an idot! I miss understood the steps or something. Thanks for the reply, this is a little more work than my 6700.
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  #3897 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 06:58 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by datapusher View Post
Here's a quick question for ya.

If you use active sync and outlook, is there any reason to backup the pim and restore it?
Despite having the ability to sync with my computer, I generally backup all my data and restore the relevant parts from that backup when upgrading my ROM simply because I don't trust the sync process. In particular, the WMDC in Vista isn't as flexible in how it resolves conflicts, and there've been enough freaked-out posts on here about the synchronization syncing whichever device was empty to the other device, wiping everything. While that's never happened to me, I decided not to take risks.

Besides, since I upgrade from the memory card instead of USB, by backing up my data on the phone I can do the full ROM upgrade process and put my data and settings back without being near my computer.
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  #3898 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 07:22 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by onewolf View Post
So are most folks not experiencing this problem or just living with it?
I had it, and just resigned to flashing back to the official sprint rom.
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  #3899 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 09:03 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

I'm running 5059, and since 5057, SPB Mobile Shell has been causing nothing but problems and freezing the device up. Normally, No2's ROMs are spectacular for me - no issues whatsoever, but from what I'm getting, using SPB Mobile Shell 2.0 with this is no bueno.
Also (and I didn't search in the thread for this, I will after I post, and if I see anything warranting me deleting this part) I've had a lot of trouble getting the phone to ANSWER... it seems like I have to put the device to sleep, then wake it, to get it to answer. I don't know what issue this is, but it's caused me to miss more than a couple calls.
One more thing... I've noticed on some occasions, maybe one for every ten or so, that the phone keeps vibrating after a text is received. Typically seems to happen when the phone is sleeping. Sometimes, though, the phone will go to sleep after the text is received and keep vibrating... I actually had this wake me up one morning (I'd received a text, woken up just a little bit, went back to sleep, and woke up like five minutes later cause my phone was still vibrating...).
Is anyone having these issues? Cause I've encountered them with different versions across two Moguls... bad luck maybe?

I'm not running much in the way of programs... I keep my device clean on the whole (only have the HTC task manager, Google search, and PocketBreeze running). Any ideas?
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  #3900 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 09:06 PM
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Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread

Originally Posted by trev913 View Post
I'm running 5059, and since 5057, SPB Mobile Shell has been causing nothing but problems and freezing the device up. Normally, No2's ROMs are spectacular for me - no issues whatsoever, but from what I'm getting, using SPB Mobile Shell 2.0 with this is no bueno.
Also (and I didn't search in the thread for this, I will after I post, and if I see anything warranting me deleting this part) I've had a lot of trouble getting the phone to ANSWER... it seems like I have to put the device to sleep, then wake it, to get it to answer. I don't know what issue this is, but it's caused me to miss more than a couple calls.
One more thing... I've noticed on some occasions, maybe one for every ten or so, that the phone keeps vibrating after a text is received. Typically seems to happen when the phone is sleeping. Sometimes, though, the phone will go to sleep after the text is received and keep vibrating... I actually had this wake me up one morning (I'd received a text, woken up just a little bit, went back to sleep, and woke up like five minutes later cause my phone was still vibrating...).
Is anyone having these issues? Cause I've encountered them with different versions across two Moguls... bad luck maybe?

I'm not running much in the way of programs... I keep my device clean on the whole (only have the HTC task manager, Google search, and PocketBreeze running). Any ideas?
I have been using SPB Shell 2.0 since 5052 and have had no problems. I am on 5060 with no issues. Have you tried to remove all start up items from the today screen and test? Also try removing all start up items and then manually move one in at time to test.
Two Evo's 3D's Running CleanROM 1.2 -8/12/11
BaseBand | PRI 1.16_003 | PRL 21080 |HWv002
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