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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 12:52 AM
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Re: New Rumor??

I heard from a sprint rep that the waffle iron upgrade will be out before the end of this week.

DO NOT ever believe anything a sprint service rep tells you. Ever.


Even about your bill.

Especially about your bill.

Never about any promiced dates for firmware updates either.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by up2no6ood View Post
So I will post this here for us touch users with unlimited Internet. Call sprint, when the automated service asks you what you need help with, say cancel my account. You will get transferred to retentions, Tell them you have the vogue and you don't think its fair that your paying 25 dollars a month for a service when picture mail, telenav, video mail, and in my case sprint tv doesn't work. I did this and they gave me a 15 dollar credit to my account each month for the next 2 years. I now have sero 1000 min, unlimited Internet, tep, and unlimited 2-way text messaging for 55 bucks out the door you might want to try this before the update is released

up2no6ood? Is sharing ways to hammer a service provider really a good thing? To knowingly spread ways to diminish the provider in the same thread that people are complaining about free upgrades and service qualities seems to be a bit of a contradiction. Do you want people to lie to get a better deal or do you want the company to fund more and better services?

Don't give me the "just watching out for the little guy" line either. A 28 BILLION loss says that Sprint may not be robbing from the masses.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 01:11 AM
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Re: New Rumor??

[QUOTE=NascarKid;256109]Seen this at HTC Wiki, hummmm you think its a another rumor?

I spoke with a Sprint Rep today April 17th. He told me they are expecting an upgrade for the Touch BEFORE the end of the month which will include TelVav GPS. If you are on the everything plan there will be no extra charge for this.

So what ya think?

I have a number of contacts at HTC and Sprint category management (buying organization) and neither of them has discussed this in specific terms. The upgrad to GPS/REVA will likely coincide with the upgrade to 6.1, which won't occur until late Q3 at the earliest.

The MotoQ9C just got certified for TelenavTrack and the 6800 is in certification right now. With the number of location based applications available, Sprint and their vendors have a vested interest in this heppening. I hope I am wrong, but I would be surprised if it was upgraded before October.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 01:13 AM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by jgatter View Post
There will be an upgrade to 6.1 I am sure... but forget about GPS... if the GPS in this phone would work someone would have a leak already working in their phone... and so far I have not found anyone!

It is a real shame, but I don't have much hope of having a built in GPS working...

About when... I am pretty sure not too soon... HTC has more important things to do, like selling new phones... creating new phones... etc... verizon just came out with the touch and if they come up with an upgrade people may think that the phone is so bad that they are already giving updates... I really think they will take a while to come with it...

Well... we can only wait and see...

I am getting really frustrated... when I got sprint I did it because of the free navigation included in the everything plan but ended up loving the phone for its size (I didn't know the phone did not have the GPS when I got it)... so I kept it, hoping that an upgrade with GPS would come up... but after almost a month reading and searching forums everywhere, I just lost all my hope...
but though the phone does need to be a little faster (my apache was way faster) and I hope it will be after an upgrade, I really like the size of it and there's nothing else out there that is so small and convenient...
The Mogul GPS did not work until a an "official" early ROM was "leaked" (most likely so that users beta tested it) that enabled it. Nobody hacked it... so I'd say there's still a chance of us getting GPS on our devices. Even more so because it was clearly advertised as having GPS by 2008.

I still hold the date for the update to be June - July, if it comes earlier, better.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 10:11 AM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by Lowen SoDium View Post
I heard from a sprint rep that the waffle iron upgrade will be out before the end of this week.

DO NOT ever believe anything a sprint service rep tells you. Ever.


Even about your bill.

Especially about your bill.

Never about any promiced dates for firmware updates either.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by jgatter View Post
There will be an upgrade to 6.1 I am sure... but forget about GPS... if the GPS in this phone would work someone would have a leak already working in their phone... and so far I have not found anyone!

It is a real shame, but I don't have much hope of having a built in GPS working...

About when... I am pretty sure not too soon... HTC has more important things to do, like selling new phones... creating new phones... etc... verizon just came out with the touch and if they come up with an upgrade people may think that the phone is so bad that they are already giving updates... I really think they will take a while to come with it...

Well... we can only wait and see...

I am getting really frustrated... when I got sprint I did it because of the free navigation included in the everything plan but ended up loving the phone for its size (I didn't know the phone did not have the GPS when I got it)... so I kept it, hoping that an upgrade with GPS would come up... but after almost a month reading and searching forums everywhere, I just lost all my hope...
but though the phone does need to be a little faster (my apache was way faster) and I hope it will be after an upgrade, I really like the size of it and there's nothing else out there that is so small and convenient...
UMM NO guy. your not correct. there is no "leak". The moguls Gps wasnt enabled til sprint enabled it. Then various roms were based off of it. Same thing with the Touch, we cant create roms for it with GPS enabled until sprint decides to release a rom for it. There is a GPSone chip in the touch that can work in assisted or standalone mode. Check your facts!

  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 03:35 PM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by dbigdawg View Post
up2no6ood? Is sharing ways to hammer a service provider really a good thing? To knowingly spread ways to diminish the provider in the same thread that people are complaining about free upgrades and service qualities seems to be a bit of a contradiction. Do you want people to lie to get a better deal or do you want the company to fund more and better services?

Don't give me the "just watching out for the little guy" line either. A 28 BILLION loss says that Sprint may not be robbing from the masses.
I just feel that if we are not getting what we pay for then we should be compensated. I never threatened to leave sprint, I use retentions because that is the only department in sprint that is willing to help its customers. When I called I was hoping for a fix, the c.s.r offered a discount instead

Last edited by up2no6ood; 04-22-2008 at 03:38 PM.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 03:43 PM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by jgatter View Post
There will be an upgrade to 6.1 I am sure... but forget about GPS... if the GPS in this phone would work someone would have a leak already working in their phone... and so far I have not found anyone!

It is a real shame, but I don't have much hope of having a built in GPS working...

About when... I am pretty sure not too soon... HTC has more important things to do, like selling new phones... creating new phones... etc... verizon just came out with the touch and if they come up with an upgrade people may think that the phone is so bad that they are already giving updates... I really think they will take a while to come with it...

Well... we can only wait and see...

I am getting really frustrated... when I got sprint I did it because of the free navigation included in the everything plan but ended up loving the phone for its size (I didn't know the phone did not have the GPS when I got it)... so I kept it, hoping that an upgrade with GPS would come up... but after almost a month reading and searching forums everywhere, I just lost all my hope...
but though the phone does need to be a little faster (my apache was way faster) and I hope it will be after an upgrade, I really like the size of it and there's nothing else out there that is so small and convenient...
Hey guy, quit being a negative nancy. as stated before this was from Sprint and HTC. How many months went by before an OFFICIAL leaked rom was out? 6? 7? How long has the Touch been out?
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 07:33 PM
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Re: New Rumor??

Originally Posted by zero157h7 View Post
Hey guy, quit being a negative nancy. as stated before this was from Sprint and HTC. How many months went by before an OFFICIAL leaked rom was out? 6? 7? How long has the Touch been out?

Sorry if I sounded so negative, but looking around the web I noticed that very few people had a GPS working with mogul before the official realease (maybe someone from the inside), but no one seens to have the vogue GPS working...

Like myself, I got sprint (I was a verizon customer) because of the navigation on the everything plan, but did not notice my phone did not have it... but I ended up keeping it cause its so small and all plus I was hoping that this new rom would give the ability to it... but after reading stuff around the web, I am just not so sure, that's just my opinion...

Now I REALLY WISH that this new update will make the GPS work, I will be a very happy camper!

I just made the comments in case the person needs a phone with a GPS and getting frustrated later...

But thanks for the info everyone... you guys just brought my hope back...
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