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  #611 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
Developers at xda. The are used to run 3rd party files and programs. It's a developers certificate.
So anyone could use them to create something, sign it and if these certs were installed, it could run on the device? Guess I'll just have to be careful.

BTW - I am able to start QuickGPS now so this did improve things. Will try a download next then edit the post with results.

EDIT - Working. SDKCerts.cab --> Soft reset --> QuickGPS.cab --> Soft Reset --> Initiate internet connection --> Start QuickGPS --> Download

BTW - I found that QuickGPS will fail with the "connection failed" error almost immediately (< 1 second after you clock download) if your HKLM\Services\GPSConnService key is missing. It shouldn't be unless you removed it for some stupid reason (let's not go into how I know this). Note - the only value in that key is GPRSConnection = GPRS1, and GPRS1 doesn't appear anywhere else in the registry. I wonder if this were replaced with whatever the prefix for the CDMA data connection might be, we wouldn't have to initiate a data connection first?

Next question is how fast will I lock tomorrow (after letting the ephemeris data expire from earlier this evening before QuickGPS)...
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Last edited by FormerPalmOS; 01-06-2009 at 12:41 AM.
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  #612 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lexluthor View Post
You are great. That worked!

The program runs, but it does say valid time: expired, but I'm guessing that's ok.

When I try to download over wifi, I get a connection failed message right away. When I try to download over the evdo link, I get the same error, but after 20 seconds or so.

I don't have a great signal in my house, so maybe that's it, but I figure it would work over wifi.

It also failed over ActiveSync.

Getting close.

Any ideas?
Sometimes it wont update for me right away. I usually leave it be and try later, then it takes the update

Accepted NOT Expected
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  #613 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 12:10 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

I know, I'm so sorry, I read that those ROMs really help with the responsiveness of the phone but I couldn't find one for Bell and thought this one would work. But do you know what this roaming sign means? As I now considered as roaming, and if yes, in what part of the world? I checked before and my location is turned on, read it somewhere in the topic before. And I also run HTC GPS Tool and set it up as you said on the first page, although it goes to default every time
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  #614 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 12:14 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
Do you know how to do over the air programming with your carrier. If you do, go ahead and do that so you can be sure you are not roaming. It will still show you roaming but I assure you it will be connected to Bell Towers. The issue right now is your phone thinks it's a Verizon Phone and it's looking for a VZW PRL (Preferred Roaming List) not Bell.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to do it. Should I call them and ask? If yes I can do it tomorrow
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  #615 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 12:36 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

is there neway someone can pm me and explain to me how to get the internal gps to work fully on my verizon tp...im not trying to be lazy but ive tried and tried and tried...searched and searched but cant figure it out...ive had wm phones for a while now and are pretty familiar with them but i still cant get it...any help would be greatly appreciated
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  #616 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 12:55 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
Sometimes it wont update for me right away. I usually leave it be and try later, then it takes the update
Ok. After a reboot, I got it downloaded.

Will test it out tomorrow.

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  #617 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 08:48 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

OK I was able to install a new ROM, which seems to be compatible with my Bell provider - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...light=bell+rom
But I'm still having the roaming sign. Please anybody any suggestion how to remove it? I don't understand how come I flash to new ROM and I do a hard reset and this sign still stays there
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  #618 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 09:41 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Well, I guess I have to eat some crow. QuickGPS does indeed appear to do something. After a cold boot this morning, in the basement of a two story house in the rain, I locked 7 sats in 5 seconds with HTC GPS tool. Note - if using this with QuickGPS you should select warm start, not cold start though I haven't tried with cold start to see if it doesn't work as quickly. Cold start should (in theory) start the chip assuming no almanac or ephemeris data, warm start should assume up-to-date almanac but no ephemeris, and hot start should assume both are up-to-date.

Dimitri - you were right. Thanks to |||bored||| for digging up the developer certs to get around the security error.
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  #619 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 09:51 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by mwrood View Post
is there neway someone can pm me and explain to me how to get the internal gps to work fully on my verizon tp...im not trying to be lazy but ive tried and tried and tried...searched and searched but cant figure it out...ive had wm phones for a while now and are pretty familiar with them but i still cant get it...any help would be greatly appreciated

Did you follow the directions on Post #1?

Make sure you are outside in an area where there are few tall buildings and just let the HTC GPS tool run. I found that getting the first lock would sometimes take 5 minutes but once I got the lock, everything worked well.

There is also the option of trying Quick GPS which is posted by |||bored||| in post # 598.

Now that I use QuickGPS along with the HTC GPS tool, my locks are much quicker and more consistent (between 5 and 9 sats within 30 seconds).

Hope this helps

Last edited by RONMAC; 01-06-2009 at 10:01 AM.
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  #620 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2009, 11:39 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by planoleg View Post
OK I was able to install a new ROM, which seems to be compatible with my Bell provider - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...light=bell+rom
But I'm still having the roaming sign. Please anybody any suggestion how to remove it? I don't understand how come I flash to new ROM and I do a hard reset and this sign still stays there
You need to do over the air programming. I'm not sure how that's done with bell.

One question though, did my fix unlock the GPS on your device?
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