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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:08 AM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Are there really two sides? I think there is a fallacy that people are against the idea. I think most people will say that the OP's first post is a nice idea. I just think that most think it isn't possible.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:27 AM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

All in all, its a good idea, but it would just be another option.

Some people make ROMS cuz they enjoy doing it, keeps em busy

Some make them so they can share their ideas with others

Some make them so they can give people another choice, variety is the spice of life. mine fit into this category (it will be back up soon)

Some do it for thanks or $.

If we were to go to a one ROM system, i would ditch WINmo and buy an iphonie...it would be the same thing...we would all have basically the same device with the same apps and features, nothing to show off

As people said before, its a great idea, just wont work on the scale the op is wishing it to.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 11:14 AM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Personally collaborating on one ultimate rom would be impossible to please everyone...

If there is going to be one group effort it should be towards a kitchen that these cooks could release for that allows the user to add or subtract whatever they wanted before flashing!

PPCKitchen did this for the mogul and I know most cooks now are using bepe's kitchen.

Bepe's doesn't have a good gui so it will scare most users away from using but If you really want to get a rom that is perfect the only real choice is to cook one yourself.

It would be nice if these cooks would provide a base inexperienced cooks could use as a jumping off point.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

The reason there are so many roms is because different people want different things. Otherwise only 1 or 2 roms would every be downloaded.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 12:24 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by bigkenny View Post

My suggestion is the creators of all of these ROM's should form a partnership and create one group of ROM's all based on the same thing. There could be sprint builds, alltell builds, no TF3d etc, but it is all off the same base. This would be by far the best for the end user as it would eliminate the confusion of which one to pick. This would require a lot of working together, but imagine how much more progress would be made if everyone were working for the common good, not just themselves! not only would the roms be better and get better faster, but fixing issues would be much easier as well.
Mr. BigKenny:

Okay, Now its time for me to put my two cents in. I am amazed that ANYONE would become a member and on their first set of posts already tell people how they should be running the show. Do you go into companies on your first day at work and look at the boss and say "I think you run this company like crap. This is how I think you should run your company." I mean come on man, thats a pretty ballsy move.

If anything you should be getting on your knees and kissing the all of the chefs feet, for all the hard work that they do to try and better the Touch Pro. There are many cooks out there, that form their ROMS to the likes of many diffferent people. And now you want them all to be unified into one set of ROMS. Well I hate to tell you, But if I wanted to go out for dinner and the only place to eat was the Bonanza, all you can eat buffet, that would get pretty boring very fast.

I think its wonderful that there is a wide variety of ROMS for people to use. Some people like a lil more sugar,(all the bells and whistles) and some like their food a lil tart,(plain) Some like Sprints way of doing things, some like Verizon, and some even like for some reason that I don't personally understand, AT&T's way of doing things.

I think that your post is uncalled for, and it appears to be coming from someone that has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. If you don't like the way that the roms are done here, then I suggest that you download a good kitchen (But PLEASE, Not from here, because it is obvious that you don't like the way the cooks here have things set up). Maybe go to ppckitchens or something and download a base for you to create your OWN ROM, the way you like it.

It is people like you, that come in and ruin it for the rest of the flock. When people come in and basically bash the cooks for the way they do things, it kinda makes its so that the cooks feel like "what the hell am I doing this for anyways, its not Like I am appreciated." Which is wrong. MOST people here appreciate the heck out of the cooks and the fine work that they do.

In closing, I would suggest that you actually take some time, and look at all the ROMS and actually read, before you speak. You will see that most of the cooks DO work with each other. They share ideas, kitchens, tweaks, reg edits, and more. To better serve the community. And, I shame you, for thinking anything else.

Good day to you Sir!
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Last edited by jmy72; 06-30-2009 at 01:15 PM. Reason: To avoid confusion of who this was to.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by jmy72 View Post
Okay, Now its time for me to put my two cents in. I am amazed that ANYONE would become a member and on their first set of posts already tell people how they should be running the show. Do you go into companies on your first day at work and look at the boss and say "I think you run this company like crap. This is how I think you should run your company." I mean come on man, thats a pretty ballsy move.
Who you talking about? The OP or spectheintro?

(I think the OP was convinced a long time ago.)
It is sort of like World Peace.... no one is against the idea but realistically it is not going to happen.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
Are there really two sides? I think there is a fallacy that people are against the idea. I think most people will say that the OP's first post is a nice idea. I just think that most think it isn't possible.
I see a lot of chefs sharing ideas, sharing builds, sharing OEMs, sharing information, and what we get in the end is a huge list of ROMs customized to fit everyone's preference. Since there will never be a "best" ROM, that's the most you can ask for. You can put all the chefs together in a room and have them share ideas until they develop "SuperROM" but, as people have said, some people will think it's too light, or maybe too loaded, or maybe they hate Rhodium, or maybe they hate 6.1, whatever. So what happens when you put a bunch of Chefs in a room and have them share ideas until they develop a lot of ROMs that fit everyone's needs? You get the Upgrade Forums!

Yay! What the OP is asking for is already here!
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
Who you talking about? The OP or spectheintro?

(I think the OP was convinced a long time ago.)
It is sort of like World Peace.... no one is against the idea but realistically it is not going to happen.

Peace after a Nuclear war maybe??? hahahahaha.

Nah, just saw the post, and it just kinda irked me a lil so I thought I would put my two cents in.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

STOP?!? why? i love this madness. its what keeps me coming back everyday. i would be depressed if there was only one ROM. that's like saying we need to have one car manufacture. or to go along with your sports analogy, that would be like taking all the best players and putting them on one team sounds good in theory but wheres the competition?

'function over fashion'
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by Rourke Swift View Post
I see a lot of chefs sharing ideas, sharing builds, sharing OEMs, sharing information, and what we get in the end is a huge list of ROMs customized to fit everyone's preference. Since there will never be a "best" ROM, that's the most you can ask for. You can put all the chefs together in a room and have them share ideas until they develop "SuperROM" but, as people have said, some people will think it's too light, or maybe too loaded, or maybe they hate Rhodium, or maybe they hate 6.1, whatever. So what happens when you put a bunch of Chefs in a room and have them share ideas until they develop a lot of ROMs that fit everyone's needs? You get the Upgrade Forums!

Yay! What the OP is asking for is already here!
Thats what we're looking at, if you notice the long list of thanks in any chefs ROM thread it's not hard to see they all collaberate. As far as the best rom goes I would have to go with the os on this phone lol http://www.pomegranatephone.com/ i know it's old but it's about as valid as the argument
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