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Old 11-25-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Sprint losses and customer defections continue

Just thought I'd add my voice to the throngs... I originally chose Sprint about 5 years ago when I was shopping around for a wireless provider. I chose them for one reason, and one reason only - the up front cost. Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T (still Cingular at the time) wanted ridiculous deposits to start up an account, while Sprint just wanted to set a spending limit. The plans that I had looked at were all pretty comparable, across providers because at the time I wasn't too concerned about data or texting since we were getting pretty basic phones to start off with.

Now, 5 years and 4 smartphones later, I am so glad I did. I've had my ups and downs with their Customer Service, as I'm sure everyone has, but have been overly pleased with coverage, call quality, and plan prices. I'm currently on an Everything Data Family 1500 plan with my wife. We both have WM phones (me a TP1 and her a MotoQ9C - though we're probably going to get her into a touchscreen device soon) and use SMS, MMS, and data like crazy . I'm currently no longer under contract with Sprint (been out of contract for a few months now), but wouldn't switch to VZW even if they offered me a free TP2 or Droid for both me and my wife (Well, ok, I'd at least consider it... I'd be crazy not to... lol)
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