Re: Good vs Bad screens (pictures + videos of both)
Make them? how would reasonably one do that? what if they dont have any in that are "good?" What if their next order of them they get in arent "good?" Then what? they have no obligation to waste their stock on you, and youll prob just end up with some nasty notes on your account how much of a problem customer you are or just refuse you TEP service (which they can in the TOS if you overuse it).
And no, it wont do ANYTHING to HTC, thats the whole point. The only thing it is doing is YOU are paying even MORE out of your pocket driving around like a chicken with its head cut off. HTC sees these phones come back for refurbishment, and theres no explanation with them. So you have proved nothing in the end
That's the whole point here. Instead of trying to "stick it to the man" which is a futile thing to try, you're really just hurting your own wallet more than the initial expensive phone cost. Swapping phones isn't hurting HTC either what so ever, nor giving them any big picture- id bet anything on that one. Instant gratification is more the explanation for such a stink being made and HTC couldn't care less obviously about a couple of nobodys making a stink on an online forum. SO logically you can deal with what you have or get swapped into something non-HTC.
Last edited by SprintTouch08; 05-28-2008 at 01:51 PM.