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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

This SUCKS. I am now in the worse mood ever. I have tried everything that everyone has posted in this forum. Calling telesales, calling customer care, calling SERO, calling retentions. Retentions says they don't have the phone available to order, that I have to order through telesales. Telesales won't give me any deal besides my $75 off (still making the phone over $500). Retentions says they'll "note" my account that I should get an additional $100 credit, but that it's up to telesales whether or not they want to honor that. Then, telesales tells me they can't view notes, only customer care can. URGHHHH. I have been on the phone with Sprint for over an hour, and I'm SOOO frustrated. How did you people get these sweet dates?!?
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:14 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

Originally Posted by SBatL8y View Post
This SUCKS. I am now in the worse mood ever. I have tried everything that everyone has posted in this forum. Calling telesales, calling customer care, calling SERO, calling retentions. Retentions says they don't have the phone available to order, that I have to order through telesales. Telesales won't give me any deal besides my $75 off (still making the phone over $500). Retentions says they'll "note" my account that I should get an additional $100 credit, but that it's up to telesales whether or not they want to honor that. Then, telesales tells me they can't view notes, only customer care can. URGHHHH. I have been on the phone with Sprint for over an hour, and I'm SOOO frustrated. How did you people get these sweet dates?!?
as long as they noted in your account your $100 credit. all you have to do is order thru telesales. when you receive your phone, call or email e-care about the $100 credit, they will see that in your notes and then credit you.
i paid 504.99+ tax, with a $150 credit waiting for me when i receive my fone.
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:15 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

Just checked and I have a tracking number now at http://www.sprint.com/myorder

Last edited by tsowen; 10-30-2008 at 04:19 PM.
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

My account was also updated and I rec'd an email with a ups tracking number...
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

Ordered my phone at 7:50MTN time... still no updates for me.
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

still no tracking number....
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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

Originally Posted by xunknownx View Post
as long as they noted in your account your $100 credit. all you have to do is order thru telesales. when you receive your phone, call or email e-care about the $100 credit, they will see that in your notes and then credit you.
i paid 504.99+ tax, with a $150 credit waiting for me when i receive my fone.
So the phone is $579.99 retail. Then, with my $75 instant credit I have right now, that makes it $504.99. So I have to pay that to order the phone? Then cross my fingers that they'll honor the $100 credit making it $404.99? That's still more than I want to pay. I want this $150 credit and $100 MIR that people are getting who just started accounts in January of 08! How did you get a $150 credit?
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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

i should detail that my order time was 7:10 Central. I think I was the second person on this board to post that they ordered...
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

Ordered mine today from telesales for $439 shipped (was eligible for $150 upgrade, waived esn transfer fee and shipping). They told me I didn't qualify for the $100 mail in rebate because my data plan wasn't $25 or more. I finished the transaction, and then called retentions who transferred me to telesales escalations who ended up giving me a $100 valued customer credit towards a new phone.

I logged into my account which had a $106 balance and noticed that my balance is now -$427 (credit of $427). I thought this was obviously a mistake since I ordered the phone on my credit card for $439. Can someone please explain how this could have happened? the $427 credit is showing up as a credit payment.

You think I should call Sprint?
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 04:26 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales

Originally Posted by SBatL8y View Post
So the phone is $579.99 retail. Then, with my $75 instant credit I have right now, that makes it $504.99. So I have to pay that to order the phone? Then cross my fingers that they'll honor the $100 credit making it $404.99? That's still more than I want to pay. I want this $150 credit and $100 MIR that people are getting who just started accounts in January of 08! How did you get a $150 credit?

i complained about my mogul and they offered me $75 credit, then they called me and i complained some more, and offered an additional $75 credit. you can try to see if you can get the MIR and $150 instant rebate, but i think sprint will have to change your eligibility date. good luck with that! in order to ensure that they will honor your $100 credit, have them note it in your account AND send you an email stating that you guys have spoke on the phone and they will credit you $100. make sure you have it in writting, when you receive your phone, just reply to the email and they will credit you.
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