Re: Challange to all the rom chefs
Trial and error is the slowest way to learn, building on the expertise of others is a good thing. I think what jak is saying is; dont just use what you find, INNOVATE the things you find into something new and (possibly) better. I have no programming experience vbut would love to learn to 'cook', but then again, I have wanted to play the guitar for 40 years too.
Using a kitchen and dropping in a few OEMS to make a Rom I like isnt cooking, its just throwing some spice on the already prepared meal. Wish I had the time and talent to be a chef, for now I will use the refined products of others, but for sure I wont be posting up a new Rom just because i threw the OEM for Quickmenu into a kitchen!
Thanks for challenging those with talent to DO BETTER jakdillard!!, us clueless greatly appreciate it.
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)