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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
Things are becoming more and more clear as this thread progresses and that is that the newer members to this forum don't quite know what they are talking about.

On another notr, I went to buy a car recently and was too overwhelmed with all of my oftions. i think toyota should partner with mercedes and kia so that i can have the luxury of the benz, reliability of the toyota, and the cost of a kia. otherwise all of these car companies make my head spin! what am i supposed to do? actually go out and test drive different cars to see which one I like the most? thats insane!
No, it's just becoming more and more clear that you really don't understand what we're discussing. Your analogy is completely off-base. Let me give you the correct one.

Imagine you went to buy a car, and every single one of them had a proprietary engine. You had no way of knowing its horsepower, its torque, its fuel economy, and the type of fuel it required--in fact, these metrics don't even exist, so that when you try to ask: "what's its horsepower?" the salesperson simply responds: "well, drive it and see how fast it goes." The only thing you know is that your current car is pretty crappy. The only way you can confidently evaluate the car is by opening the hood and spending an hour or more examining the engine. That is how the ROM scene is right now.

Now imagine if you went to a lot, and the sales person said: "Ok, here are cars with 100 HP, and here are cars with 150 HP." Immediately you would understand the baseline performance of the cars you were examining. Then you could actually spend time evaluating the cars based on their own merits--do you like one car's interior styling more? Do you prefer manual transmission? How's the suspension on one model vs. another? That is what I am proposing--establishing an engine standard. Because as of now when I flash a new ROM I have no idea how the *basic functionality of the phone* will be affected. I have flashed some ROMs that have reduced my battery life dramatically, or that crashed repeatedly when I opened certain apps. This is the sort of thing that could be both easily avoided and the act of avoiding it would actually make everyone's life *easier.*

But what do I know? I joined in December 2008 and haven't posted until now, which clearly makes me less informed and educated than someone with your impressive Feb. 2008 join date.

Anyway, as x10guy said, this is unlikely to happen, and I agree with him. But that doesn't mean it's a bad idea, and it certainly doesn't mean your arguments against it are valid.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 02:44 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

I enjoy the kitchens. I really do. I usually end up tweaking the kitchen to work for me. My biggest complaint? A lot of things on the kitchen list don't have explanations. Example: I'm looking at SSK's new kitchen right now. What's WM7 Titanium Project? I, too, like the variety. But I think a unified kitchen would be an awesome idea. Judging by all of the flaming I've seen in this thread, it's obvious it will never happen. I don't understand why there have to be so many. Why we can't just have plugins for the kitchens, that way we can take a little personality from each ROM and put it where we'd like it.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

[quote=jmy72;1005968]Okay, Now its time for me to put my two cents in. I am amazed that ANYONE would become a member and on their first set of posts already tell people how they should be running the show. Do you go into companies on your first day at work and look at the boss and say "I think you run this company like crap. *snip*[quote]

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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by dethcom4 View Post
you're a communist.

WOW...thats a bit much
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

The problem is (mightve been stated already, i havent read all 8 pages)... everyone wants something different.

In a perfect world, theird be one kitchen based on the newest builds and everyone would cook as they please, but we are far from perfect. Cooking takes time and not everyone has that.

Some people prefer the fast 6.1 of mighty rom 4, i like the smoothness of juicy 8, some like the flash of NRGz, etc. etc. , forcing everyone to take one rom and displace their interest is unfair. I prefer the madness of our free market rom system, it fits everyones needs.

Lastly, a unified rom would suite no ones needs as some difficult choices are made when making roms. Speed vs stability, fluidity vs battery life, these things are either or and no rom can wiggle out of this decisions without losing a bit of both. I know i want my battery life no matter what i use, but some people could care less as they are closer a charger at most times...
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

the fun is all in flashing the different ROMs and trying them out to see if they suit you personal needs, someone made a comment that some ROMs drain battery life quicker and some crash applications, well that same ROM might be just what someone else needs and they dont have the issues you do. Ive tried many a ROM out there, and kitchened up a couple myself, i dont need a standard base, i would get bored too easily. But then again some people are looking for a "perfect flash", everybody is different so good luck, im sure all the advanced chefs said the same thing, and ended up cooking their own ROM's, then decided to release them to the public for other people use. Like indagroove said, if you want stock, go stock.

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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:21 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

I like the variety of roms that all the chefs (who are willing to poor their time into) provide us out of the goodness of their hearts
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:28 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by spectheintro View Post
No, it's just becoming more and more clear that you really don't understand what we're discussing. Your analogy is completely off-base. Let me give you the correct one.

Imagine you went to buy a car, and every single one of them had a proprietary engine. You had no way of knowing its horsepower, its torque, its fuel economy, and the type of fuel it required--in fact, these metrics don't even exist, so that when you try to ask: "what's its horsepower?" the salesperson simply responds: "well, drive it and see how fast it goes." The only thing you know is that your current car is pretty crappy. The only way you can confidently evaluate the car is by opening the hood and spending an hour or more examining the engine. That is how the ROM scene is right now.

Now imagine if you went to a lot, and the sales person said: "Ok, here are cars with 100 HP, and here are cars with 150 HP." Immediately you would understand the baseline performance of the cars you were examining. Then you could actually spend time evaluating the cars based on their own merits--do you like one car's interior styling more? Do you prefer manual transmission? How's the suspension on one model vs. another? That is what I am proposing--establishing an engine standard. Because as of now when I flash a new ROM I have no idea how the *basic functionality of the phone* will be affected. I have flashed some ROMs that have reduced my battery life dramatically, or that crashed repeatedly when I opened certain apps. This is the sort of thing that could be both easily avoided and the act of avoiding it would actually make everyone's life *easier.*

But what do I know? I joined in December 2008 and haven't posted until now, which clearly makes me less informed and educated than someone with your impressive Feb. 2008 join date.

Anyway, as x10guy said, this is unlikely to happen, and I agree with him. But that doesn't mean it's a bad idea, and it certainly doesn't mean your arguments against it are valid.

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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:32 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

If this were to happen, it should happen with all of the master chefs working together to create a stable and fast base, and create a kitchen for it, and include all of each of the chef's popular roms, so everyone can have what they want, with a super stable and fast rom.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 03:39 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
Are there really two sides? I think there is a fallacy that people are against the idea. I think most people will say that the OP's first post is a nice idea. I just think that most think it isn't possible.
I am against it, and I think it's a bad idea.

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