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Old 11-30-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

it seems in general, most people are satisfied with Sprint. Their low-level csrs are pretty much a joke, but everytime I have been transfered to a higher level csr, my issues have been resolved.

Sprints biggest problem in my opinion, is their toys arent as shiny as the other carriers. What is preventing Sprint from launching better devices? T-mobile, Verizon, and Att all have some very nice handsets released, and are releasing better ones soon, while Sprint has nothing concrete in the near future. This is a major reason why they are loosing so many customers.

I am waiting to re-up my contract until some better phones come out...Pssst, Sprint.....Htc Dragon?

The one thing that might have me jump ship, is this mysterious google phone, and the whitespace technology thing. Other than that, I am pretty satisfied with Sprint.
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