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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 01:50 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

Originally Posted by Insoc View Post
So you have been told what to do, what are you going to do, and WHY did you not act sooner? You should have returned the phone for a full refund if you were going to have problems with BB after your 30 days were up.

You might want to get your credit card company involved if BB won't fix your problem. Try a different BB, or a BB Mobile, I have had no problems exchanging phones with them, three so far, and they have been VERY helpful.

Sorry, but I still feel like you fell asleep at the wheel, and want to blame everyone but yourself...

p.s. I wish the damn chrome was metal like on the GSM phones, not damn plastic...
Originally Posted by IFMISM View Post
that is exactly what I was thinking about the touch pro being on back order and most of the stores aren't getting them any time soon. I must agree with the previous poster about dropping the ball. if I had that many problems from a third party purchase I would have returned it within the a lotted time simply because they cannot see the notes on your acct. good luck. if you press bb they will cave.
I don't understand how I "dropped the ball" on this when I called bb a few times a week to see if they had any in stock and they didn't til today, I also spoke with Sprint about this and they told me wait til bb gets them in stock and they would put a note on my account. Yes I could have taken it back for a refund but then I would have had no phone or a phone I didn't want. Yes I could have went to bb and talked to the manager but like i have repeatedly said I live a hour away from bb and work almost every day of the week. I don't see what else I could have done but that is in the past now I am simply trying to figure out what to do now.

The guy from bb said if I go to bb and talk to the manager he may be able to call sprint and see if the note is on my account. People have suggested other options so I am simply trying to weigh my options and not ignoring anyones suggestions.

Originally Posted by moneymike6800 View Post
xjdogx. I have inside people with sprint and it is noted with all repair centers that the crome defect is on all tp phones until further notice. If you go to a repair center no matter if it is 3rd party or sprint you will still be on back order. that is what my people showed me on the sprint repair screen today. so if i was you i would cancel bb and keep my tep as they will insure anything that happens to your phone even if you dont have it anymore. I saw that bb had the tp in stock and had to have it. I used my bbrz card to get 20% off of the tp. dropped it 1 week later. had my people order me another one and just returned the tp to bb for the full price.
Originally Posted by moneymike6800 View Post
So even if you dont have any insurance on the phone you will be insured with sprint on this defect.. fyi. go to sprint
I did not know this. I read the thread on this forum a few weeks ago and it had a range of esns and mine did not fall in that range so I thought mine wouldn't be covered. I'll have to call the sprint store tommorow to see what can do (hopefully they can swap it with no $50 charge). So do I have to go to a repair center or just a sprint store (sprint store is half hour drive, there probibly isn't a repair center within 2 hours).
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 02:52 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

WOW jdogg, I hope not everything in your life is made to be as complicated as this. OK, lets get this figured out. We know BB isn't very willing to help you out.
Go to http://storelocator.sprint.com/SL2/Default.aspx enter your zip code, that will show you all the Sprint stores with and without repair centers as well as some (not sure if all) indirect stores some of which have repair centers. You may be surprised that you have a store closer than you think.

Before you go, try giving them a call. Briefly explain the situation and find out how (not if) they are able to help you. I say how, because the worst they will do for you is make you use your insurance to order a replacement phone. Your best bet might to go with an exchange based on the chrome problem. If they don't know about, have them look in their system that they apparently have (based on information i've seen on here) to check for the Pro chrome issue. If that doesn't work, have them pull up your account (don't know if they'll do this over the phone), if the notes are on there as you say, they should be able to see it. If none of that works, go for the insurance exchange and have them order you one. I'd insist on getting a new one though, since its a new device I wouldn't settle for a refurb. Once you've confirmed that they will exchange it for you, get the name of the person you spoke to. Then go to the store to do what you gotta do so you don't waste a trip there for nothing.

Now, keep in mind, if they are backordered, there is nothing at store level that can be done about this. They will get them when they get them. I know thats frustrating, but it is what it is. Make sure they take your information and call you once your phone arrives. I would think this should take care of it, but if that doesn't and they can't help you and you don't want to contact another store, call customer service. Escalate the issue to retentions if you have to. I hate to suggest that as that seems to be the way for some people to see how much they can get for free from Sprint, but it sounds like you have legitimate problem (even though I think you should have been a little more proactive getting BB to do something within the first 30 days). Between the store level and customer service/retentions, I'd be willing to bet you'll get this issue resolved fairly simply.

Good luck!!!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 03:52 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

Originally Posted by CaliforniaPlaya View Post
WOW jdogg, I hope not everything in your life is made to be as complicated as this. OK, lets get this figured out. We know BB isn't very willing to help you out.
Go to http://storelocator.sprint.com/SL2/Default.aspx enter your zip code, that will show you all the Sprint stores with and without repair centers as well as some (not sure if all) indirect stores some of which have repair centers. You may be surprised that you have a store closer than you think.
Closest repair store is 60+ miles away. I will call the closest Sprint store tomorrow even though last time I called them (about a week ago) they didn't answer the phone all day (I was calling about a replacement they were supposed to get me a week earlier and call me back about which they never did, forgot to mention this on the OP). Hopefully this time someone will answer the phone.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 04:01 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

Work everyday, but stores are open later then working hours and have weekends off, phone costs lots of money, live in the middle of nowhere, phone calls don't work...

Email Ecare, call Sprint Telesales. Tell BB that you are returning your phone because you can't wait for a replacement anymore, yeah you are past your 30 days, but they never (so you say) had stock. Do something, you had 30 days to do something before but you lost that. Don't wait till the last minute and then expect everyone to jump at your whim.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 04:05 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

Originally Posted by xxxjdoggxxx View Post
Closest repair store is 60+ miles away. I will call the closest Sprint store tomorrow even though last time I called them (about a week ago) they didn't answer the phone all day (I was calling about a replacement they were supposed to get me a week earlier and call me back about which they never did, forgot to mention this on the OP). Hopefully this time someone will answer the phone.
Don't know if I'd be willing to travel that far either, but then again being in NorCal, I'm lucky to have a dozen Sprint stores, some more indirects and several BB within 30 miles. Like I said, if that doesn't work or you want to try to do it without going to a store, call customer service and see what they'll do for you. You can also do an insurance claim over the phone or online (I think), but you might end up having to pay the deductable that way.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 07:38 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

I don't know if I would do an insurance claim due to just about everyone who had a pro has received a diamond as a replacement. if bb is not willing to help then the sprint store is your best bet. the only reason some ppl feel as though you dropped the ball is because you are now going through a lot more trying to get another phone after the 30 day period than you would if you had taken the phone back sooner. now you still have to drive atleast 40 mins out of your way to get it done. anyway that is my 2 cents. good luck. hopefully you don't have to go thru much more getting it replaced
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
Cancel your Worst-Buy insurance...
+1 on cancelling that crappy Best Buy plan. If you have TEP on your Sprint account...use it....its worth paying 50 bux rather than deal with Best Buy.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 10:44 AM
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Re: Best Buy sucks - anyone else have this problem?

i tried to stay out of this because the op started a thread like this last week.the advice has not changed.for the 50th time,return your phone to worst buy and go to the sprint store.there is no reason to keep posting about how far it is 1 way,if you want a good phone you will make that drive period.good luck if you still are going to make the drive your sticking point.
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