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Old 02-27-2008, 10:05 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by deegimus View Post
No offense taken, however...

You may have more experience and have gone through more effort than most of us, but this forum is all about collaboration. We build upon each other's efforts in an attempt to produce something that makes us smile every time we hit that power button! Most of us have to actually USE our phone while we flash and play. If someone is cautious because they aren't sure what they're doing, I'd call that smart! All I would ask of any novice chef (and experienced chefs for that matter) is to be honest about what they did and not unjustifiably overstate performance. I think it is AWESOME that so many are trying their hand in the game. Many of us marvel at what you seasoned cooks do...

It does indeed sound like a mild slam...
I agree, collaboration is key, but it gets to a point. I admit that I consider myself nowhere close to a seasoned chef, but everything I have learned has been from the experiences found on XDA and here. Being committed to learning and not necessarily depending on everyone else (like a lot of the rookies are doing) is a requirement for building roms. I try my best to stumble and curse on my own before asking DogGuy for help.

I feel though that I am starting to get the feeling for imcokeman. I think I have covered and learned the requirements necessary to build stuff for a ROM. I would love to learn the nitty gritty stuff like rom development. Imcokeman, is there any good links you have bookmarked that could be a really good place for me to start learning?