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Old 03-18-2009, 04:58 PM
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YL Groper
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Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle

This is a bummer. I got my first vzw TP the very day it was made available to verizon (corporate purchase). within 2-3 weeks it had the rainbow blob. within 4-5 weeks the top layer of the screen began to detach and air was seeping in under the screen. by 6 weeks the touch screen stopped responding one morning and the only way to get it to work was to put a piece of tape on the screen and pull out slightly.

I got my replacement and ive had it for 3 weeks. the rainbow blob showed up days after the 1st week. Now the air is seeping in under the screen again...and in the same spot. its comes in at the edge right by the volume buttons.


both screens is were black, not gold and tan (or whatever)

on my first TP i had put on a screen protector before i ever turned on the phone. the second TP has never had a protector

I baby these things. I work in DTS and it goes from leather pouch to cradle, haven't dropped either of them.

It appears to be 2 different symptoms of the same thing. first the middle gets the blob, and then the edge of the screen starts to pull apart. its like the outer layer isnt fastened/adhered on well enough.

Ive called verizon and went out to a store this time around. I went to the store to physically show them the issue so they could note my account that i would be calling within 2 weeks when this thing stops responding to demand another. And i called tech support to issue an official defect report (which they did)

The weird thing is, my buddy got a sprint diamond 2 weeks before I got my first TP which he carries in his pocket and just tosses around, and his diamond is still going great.
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