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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 04:18 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.5 (Microsoft Windows; PPC; Opera Mobi/17753; U; en))

Originally Posted by orangekid
ill tell you what though, unless sprint comes out with the HD2 or a comparable phone im gonna switch it up and hit up t mobil, get me an HD2, and maybe an unlocked iphone 2g just to play around with for cheap.
better try out the tmobile signal where u live first. around here it is the worst by far and i heard that thier phone are very high priced even with a 2 yr contract
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Just thought I'd add my voice to the throngs... I originally chose Sprint about 5 years ago when I was shopping around for a wireless provider. I chose them for one reason, and one reason only - the up front cost. Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T (still Cingular at the time) wanted ridiculous deposits to start up an account, while Sprint just wanted to set a spending limit. The plans that I had looked at were all pretty comparable, across providers because at the time I wasn't too concerned about data or texting since we were getting pretty basic phones to start off with.

Now, 5 years and 4 smartphones later, I am so glad I did. I've had my ups and downs with their Customer Service, as I'm sure everyone has, but have been overly pleased with coverage, call quality, and plan prices. I'm currently on an Everything Data Family 1500 plan with my wife. We both have WM phones (me a TP1 and her a MotoQ9C - though we're probably going to get her into a touchscreen device soon) and use SMS, MMS, and data like crazy . I'm currently no longer under contract with Sprint (been out of contract for a few months now), but wouldn't switch to VZW even if they offered me a free TP2 or Droid for both me and my wife (Well, ok, I'd at least consider it... I'd be crazy not to... lol)
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2009, 06:01 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Originally Posted by Biggzz View Post
This is too bad. Sprint really is a great provider for me.

the customer relations are total idiots and retards. i dealt with them for 4 days a couple of weeks ago. i may be leaving sprint too very shortly. every damn phone i buy that's branded sprint is crap and defective too.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
I think you definitely get what you pay for with Verizons coverage. If Sprint had good coverage in all the places I go then it would be stupid to not save money with them, but they dont, so I pay more to have my precious 3G everywhere I go.

BTW: brownhornet, if you get the Droid you wont regret it, I've always been kind of a WM loyalist but was unable to resist the Droid. WM7 is going to have to be nothing less than amazing to get me back.

Yea I had the chance to play around with the droid and I was definitely impressed by the speed, the screen and the camera quality. It's not the best looking cosmetically but I dont really care about that. When they end my employee plan im switching to verizon.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2009, 11:21 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
ill tell you what though, unless sprint comes out with the HD2 or a comparable phone im gonna switch it up and hit up t mobil, get me an HD2, and maybe an unlocked iphone 2g just to play around with for cheap.
My only concern is how Sprint will price their high end phones. Look at the TP2- $349 after 2 year contract???

I asked an employee at a corp store why the phone was so much- he said it was a business phone. Sure...

In the end though, I'll stick with Sprint b/c I am on the SERO plan so I cannot find anything else close. I guess I'll just have to use it with my TP1
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

my take is.. sprint has never let me down. in coverage or price.. ( may take a few reps on the phone to fix something but im up to that challenge )..

I used to be in debt big time..and as it stands now.. I have everything in perfect control.. my house is sold.. no car payments.. no cc payments.. my wife is almost done getting here RN. i live by if i can't pay cash..i aint buying it..lol

and sprint for me is the best deal. ( not just sero ) but even the reg plans.. cant be beat.. and coverage i live 13 miles out the in country and have a tower like 2 miles away.. att is edge.lol tmobile edge... verizon is 3g.. but way overpriced.. sprint fits the bill for me..If i have to pay more the phone so be it..cause it saves more in the end..
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

it seems in general, most people are satisfied with Sprint. Their low-level csrs are pretty much a joke, but everytime I have been transfered to a higher level csr, my issues have been resolved.

Sprints biggest problem in my opinion, is their toys arent as shiny as the other carriers. What is preventing Sprint from launching better devices? T-mobile, Verizon, and Att all have some very nice handsets released, and are releasing better ones soon, while Sprint has nothing concrete in the near future. This is a major reason why they are loosing so many customers.

I am waiting to re-up my contract until some better phones come out...Pssst, Sprint.....Htc Dragon?

The one thing that might have me jump ship, is this mysterious google phone, and the whitespace technology thing. Other than that, I am pretty satisfied with Sprint.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 03:55 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Originally Posted by powerpcgeek View Post
Once your bill is jacked, it's always jacked. When I was a subscriber, I called customer service to clear it up but that was pointless. So I said I was gonna switch providers. Their response: 'Okay'. Obviously customer retention is not very high on their list of priorities.
I recently had a few issues with Sprint, and I'd have to agree that they really don't seem to give a rat's behind. I do NOT expect someone to kiss my butt (" Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Sir" ), however I would like a company that cared. I told the lady I spoke with that I've accepted that for the serviced I need, Sprint is the cheapest, and I'll have to live with the fact that the customer service sucks. 2 days after getting my new phone and offering my soul to sprint for another 2 years, I had a friend ask me about my new Hero & sprint. I told him it's a great phone, but i couldn't recommend sprint to anyone I liked.

Last edited by riviera; 12-06-2009 at 03:58 PM. Reason: typo
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

You hit the nail on the head. Sprints phones simply aren't as hot as any of the other carriers, and the phones they have, other carriers have too. My friend has a Moto Clique with MOTOBLUR, and what does Sprint have? The Big Bulky Silver Brick Moment.

Granted, I've played with the Moment at least 4 times, and I must say the software IS nice and speedy, and the apps for android are cool (The Sprint rep was showing me his Digital Compass and Police Siren App), but the Moment just doesn't LOOK cool, especially with that weird alien looking keyboard (That does type well, but nevermind that). Verizon's Droid is also hotter.

Point blank (I could go on and on), I'm on SERO $30. If I upgrade to anything, it'll be $70 ($60 if I go with EPRP, or $50 with recurring credit), but with T-Mobile, for the same price ($70), I can get the Nokia N900....I mean, come on Sprint! They'll be getting the HD2 as well. I mean, come ON Sprint!

LOL I'm just venting because I don't want to waste my upgrade on the Moment (as nice a phone internally as it is), yet I'm tired of my Diamond and there's nothing really to upgrade to. :Sigh:

I guess I'll buy a Blackberry Tour off ebay with Blackberry Buy Up ($10) and ride that out till next year.

Originally Posted by shortbus182 View Post
it seems in general, most people are satisfied with Sprint. Their low-level csrs are pretty much a joke, but everytime I have been transfered to a higher level csr, my issues have been resolved.

Sprints biggest problem in my opinion, is their toys arent as shiny as the other carriers. What is preventing Sprint from launching better devices? T-mobile, Verizon, and Att all have some very nice handsets released, and are releasing better ones soon, while Sprint has nothing concrete in the near future. This is a major reason why they are loosing so many customers.

I am waiting to re-up my contract until some better phones come out...Pssst, Sprint.....Htc Dragon?

The one thing that might have me jump ship, is this mysterious google phone, and the whitespace technology thing. Other than that, I am pretty satisfied with Sprint.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 09:56 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Originally Posted by shortbus182 View Post
it seems in general, most people are satisfied with Sprint.

ummm... you fail right there.
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