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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2008, 06:08 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

This is kinda why I got out of the rom making business, but more into the enabling rom development business. Once kitchens came out and anyone could make their own rom I figured I'd work on making the kitchens. Once they were easier to make I decided to move another step down to make it so you could load custom roms on more CDMA devices. Now with things like JumpSPL that is even getting easier and I'm trying to dig deeper. Who know's what I'll find, but I enjoy the road less travelled. One step was dumping titan/vogue roms and then manually patching them into flashable files. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting stuff in my digging, but I am happy there are people that enjoy the kitchens, roms etc. or these efforts wouldn't be very worthwhile.
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2008, 06:38 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
Hey whats up you guys I've noticed that everyone is becoming a chef lately ....... No disrespect or anything like ... I just noticed that everyone is basically making a stock rom ? Not to say thats bad but just how creative are you really how much work have you guys really put in these roms outside of searching for pre-made kitchens and oems .... alot of you guys use no2chems kitchen for your roms thats cool but the oem for that rom and kitchen comes from a clean rom that I made months ago ...... My challange is ... Do you guys know how to make your own kitchen ? Do you know what can and can't be stripped out of the rom ..... If a new official rom was released tonight would you guys be able to clean it out yourself or would you have to wait until someone doe's it for you . What I have seen so far is alot of you making rom where the only thing you change different from the next guys rom is the page pool ..... Have any of you guys ever explored other sites to see what people are doing with these roms ... If not I seriously think that you should search other forums and check out the various roms that are out for different phones ..... This is where I get the idea for my roms I work and search and try out different things to get what will make my rom stand out from others..... Like I said not dissing just wondering what you guys can do on your own ..... I've also noticed that alot of the Vogue users are fairly new to the ppc world ......... I WAS NEW ONCE MYSELF AND I HAD TO LEARN ON MY OWN FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE ..... If it was not for COLONEL DCD DOGGUY SFAURVE NO2CHEM And a ton of others I would not know anything but how to download a kitchen and search the ftp for oems the add them to my pre-made kitchen and wait for my really simple rom that will only work sometimes ...... Like I said don't take this the wrong way
I think the real question is whether jakdillard can post something that doesn't look like a
Wall Of Text!

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
...... Like I said don't take this the wrong way
No offense taken, however...

You may have more experience and have gone through more effort than most of us, but this forum is all about collaboration. We build upon each other's efforts in an attempt to produce something that makes us smile every time we hit that power button! Most of us have to actually USE our phone while we flash and play. If someone is cautious because they aren't sure what they're doing, I'd call that smart! All I would ask of any novice chef (and experienced chefs for that matter) is to be honest about what they did and not unjustifiably overstate performance. I think it is AWESOME that so many are trying their hand in the game. Many of us marvel at what you seasoned cooks do...

It does indeed sound like a mild slam...

Last edited by deegimus; 02-27-2008 at 09:36 PM.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2008, 10:05 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by deegimus View Post
No offense taken, however...

You may have more experience and have gone through more effort than most of us, but this forum is all about collaboration. We build upon each other's efforts in an attempt to produce something that makes us smile every time we hit that power button! Most of us have to actually USE our phone while we flash and play. If someone is cautious because they aren't sure what they're doing, I'd call that smart! All I would ask of any novice chef (and experienced chefs for that matter) is to be honest about what they did and not unjustifiably overstate performance. I think it is AWESOME that so many are trying their hand in the game. Many of us marvel at what you seasoned cooks do...

It does indeed sound like a mild slam...
I agree, collaboration is key, but it gets to a point. I admit that I consider myself nowhere close to a seasoned chef, but everything I have learned has been from the experiences found on XDA and here. Being committed to learning and not necessarily depending on everyone else (like a lot of the rookies are doing) is a requirement for building roms. I try my best to stumble and curse on my own before asking DogGuy for help.

I feel though that I am starting to get the feeling for imcokeman. I think I have covered and learned the requirements necessary to build stuff for a ROM. I would love to learn the nitty gritty stuff like rom development. Imcokeman, is there any good links you have bookmarked that could be a really good place for me to start learning?
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2008, 11:51 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by deegimus View Post
No offense taken, however...

You may have more experience and have gone through more effort than most of us, but this forum is all about collaboration. We build upon each other's efforts in an attempt to produce something that makes us smile every time we hit that power button! Most of us have to actually USE our phone while we flash and play. If someone is cautious because they aren't sure what they're doing, I'd call that smart! All I would ask of any novice chef (and experienced chefs for that matter) is to be honest about what they did and not unjustifiably overstate performance. I think it is AWESOME that so many are trying their hand in the game. Many of us marvel at what you seasoned cooks do...

It does indeed sound like a mild slam...
That would be because it is ........ (some trees have to start out as a weed then struggle to grow to get tall within three years the there are some who without effort get tall within one) The point is ... I LOVE THE IDEA THAT MORE PEOPLE WANNA BE CHEFS >>>> ITS TIME FOR THE FRY-COOKS TO GRADUATE
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2008, 11:52 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by mrgeoff View Post
I agree, collaboration is key, but it gets to a point. I admit that I consider myself nowhere close to a seasoned chef, but everything I have learned has been from the experiences found on XDA and here. Being committed to learning and not necessarily depending on everyone else (like a lot of the rookies are doing) is a requirement for building roms. I try my best to stumble and curse on my own before asking DogGuy for help.

I feel though that I am starting to get the feeling for imcokeman. I think I have covered and learned the requirements necessary to build stuff for a ROM. I would love to learn the nitty gritty stuff like rom development. Imcokeman, is there any good links you have bookmarked that could be a really good place for me to start learning?
See I like you too... You get The POINT !!!!!!!
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2008, 12:03 AM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

anyone wan't to prove they are a master chef??? port linux to the touch
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2008, 12:10 AM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by dan-htc-touch View Post
anyone wan't to prove they are a master chef??? port linux to the touch
And we would do this for ????????? theres a thread about that search there and by the way I read a forum at xda and I figured out how to run win 98 on my touch .......
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2008, 12:15 AM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Trial and error is the slowest way to learn, building on the expertise of others is a good thing. I think what jak is saying is; dont just use what you find, INNOVATE the things you find into something new and (possibly) better. I have no programming experience vbut would love to learn to 'cook', but then again, I have wanted to play the guitar for 40 years too.

Using a kitchen and dropping in a few OEMS to make a Rom I like isnt cooking, its just throwing some spice on the already prepared meal. Wish I had the time and talent to be a chef, for now I will use the refined products of others, but for sure I wont be posting up a new Rom just because i threw the OEM for Quickmenu into a kitchen!

Thanks for challenging those with talent to DO BETTER jakdillard!!, us clueless greatly appreciate it.
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2008, 12:33 AM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

over a year ago I started a whisper... surely I wasn't the first. Or was I.. To my knowledge I was... I had mentioned that it would be great for the rom builder's to unify in their talents and efforts to create one perfect kitchen. Many here will recognize "Unified Rom Project", and others will do a search to figure it out.

one of the first posts I made a few days before they collaborated/unified on the U.R.P. (my earlier pm's not linkable)

I'm not so sure that subtle or not so subtle hints would make this happen again, nor would it necessarily be as good a thing as it might have been previously.

At this point it doesn't seem like there really is much left. My phone can do just about everything but hover 2" over the ground when I drop it. (and I'm working on that already)
I think it will become a recurring theme of old chef's retiring while new chef's each take turns holding their 5 days of fame. I did it for a while myself, thanks to BigJ's excellent documentation...hmmm wonder where he's at these days...

compliments to the chef
Microsoft, Helmi_C, No2Chem, NexVision, tiermann, Colonel, gguruusa, luv2chill, imcokeman, jakdillard...many others. Thank you. We are all on shoulders of giants.
What's in a name? That which we call a genius by any other name would be just as smart.
I beat up Sprint and all I have to show for it is this lousy
When you were in diapers and wetting the sheets I was out hacking with the ppcgeeks.

Last edited by Raging Idiot; 02-28-2008 at 12:55 AM.
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