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  #541 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

I'm hoping to make it a selectable integration within the kitchen...ofcourse his ROM will most likely have it cooked in....people say my fix works on the verizoned sprint tp but there will be a roaming indicator... I'm not sure why that really dont make sense to me....the device is programmed for vzw....I would think it would actually help having my PRI but so far that's not what I hear...I wish I had a sprint tp to mess with....

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  #542 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 10:02 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

well, i will be trying out Scott's latest and since the fix is cooked in, i guess we will see... Ya, i agree that if you have a custom pri, then when you update the prl there should be no roaming indicator... anyway, i'll let you know once i try it... fyi, when i converted my sprint over to the verizon network i had the roaming indicator like everyone else... what fixed it was applying the custom prl modified for the sprint pri that "BroMarduk" created...


so that being said, since you have a custom verion pri in your fix then all should be well and when i update there should be no roaming indicator... at least thats what i think should happen... maybe the people using you fix also used the custom prl and need to get back to the stock version...thanks again for all your work

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  #543 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 11:42 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

a stock vzw device wont show a roaming indicator once you apply the fix then program via *228.....on the sprint device they are getting the indicator isn't showing because the PRL they published has the indicator disabled or the PRL renamed to a sprint #... i've seen it done both ways
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  #544 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 10:48 PM
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Thumbs up Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

I bought the TP just a few days ago from Verizon. I left the Verizon store with the impression that I could just run Google Maps and a Pocket PC version of Delorme's Street Atlas USA on it.

Only after a couple of days fiddling with the settings did I discover that the GPS was disabled by Verizon.

I got up this morning with the intention of returning to the store and making a big ruckus while returning the phone.

At the last minute I Googled the phone and found this site.

God bless you all and especially Bored. You may have saved a saleperson's life and kept me out of jail.

All I had to do was install the GPS fix v.2 and HTC gps utility and everything thing is flawless. The banner still says Verizon and the EV indicator is still there.

I'm going to reinstall Street Atlas USA and start a thread on how well this works with the Delorme GIS products I've been using for years with my old IPAQ and gps card.

Thanks again (yes , I clicked the button)
Looking forward to v3 with aGPS.

Last edited by Major Problem; 01-03-2009 at 10:53 PM.
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  #545 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 11:34 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

I know there was some discussion about QuickGPS earlier in this thread.

I live in Brooklyn NY and have had run into some major problems getting the GPS to work in under 5 minutes. I was using HTC GPS Tool and it was taking forever to get locks on any sats. I espescailly was unable to get any locks while in my apartment.

I have been running scrolsers Version 3.0 VZNAV |||bored||| edition and he has cooked QUickGPS into the ROM. I launched and let it update. Afterwards, I ran the HTC GPS Tool and I was able to lock on 7-9 sats within 90 seconds in my apartment.

I am wondering if there is anyone else in the city that can confirm that QuickGPS works for them like it did for me?
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  #546 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 11:36 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by RONMAC View Post
I know there was some discussion about QuickGPS earlier in this thread.

I live in Brooklyn NY and have had run into some major problems getting the GPS to work in under 5 minutes. I was using HTC GPS Tool and it was taking forever to get locks on any sats. I espescailly was unable to get any locks while in my apartment.

I have been running scrolsers Version 3.0 VZNAV |||bored||| edition and he has cooked QUickGPS into the ROM. I launched and let it update. Afterwards, I ran the HTC GPS Tool and I was able to lock on 7-9 sats within 90 seconds in my apartment.

I am wondering if there is anyone else in the city that can confirm that QuickGPS works for them like it did for me?
Damn, that is good then! I never thought it did any thing but cooked it in on Bored advice.

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  #547 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 11:40 PM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by RONMAC View Post
I know there was some discussion about QuickGPS earlier in this thread.

I live in Brooklyn NY and have had run into some major problems getting the GPS to work in under 5 minutes. I was using HTC GPS Tool and it was taking forever to get locks on any sats. I espescailly was unable to get any locks while in my apartment.

I have been running scrolsers Version 3.0 VZNAV |||bored||| edition and he has cooked QUickGPS into the ROM. I launched and let it update. Afterwards, I ran the HTC GPS Tool and I was able to lock on 7-9 sats within 90 seconds in my apartment.

I am wondering if there is anyone else in the city that can confirm that QuickGPS works for them like it did for me?
People will argue it but.... QGPS is valuable to me
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  #548 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 12:20 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
People will argue it but.... QGPS is valuable to me
Thats all I need to hear. Who is to argue with the GPS expert
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  #549 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 04:21 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

im still having trouble. i have a fresh rom, i used the fix, and then ppst in windows and it still doesn't work now my windows live won't work either...

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  #550 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 10:40 AM
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Re: 12/25/08 Verizon GPS Fix v2.0

Is location turned on?
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