Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I received the replacement. Build date of 2/15/09 versus the 1/29/09 that I had. The only thing that feels different is the slider on the phone actually feels more solid, and the power button feels a little better. Then again, that could just be from the month or so of use the other took. No rainbows as of yet, although I love the feeling of doing a complete fresh install of the cabs I decided to keep (( I realized backgrounds on every page isnt for me, it just kills certain screens abillity to be read like the text message tab, although a color swap would be fantastic ))
Anyway, Sprint had me send back just the phone, they let me keep the battery, so now I have two stock batteries, and the 1500 Seidio that I use. I actually never have to swap through the day as I am a moderate user, so I make it home on one charge. I also have duplicates of all the accessories it came with. Surprisingly they had me send it back in a little envelope with a small layer of bubble wrap, and had the nerve to write in the instructions that I could get charged if the phone arrives to them and is unrepairable. Well if that thing gets destroyed in transit I wouldnt be surprised. Anyway, all in all, a great experience with what used to be a tough company to deal with. Used to really hate talking and working with Sprint. So far, my only complaint is that I get dropped calls again, Verizon never had a drop. But then again I pay only $108 bucks a month for 2 phones with unlimited internet, text, tv, navigator, nights an weekends starting at 7, and 1500 shared minutes. Verizon had me paying 180 or so ( with no Nav, and tv only on one ). Anyway Im off topic, no rainbows on the phone, I will definitely keep an eye out tho. |
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
My 2nd phone's build date was 2/23/09 & it developed the rainbow in about 5 days. Still under 30 day return so trying to decide if I want to gamble on getting another one with the same problem. For those that received new phones I am curious to see if they develop the rainbow. If not, I may just call for a replacement before my 30 days are up.
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
Honestly bringing all my info over wasnt too bad, so if I keep getting rainbows I am definitely going to get a new phone. Have to send HTC the message that this is NOT acceptable on a phone whether it is touch screen or not. Just cant let this sort of design flaw be considered passable.
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I just noticed mine today too. The build date on my phone is Jan 15, 2009.
I think I a couple of days shy of the 30 days. I was wonder if it's worth getting the phone replaced. I think mine happened after I was on the phone for a while. I noticed the phone was getting pretty hot. While I was on the phone, I had it propped on my shoulder against my face. I didn't think the pressure was much. I did put a crap load of smudges from my oily face. I was thinking it's from the combination of heat plus prolonged pressure. Maybe the the amount of force, but the constant pressure. Anyway, I noticed it today at work under the light. Also, are you guys going through the self service page on Sprint.com, calling, or the store to get this replaced? Also, what are you saying to get it replaced besides the rainbow/oil slick? Thank you. |
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
This is a bummer. I got my first vzw TP the very day it was made available to verizon (corporate purchase). within 2-3 weeks it had the rainbow blob. within 4-5 weeks the top layer of the screen began to detach and air was seeping in under the screen. by 6 weeks the touch screen stopped responding one morning and the only way to get it to work was to put a piece of tape on the screen and pull out slightly.
I got my replacement and ive had it for 3 weeks. the rainbow blob showed up days after the 1st week. Now the air is seeping in under the screen again...and in the same spot. its comes in at the edge right by the volume buttons. FYI both screens is were black, not gold and tan (or whatever) on my first TP i had put on a screen protector before i ever turned on the phone. the second TP has never had a protector I baby these things. I work in DTS and it goes from leather pouch to cradle, haven't dropped either of them. It appears to be 2 different symptoms of the same thing. first the middle gets the blob, and then the edge of the screen starts to pull apart. its like the outer layer isnt fastened/adhered on well enough. Ive called verizon and went out to a store this time around. I went to the store to physically show them the issue so they could note my account that i would be calling within 2 weeks when this thing stops responding to demand another. And i called tech support to issue an official defect report (which they did) The weird thing is, my buddy got a sprint diamond 2 weeks before I got my first TP which he carries in his pocket and just tosses around, and his diamond is still going great. |
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
Its the goddamn white spot all over again I had 6 moguls with the white spot!! F***ING HTC, I got the damn oil slick now... This is my 3rd TP and I got it... I am jumping ship and getting a Pre once its out. I am done with htc phones. I cant beleve a company would release such a frail POS and then charge people $500 for it. Then Asurion bumps up the TEP $$ knowing that the phones wont last through the year waranty.
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I received my return by calling Customer Service *2. I didnt lie or embelish anything, I let them know that I have visible rainbows forming on the screen, and that I read it will lead to screen malfunctions, not to mention it is ruining the viewing of my screen. The one I received as a replacement honestly feels a little more solid. The power and volume buttons dont feel as loose. The screen slider feels a little more stiff. The whole thing just feels tighter. I am hoping that what I am feeling is some sort of seal they added to make the phone not retain moisture or some sort of repair that wont cause the screen to leak or whatever this actually is.
My new question is, is there anyone out there who HASNT received rainbows?? I would like to hear a few cases of people who have had their phone for a while now without defect, and would also be reassured by it. Also, has anyone has a drop or two of water land on it by carrying it in the rain?? Does this cause it?? Overall I am a little displeased with the delicacy of this device. I always baby my items, but I feel like I have a phone that I have to be very careful with. I shouldnt be afraid to touch a touch screen. I had an Apache for 2 years and aside from being a sluggish device, it had 0 defects and I even sold it after 2 years for $300 bucks on ebay!! This device if it keeps up the being as delicate as it is I cant see being worth more then $50 down the road... If it even lasts the 2 years I am hoping for... Come on HTC, step it up a little will ya?? Anyway, great device, just too delicate for a Pocket PC as they often get heavy use. Clearly this is a light use PPC. |
Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
Bill, let us know if your new phone develops the rainbow. I still have 2 more weeks to decided to return my 2nd phone under the 30 days. My current phone developed it in about 5 days, so you'll soon find out if they fixed the issue. I hope this isn't a problem with all the phones because I would like to only get 1 more replacement without issues and not have to call again for a 4th. I agree the phone needs to be better built. This is the 1st time I've ever even called to replace 1 phone, let alone possibly getting a 3rd. I had a vogue before this with zero problems. I've been with Sprint for over 11 years & although these multiple replacements are annoying, as long as they don't give my a hard time about doing it I suppose it's not terrible.