Re: UPDATE:Rainbow looking circle
I received my return by calling Customer Service *2. I didnt lie or embelish anything, I let them know that I have visible rainbows forming on the screen, and that I read it will lead to screen malfunctions, not to mention it is ruining the viewing of my screen. The one I received as a replacement honestly feels a little more solid. The power and volume buttons dont feel as loose. The screen slider feels a little more stiff. The whole thing just feels tighter. I am hoping that what I am feeling is some sort of seal they added to make the phone not retain moisture or some sort of repair that wont cause the screen to leak or whatever this actually is.
My new question is, is there anyone out there who HASNT received rainbows?? I would like to hear a few cases of people who have had their phone for a while now without defect, and would also be reassured by it. Also, has anyone has a drop or two of water land on it by carrying it in the rain?? Does this cause it??
Overall I am a little displeased with the delicacy of this device. I always baby my items, but I feel like I have a phone that I have to be very careful with. I shouldnt be afraid to touch a touch screen. I had an Apache for 2 years and aside from being a sluggish device, it had 0 defects and I even sold it after 2 years for $300 bucks on ebay!! This device if it keeps up the being as delicate as it is I cant see being worth more then $50 down the road... If it even lasts the 2 years I am hoping for...
Come on HTC, step it up a little will ya??
Anyway, great device, just too delicate for a Pocket PC as they often get heavy use. Clearly this is a light use PPC.