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View Poll Results: What kind of screen did you get?
Sprint good screen 183 40.94%
Sprint Bad screen 176 39.37%
Verizon good screen 45 10.07%
Verizon bad screen 3 0.67%
Other good screen 34 7.61%
Other bad screen 6 1.34%
Voters: 447. You may not vote on this poll

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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
i know what a "good" screen looks like and mine is average, not terrible not great. I just dont see the point of saying how expensive something is then spending yet even more on the slight whim you may possibly maybe get a better one. Or at worst have to drive back another day to pick another up when the store gets more in since the store stock doesnt meet you specifications.

Is $50 really worth it? $100? $150? Or just sell it on ebay, take the $50-100 or whatever of gas and grief and get a new device that suits your specifications of quality. Because odds are there are numerous people here who will never be happy with the one they get... Its just like the hit or miss Moguls that some people exchange 5-6-7-8 times. Its silly, why waste all that gas money and grief over such minor things. if its not up to your personal standards get a different brand of phone- theres no promises a store will even get in a "good" quality screen one. and i dont blame them for not wanting to fiddle through their whole stock of phone to find one you approve of since its not the stores fault to waste their time or power on every phone in their stock.
U would still make them give me a good screen. Maybe all this fuzz will make htc give out or sell equal products in the future.
  #82 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 01:43 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Make them? how would reasonably one do that? what if they dont have any in that are "good?" What if their next order of them they get in arent "good?" Then what? they have no obligation to waste their stock on you, and youll prob just end up with some nasty notes on your account how much of a problem customer you are or just refuse you TEP service (which they can in the TOS if you overuse it).

And no, it wont do ANYTHING to HTC, thats the whole point. The only thing it is doing is YOU are paying even MORE out of your pocket driving around like a chicken with its head cut off. HTC sees these phones come back for refurbishment, and theres no explanation with them. So you have proved nothing in the end

That's the whole point here. Instead of trying to "stick it to the man" which is a futile thing to try, you're really just hurting your own wallet more than the initial expensive phone cost. Swapping phones isn't hurting HTC either what so ever, nor giving them any big picture- id bet anything on that one. Instant gratification is more the explanation for such a stink being made and HTC couldn't care less obviously about a couple of nobodys making a stink on an online forum. SO logically you can deal with what you have or get swapped into something non-HTC.

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 05-28-2008 at 01:51 PM.
  #83 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 01:57 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

I understand your point. But like I said before, if its going to cost me 40 dollars to travel to get this fixed, then its worth it. I am aware that running around like a troll chicken from store to store is time consuming and more likely Sprint and Htc will not change, at least if I get this screen switch then I will be able to use this phone in landscape view without my eyes straining and watering. And also enjoy videos and sprint tv at full screen with out having to tilt the screen abit so both eyes see the same shade of color. So far I spent about 2 gallons of gas to see 3 stores, thats 8 dollar, 32 dollars left.
  #84 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 02:24 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
I understand your point. But like I said before, if its going to cost me 40 dollars to travel to get this fixed, then its worth it. I am aware that running around like a troll chicken from store to store is time consuming and more likely Sprint and Htc will not change, at least if I get this screen switch then I will be able to use this phone in landscape view without my eyes straining and watering. And also enjoy videos and sprint tv at full screen with out having to tilt the screen abit so both eyes see the same shade of color. So far I spent about 2 gallons of gas to see 3 stores, thats 8 dollar, 32 dollars left.

Would calling the stores ahead of time save you some time and gas?

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Old 05-28-2008, 02:29 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
U would still make them give me a good screen. Maybe all this fuzz will make htc give out or sell equal products in the future.
Again, Perhaps Sprint made a choice to offer us the phones at a certain cost.

Also consider the cost of production, perhaps too high for the average person to be willing to pay for the phone.

Eventually, after continued production, costs might lower, and they are able to offer more value for the same cost by changing to better more costly parts. Which at initial release wasn't feasible..

  #86 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 03:07 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Damn, this is crazy. I noticed the screen wasn't as good as my mogul screen right when I switched with someone on craigslist. Whatever though, it's not that bad. I can definitely tell the viewing angle is worse than my mogul.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 03:15 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

The screen difference I'm seeing and also the video I posted is not subtle or subjective. To re-iterate, I have seen 3 bad touches and 1 good one. The bad ones look just like eachother and the good one, completely different. I bet there are only really 2 versions of the screen, made with different manufacturing processes.

I noticed that the bad screen have the worse viewing angle from the top (vertical), but still has horizontally albeit to a much lesser degree. If you watch the video, you can see that the vertical angle has the biggest difference, and the horizontal one is moderately so.

Last edited by bob13bob; 05-28-2008 at 03:18 PM.
  #88 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 03:32 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

I just got a used Alltel Touch, it has a a screen clearly viewable from all angles.. Except it seems one of the previous owners opened and tried to get the screen out, causing the polarizing effect on the screen, noticable when the LCD dims or turns off..

What ashame..

  #89 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 03:46 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
Would calling the stores ahead of time save you some time and gas?

Dont waste your breath calling them. They are clueless and always say bring the phone in. I will head over to a 3rd repair store this afternoon, that should guzzle 1/4 a tank of gas. The store is 8 miles away.
  #90 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 07:20 PM
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Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
I just got a used Alltel Touch, it has a a screen clearly viewable from all angles.. Except it seems one of the previous owners opened and tried to get the screen out, causing the polarizing effect on the screen, noticable when the LCD dims or turns off..

What ashame..

Mine has the polarising effect - and mine is only 3 months old and never disassembled. I'm going to get my serviced under warrenty will see what they replace
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