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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 09:53 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Originally Posted by BigDiesel07 View Post
I just emailed Sprint about sending me that Touch Pro. They had fully agreed to sending me a replacement for my Mogul.
Good luck! Let us know if Sprint honors their request and everything works out in the end.

Before I started using the e-mails I spent about an hour on the phone with a couple of supportive customer service specialists. Finally, I got redirected to Retentions and was told, "Sorry, we can't replace your phone. I don't know why you claim to have problems with your phone. I have a Mogul and I love it. I have had no issues with it." She reluctantly offered a $100 discount off full retail.

I've been going back and forth over the past few days over e-mail. No progress so far. The best that they can offer me is $125 credit off full retail price which puts the Diamond at $425. Over and over, I get reassurances that if replacing the phone was possible, they would have already done it. It looks like I'm stuck with the Mogul.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2008, 05:55 PM
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Unhappy Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

I have the PPC-6800 from Alltel and I had the same problem with the power button. Alltel shipped the phone back saying that it was physical damage!! Can you imagine that! The phone is 5 months old and doesn't have a scratch on it!

Can any one suggest a website were I can find this to be a known issue with the PPC6800, Mongul.... I don't really know the way around this. I called customer service and disputed the findings. If anyone has a suggestion please write back.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 09:13 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Originally Posted by BigDiesel07 View Post
I just emailed Sprint about sending me that Touch Pro. They had fully agreed to sending me a replacement for my Mogul.
im interested in seeing if you will actually be getting it?.... i dont even see the phone being listed on the sprint website yet...?
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

I have been watching this thread and I sent an email to ecare based on what I read here. I didn’t threaten to quit (I’m still under contract). I just asked if they would replace my mogul with the touch pro based on the short comings of the mogul. Here is their response. My question is does the response say that I can purchase at $150 less then the best price of the new activation or does this basically get me to the new activation price? Thanks

Thank you for the reply.

I understand your concern regarding the issues with the Mogul handset.
Yes, there are notes for the phone issue on the account.

Now, I am glad to inform you that you can buy a latest handset, with
advanced features on a discounted price.

The Rebate on the purchase of new PCS Phone while upgrading the current
PCS Phone does not depend on the active age of the account with Sprint.
Rebate directly depends on the activate age of the currently active PCS
Phone on the account.

As a loyal customer, you qualify for our Sprint handset upgrade program.
You will receive an Instant Rebate of $150.00 on the purchase of a new
phone along with the applicable mail-in rebate. Moreover, you can buy
any handset of your choice on the online price. You qualify for this
promotion by signing a new two-year advantage agreement.

You can order your new phone online by logging in to Sprint.com and
selecting My Sprint or by visiting the Sprint Store at a location near

We value your association with us. Please feel free to reply if you have
any other questions. Have a great day!

Customer Service Specialist
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

I saw another post on Sprint Users. I think the $150 discount would get me close to the new activation price which is more then I want to spend. I wonder how much I could get for the mogul on ebay?
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Originally Posted by lawsofpower48 View Post
im interested in seeing if you will actually be getting it?.... i don't even see the phone being listed on the sprint website yet...?
I should have been more specific.. I emailed E-Care about the phone.. As of today (10-31-0, they it can be shipped after 11-02-08.. Will keep you posted.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 09:42 PM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

I got confirmation from E-Care that they will still honor their prior commitment. But I am still waiting for them to switch my ESN number.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 02:20 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

Since everyone's posting their deals here and I am stuck with some physical chemistry reading that I don't want to do, I'll post what they gave me.

Cliff Notes version of what happened: Mogul camera broke and Sprint was out of Moguls so they ended up sending me a Touch instead. Representative lied and told me I could switch to another phone if I didn't like the Touch. Called in and said I felt that the Touch wasn't equal to the Mogul and I lost $200 dollars.

Here's the response they gave me:



Thank you for contacting Sprint. I understand your concern regarding
the handset issue.

I am sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced due to handset
issue. Please do not worry! Now, I have taken the ownership and will
make sure to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

Your account details show that you have activated the HTC Touch handset
by replacing it with HTC Mogul. Looking at the inconvenience you have
experienced with the ongoing handset issue and to compensate the price
difference between the HTC Touch and Mogul handset. I have applied a
credit of $100.00 on the account. This credit can be seen on the next

After this credit the account has the credit balance of $100.00. You
can check the updated balance on the online account after 4 hours by the
steps given below:
1. Log on to http://www.sprint.com .
2. Enter your "Username", "Password" and click on "Go".
3. Under the 'Billing & Payment ' Section at the bottom of the very
first page, you will see current due balance against ' Total Due.

In addition to this, I can offer you $100.00 credit towards new handset
purchase. Just reply with the purchase receipt and we will apply the
$100.00 credit on the account.

You can purchase the handset by calling Telesales at 800-777-4681. You
can also visit the nearest Sprint Store. To locate a Sprint store near
you, please visit http://www.sprintstorelocator.com.

If you need any further assistance please reply. I will assist you

Thank you again for e-mailing Sprint. We appreciate your business.

John Doe #____
Customer Service Specialist


Summarizing that email, they gave me $100 dollars back, and from a previous email, $100 to my account and a free month when I spoke on the phone. Puts the total Sprint gave me to $247, add the mail in rebate, and it would be $347. I would have to extend my contract, but since they are saying that I am eligible for a new phone, why the heck not? That's the same price I got my Mogul for, and the rebate for that ended up giving me back $350.

Touch Pro would cost +6 months on contract and $60 dollars. Could even make it free if I sell the Touch that I have.

Just throwing out what happened to me to other ppcgeekers... maybe it could help them out in one way or another.
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 11:01 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

As far as I know, Sprint is still going to honor the agreement they made with me.. I just have to get this damn ESN fixed...
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 01:40 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.

i was able to go from the treo800w to the pro at on price whatso ever AND spring let me return my 800w for the FULL price that i paid for.. i took a month of phones convos, and yelling but sprint will do WHATEVER it take IMO to do what needs to be done to make us happy... i mean they screwed theirself and STILL gave me the phone.. came on friday after getting NEXT day air paid by them, and like i said STILL able to return my FULL priced treo 800w... soo i love sprint for that
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